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Title: HPUX: Unable to fork() in thread
Type: behavior Stage: resolved
Components: Tests Versions: Python 2.7
Status: closed Resolution: out of date
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: michael-o, trent
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2012-11-22 22:18 by skrah, last changed 2022-04-11 14:57 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (4)
msg176132 - (view) Author: Stefan Krah (skrah) * (Python committer) Date: 2012-11-22 22:18
There's an error on the HPUX-IA64 buildbot that might be due to
some kernel limits. Trent, could you check if the following helps
(requires root)?

test_forkinthread (test.test_thread.TestForkInThread) ... Fatal Python error: Invalid thread state for this thread
test test_thread failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/cpython/buildslave/2.7.snakebite-hpux11iv3-ia64-1/build/Lib/test/", line 1265, in decorator
    return func(*args)
  File "/home/cpython/buildslave/2.7.snakebite-hpux11iv3-ia64-1/build/Lib/test/", line 246, in test_forkinthread
    "Unable to fork() in thread")
AssertionError: Unable to fork() in thread
msg176281 - (view) Author: Trent Nelson (trent) * (Python committer) Date: 2012-11-24 11:25
On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 02:18:32PM -0800, Stefan Krah wrote:
> New submission from Stefan Krah:
> There's an error on the HPUX-IA64 buildbot that might be due to
> some kernel limits. Trent, could you check if the following helps
> (requires root)?

    Hmmm, there doesn't appear to be anything interesting in syslog.log.
    I'll look into it.
msg218540 - (view) Author: Stefan Krah (skrah) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-05-14 15:10
Since this is 2.7 and an exotic system, I'm removing myself from the nosy list.
msg323778 - (view) Author: Michael Osipov (michael-o) * Date: 2018-08-20 08:15
Runs perfectly:
== CPython 3.8.0a0 (heads/bpo-34412:f1331c0e83, Aug 20 2018, 10:14:16) [C]
== HP-UX-B.11.31-ia64-32bit-ELF big-endian
== cwd: /var/osipovmi/cpython/build/test_python_22868
== CPU count: 4
== encodings: locale=utf8, FS=utf-8
Using random seed 4813536
Run tests in parallel using 6 child processes
0:00:02 [1/1] test_thread passed
test_barrier (test.test_thread.BarrierTest) ... waiting for tasks to end
task 0 will run for 0us
task 0 entering 0
task 1 will run for 12us
task 2 will run for 61us
task 3 will run for 31us
task 4 will run for 17us
task 7 will run for 9us
task 6 will run for 77us
task 8 will run for 95us
task 9 will run for 43us
task 5 will run for 48us
task 1 entering 0
task 2 entering 0
task 3 entering 0
task 4 entering 0
task 5 entering 0
task 7 entering 0
task 6 entering 0
task 8 entering 0
task 9 entering 0
task 9 leaving barrier
task 9 will run for 86us
task 0 leaving barrier
task 0 will run for 0us
task 0 entering 1
task 1 leaving barrier
task 1 will run for 25us
task 2 leaving barrier
task 2 will run for 59us
task 3 leaving barrier
task 3 will run for 67us
task 4 leaving barrier
task 4 will run for 91us
task 5 leaving barrier
task 5 will run for 84us
task 7 leaving barrier
task 7 will run for 22us
task 6 leaving barrier
task 6 will run for 31us
task 8 leaving barrier
task 8 will run for 12us
task 9 entering 1
task 1 entering 1
task 2 entering 1
task 3 entering 1
task 4 entering 1
task 5 entering 1
task 7 entering 1
task 6 entering 1
task 8 entering 1
task 8 leaving barrier
task 8 will run for 28us
task 0 leaving barrier
task 0 will run for 0us
task 0 entering 2
task 9 leaving barrier
task 9 will run for 87us
task 1 leaving barrier
task 1 will run for 59us
task 2 leaving barrier
task 2 will run for 82us
task 3 leaving barrier
task 3 will run for 73us
task 4 leaving barrier
task 4 will run for 11us
task 5 leaving barrier
task 5 will run for 17us
task 7 leaving barrier
task 7 will run for 98us
task 6 leaving barrier
task 6 will run for 63us
task 8 entering 2
task 9 entering 2
task 1 entering 2
task 2 entering 2
task 3 entering 2
task 4 entering 2
task 5 entering 2
task 7 entering 2
task 6 entering 2
task 6 leaving barrier
task 0 leaving barrier
task 8 leaving barrier
task 9 leaving barrier
task 1 leaving barrier
task 2 leaving barrier
task 3 leaving barrier
task 4 leaving barrier
task 5 leaving barrier
task 7 leaving barrier
tasks done
test_acquire_contended (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_acquire_destroy (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_acquire_release (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_constructor (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_different_thread (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_locked_repr (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_reacquire (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_repr (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_state_after_timeout (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_thread_leak (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_timeout (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_try_acquire (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_weakref_deleted (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_weakref_exists (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_with (test.test_thread.LockTests) ... ok
test_forkinthread (test.test_thread.TestForkInThread) ... ok
test__count (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... ok
test_nt_and_posix_stack_size (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... caught expected ValueError setting stack_size(4096)
successfully set stack_size(262144)
successfully set stack_size(1048576)
successfully set stack_size(0)
trying stack_size = (262144)
creating task 1
creating task 2
creating task 3
creating task 4
creating task 5
creating task 6
creating task 7
creating task 8
creating task 9
creating task 10
waiting for all tasks to complete
task 1 will run for 86us
task 2 will run for 62us
task 3 will run for 67us
task 4 will run for 61us
task 5 will run for 52us
task 6 will run for 2us
task 7 will run for 1us
task 8 will run for 31us
task 9 will run for 12us
task 10 will run for 22us
task 1 done
task 2 done
task 3 done
task 4 done
task 5 done
task 6 done
task 7 done
task 8 done
task 9 done
task 10 done
all tasks done
trying stack_size = (1048576)
creating task 1
creating task 2
creating task 3
creating task 4
creating task 5
creating task 6
creating task 7
creating task 8
creating task 9
creating task 10
waiting for all tasks to complete
task 1 will run for 15us
task 2 will run for 37us
task 3 will run for 12us
task 4 will run for 93us
task 5 will run for 15us
task 6 will run for 45us
task 7 will run for 67us
task 8 will run for 19us
task 9 will run for 89us
task 10 will run for 58us
task 1 done
task 2 done
task 3 done
task 4 done
task 5 done
task 6 done
task 7 done
task 8 done
task 9 done
task 10 done
all tasks done
test_save_exception_state_on_error (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... ok
test_stack_size (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... ok
test_starting_threads (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... creating task 1
creating task 2
creating task 3
creating task 4
creating task 5
creating task 6
creating task 7
creating task 8
creating task 9
creating task 10
waiting for tasks to complete...
task 1 will run for 32us
task 2 will run for 56us
task 3 will run for 63us
task 4 will run for 27us
task 5 will run for 64us
task 6 will run for 41us
task 7 will run for 93us
task 8 will run for 34us
task 9 will run for 63us
task 10 will run for 83us
task 3 done
task 4 done
task 8 done
task 6 done
task 7 done
task 9 done
task 10 done
task 5 done
task 2 done
task 1 done
all tasks done

Ran 23 tests in 0.949s


== Tests result: SUCCESS ==

1 test OK.

Total duration: 2 sec 94 ms
Tests result: SUCCESS

This issue can be closed.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:57:38adminsetgithub: 60737
2021-05-28 17:19:53iritkatrielsetstatus: open -> closed
resolution: out of date
stage: resolved
2018-08-20 08:15:27michael-osetnosy: + michael-o
messages: + msg323778
2014-05-14 15:10:45skrahsetnosy: - skrah
2014-05-14 15:10:33skrahsetmessages: + msg218540
2012-11-24 11:25:41trentsetmessages: + msg176281
2012-11-22 22:18:32skrahcreate