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Title: Tarfile fails to fully extract tar.bz2/tar.gz package
Type: behavior Stage:
Components: Library (Lib) Versions: Python 2.5
Status: closed Resolution: not a bug
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: donmez
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2008-01-01 22:55 by donmez, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (2)
msg59077 - (view) Author: Ismail Donmez (donmez) * Date: 2008-01-01 22:55
Running python 2.5 maintainance branch,

Test code is :

import tarfile

f = file(r"nss-3.12_alpha2.tar.bz2", "rb")
tar =, mode="r|bz2")
        for m in tar:

You can get the file from .

When the script finishes it only creates mozilla/security/nss directory,
if you extract with tar you will see that it also creates
mozilla/security/coreconf directory.

Tarfile created with 1.19 on Linux i686. I can reproduce the same
problem with tar.gz version of the same file.
msg59078 - (view) Author: Ismail Donmez (donmez) * Date: 2008-01-01 23:02
Argh stupid me, this is due a patch on my side, grr. ı am really sorry.
Please close as invalid :(
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:56:29adminsetgithub: 46059
2008-01-02 00:46:33gvanrossumsetstatus: open -> closed
resolution: not a bug
2008-01-01 23:02:59donmezsetmessages: + msg59078
2008-01-01 22:56:37donmezsettype: behavior
2008-01-01 22:55:35donmezcreate