msg193429 - (view) |
Author: (icedream91) |
Date: 2013-07-21 09:46 |
When I ran code below, it printed -1. The question is, the code in variable snippet, has wrong syntax, it can't be run. I think timeit should return only non-negative float type.
from timeit import timeit
for i in range(10):
return -1
msg193432 - (view) |
Author: Ramchandra Apte (Ramchandra Apte) * |
Date: 2013-07-21 09:59 |
Well, not sure if this is worth fixing, I think this is because timeit runs a modified version of the code using exec(), with the actual code to be timed within a function. (timeit runs something like this with exec():
def actual_code():
#The real code
for i in range(10): return -1
<some other code>
msg193451 - (view) |
Author: R. David Murray (r.david.murray) *  |
Date: 2013-07-21 14:19 |
I'm inclined to agree with Ramchandra. It might be worth a doc footnote, though.
msg193473 - (view) |
Author: Raymond Hettinger (rhettinger) *  |
Date: 2013-07-21 23:31 |
Agreed this should be closed as "won't fix".
msg193483 - (view) |
Author: R. David Murray (r.david.murray) *  |
Date: 2013-07-22 02:20 |
Rather than closing it, we converted it to a documentation issue. I think it is worth a footnote in the docs, since it is not obvious (without reading the source code) that a return statement will cause timeit to return an invalid result instead of raising a syntax error.
msg193487 - (view) |
Author: Raymond Hettinger (rhettinger) *  |
Date: 2013-07-22 02:37 |
Go ahead and add a footnote, but do consider that such footnotes are mostly just clutter. It doesn't help someone at the moment there is an invalid return value -- instead it just makes it so that afterward someone can say that it is documented.
msg216108 - (view) |
Author: jonathan ferretti (jonathan.ferretti) * |
Date: 2014-04-14 16:49 |
Added note to timeit function briefly explaining how to avoid it the issue and the cause
msg216129 - (view) |
Author: Roundup Robot (python-dev)  |
Date: 2014-04-14 17:40 |
New changeset 7e2708484ea5 by Andrew Kuchling in branch '3.4':
#18518: mention that including a return statement changes/breaks the behaviour
msg216136 - (view) |
Author: R. David Murray (r.david.murray) *  |
Date: 2014-04-14 17:54 |
The suggestion was to make this a footnote, not a note. Also, it should probably say that the stmt is executed inside a function, meaning that instead of being a syntax error it changes the return value of the internal timeit function.
I understand Raymond's desire not to clutter the docs, but I consider the footnote worth it, not to pre-inform the user, but to let them know that it is not a bug if they check the docs *after* things don't work right. It may be naive of me to think that they would do so.
msg216140 - (view) |
Author: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling) *  |
Date: 2014-04-14 18:00 |
I dislike footnotes and prefer to put things in the text whenever possible. The text for this change struck as relevant enough -- it notes a property of the *stmt* parameter -- that it doesn't belong in a footnote. (I'd be happy to just make it a paragraph instead of a highlighted note: I dislike notes too!)
msg216141 - (view) |
Author: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling) *  |
Date: 2014-04-14 18:01 |
BTW, this change is also relevant to 2.7. Previously I wouldn't have bothered to commit it to 2.7 since the branch was largely closed, but now we're talking about some corporate maintainer eventually going through and backporting fixes to the newly-extended 2.7 branch. So should I go ahead and apply it to 2.7?
msg216198 - (view) |
Author: R. David Murray (r.david.murray) *  |
Date: 2014-04-14 20:19 |
OK, if you think it is worthwhile in the text, then sure. But yeah, not as a ..note. And yes, I think we should keep backporting relevant doc patches. Especially since Google results still land one on the 2.7 docs...
msg233264 - (view) |
Author: Serhiy Storchaka (serhiy.storchaka) *  |
Date: 2014-12-31 18:16 |
May be add a guard against statements which can confuse timeit? These are not only "return", but "yield", and "break" and "continue" outside of a loop. Proposed patch checks that testing code can be compiled outside of a function.
msg234235 - (view) |
Author: Serhiy Storchaka (serhiy.storchaka) *  |
Date: 2015-01-18 10:01 |
If there are no objections I'm going to commit the patch.
msg234729 - (view) |
Author: Roundup Robot (python-dev)  |
Date: 2015-01-26 10:15 |
New changeset e8db1cbe416b by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #18518: timeit now rejects statements which can't be compiled outside
New changeset a5769fa55791 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.4':
Issue #18518: timeit now rejects statements which can't be compiled outside
New changeset b0a686260b5d by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #18518: timeit now rejects statements which can't be compiled outside
msg234732 - (view) |
Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) *  |
Date: 2015-01-26 10:54 |
Buildbots are unhappy. Example:
1 test failed:
Re-running test 'test_timeit' in verbose mode
test test_timeit crashed -- <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named support
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./Lib/test/", line 901, in runtest_inner
File "/usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build/Lib/test/", line 8, in <module>
from import run_unittest
ImportError: No module named support
[44296 refs]
*** Error code 1
msg234733 - (view) |
Author: Serhiy Storchaka (serhiy.storchaka) *  |
Date: 2015-01-26 11:13 |
Already fixed in 617c226da195. Needs time for buildbots to rerun tests. I didn't noticed error when backported tests because there was local file in my workspace.
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2022-04-11 14:57:48 | admin | set | github: 62718 |
2015-01-27 08:56:11 | serhiy.storchaka | set | status: open -> closed resolution: fixed stage: patch review -> resolved |
2015-01-26 11:13:11 | serhiy.storchaka | set | messages:
+ msg234733 |
2015-01-26 10:54:57 | vstinner | set | nosy:
+ vstinner messages:
+ msg234732
2015-01-26 10:15:36 | python-dev | set | messages:
+ msg234729 |
2015-01-18 10:01:45 | serhiy.storchaka | set | assignee: serhiy.storchaka messages:
+ msg234235 |
2014-12-31 18:16:57 | serhiy.storchaka | set | files:
+ timeit_reject_invalid_statements.patch
assignee: docs@python -> (no value) components:
+ Library (Lib), - Documentation versions:
+ Python 3.5, - Python 3.3 nosy:
+ serhiy.storchaka
+ msg233264 stage: patch review |
2014-12-31 16:25:20 | akuchling | set | nosy:
- akuchling
2014-04-14 20:19:23 | r.david.murray | set | messages:
+ msg216198 |
2014-04-14 18:01:13 | akuchling | set | messages:
+ msg216141 |
2014-04-14 18:00:56 | akuchling | set | nosy:
+ akuchling messages:
+ msg216140
2014-04-14 17:54:39 | r.david.murray | set | messages:
+ msg216136 |
2014-04-14 17:40:06 | python-dev | set | nosy:
+ python-dev messages:
+ msg216129
2014-04-14 16:49:34 | jonathan.ferretti | set | files:
+ timeit.patch
+ jonathan.ferretti messages:
+ msg216108
+ patch type: enhancement -> behavior |
2013-07-22 02:37:33 | rhettinger | set | messages:
+ msg193487 |
2013-07-22 02:20:04 | r.david.murray | set | status: closed -> open resolution: wont fix -> (no value) messages:
+ msg193483
2013-07-21 23:31:48 | rhettinger | set | status: open -> closed
+ rhettinger messages:
+ msg193473
resolution: wont fix |
2013-07-21 17:16:19 | serhiy.storchaka | set | versions:
+ Python 2.7, Python 3.4 nosy:
+ docs@python
assignee: docs@python components:
+ Documentation, - Library (Lib) type: behavior -> enhancement |
2013-07-21 14:19:31 | r.david.murray | set | nosy:
+ r.david.murray messages:
+ msg193451
2013-07-21 10:01:28 | Ramchandra Apte | set | title: return-ing within timeit.timeit causes wrong return value of timeit.timeit -> return-ing within code timed with timeit.timeit causes wrong return value of timeit.timeit |
2013-07-21 10:00:58 | Ramchandra Apte | set | title: timeit bug? -> return-ing within timeit.timeit causes wrong return value of timeit.timeit |
2013-07-21 09:59:43 | Ramchandra Apte | set | nosy:
+ Ramchandra Apte messages:
+ msg193432
2013-07-21 09:46:59 | icedream91 | create | |