When running input() (or raw_input() for Python 2) while tab-completion has been enabled using `readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')`, pressing the tab key twice display the message `Display all X possibilities? (y or n)` when there are more than 100 remaining possibilities (default value). However, I am not asked any input to answer the question, and readline then proceeds to display all possibilities.
Steps to reproduce:
* run the following code: `__import__('readline').parse_and_bind('tab:complete');input()"`
* press tab twice
If your current directory has more than 100 files, the message `Display all X possibilities? (y or n)` should show, following by a list of the files.
The bug still shows up with:
* rlcompleter or custom completer
* versions 2.7.3, 2.7.8, 3.2.3 and 3.4.2
* bash or zsh
* tty, screen, ssh+screen, xterm, urxvt, gnome-terminal
* command-line flags -S (no `site` module), -u (unbuffered) or -Su
* being run as script, as `-c` command-line argument, or in the interactive interpreter
* `import readline;readline.` or `from readline import *` in stead of `__import__('readline').`
On the other hand, the C program "#include <readline/readline.h>", "main(){readline(0);}" behaves as expected: after the message is displayed, user input is waited for and typing "y" lists the possibilities, "n" resumes the line editing, and anything else is ignored.