# Test enhancements related to descriptors and new-style classes from test.test_support import verbose, TestFailed, TESTFN, get_original_stdout from test.test_support import run_unittest import unittest from copy import deepcopy import warnings import types warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r'complex divmod\(\), // and % are deprecated$', DeprecationWarning, r'(|%s)$' % __name__) class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): # This could be part of the standard unittest.TestCase def assertIs(self, first, second, msg=None): """Fail if the two parameters do not refer to the same object.""" if first is not second: raise self.failureException, \ (msg or '%r is %r' % (first, second)) class TestDocstrings(TestCase): def test_class_docstrings(self): class Classic: "A classic docstring." self.assertEquals(Classic.__doc__, "A classic docstring.") self.assertEquals(Classic.__dict__['__doc__'], "A classic docstring.") class Classic2: pass self.failUnless(Classic2.__doc__ is None) class NewStatic(object): "Another docstring." self.assertEquals(NewStatic.__doc__, "Another docstring.") self.assertEquals(NewStatic.__dict__['__doc__'], "Another docstring.") class NewStatic2(object): pass self.failUnless(NewStatic2.__doc__ is None) class NewDynamic(object): "Another docstring." self.assertEquals(NewDynamic.__doc__, "Another docstring.") self.assertEquals(NewDynamic.__dict__['__doc__'], "Another docstring.") class NewDynamic2(object): pass self.failUnless(NewDynamic2.__doc__ is None) def test_descrdoc(self): "Testing descriptor doc strings" def check(descr, what): self.assertEquals(descr.__doc__, what) check(file.closed, "True if the file is closed") # getset descriptor check(file.name, "file name") # member descriptor def test_docdescriptor(self): "Testing __doc__ descriptor" # SF bug 542984 class DocDescr(object): def __get__(self, object, otype): if object: object = object.__class__.__name__ + ' instance' if otype: otype = otype.__name__ return 'object=%s; type=%s' % (object, otype) class OldClass: __doc__ = DocDescr() class NewClass(object): __doc__ = DocDescr() self.assertEquals(OldClass.__doc__, 'object=None; type=OldClass') self.assertEquals(OldClass().__doc__, 'object=OldClass instance; type=OldClass') self.assertEquals(NewClass.__doc__, 'object=None; type=NewClass') self.assertEquals(NewClass().__doc__, 'object=NewClass instance; type=NewClass') class TestOperations(TestCase): def _testunop(self, a, res, expr="len(a)", meth="__len__"): #if verbose: print "checking", expr dict = {'a': a} self.assertEquals(eval(expr, dict), res) t = type(a) m = getattr(t, meth) while meth not in t.__dict__: t = t.__bases__[0] self.assertEquals(m, t.__dict__[meth]) self.assertEquals(m(a), res) bm = getattr(a, meth) self.assertEquals(bm(), res) def _testbinop(self, a, b, res, expr="a+b", meth="__add__"): #if verbose: print "checking", expr dict = {'a': a, 'b': b} # XXX Hack so this passes before 2.3 when -Qnew is specified. if meth == "__div__" and 1/2 == 0.5: meth = "__truediv__" self.assertEquals(eval(expr, dict), res) t = type(a) m = getattr(t, meth) while meth not in t.__dict__: t = t.__bases__[0] self.assertEquals(m, t.__dict__[meth]) self.assertEquals(m(a, b), res) bm = getattr(a, meth) self.assertEquals(bm(b), res) def _testternop(self, a, b, c, res, expr="a[b:c]", meth="__getslice__"): #if verbose: print "checking", expr dict = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c} self.assertEquals(eval(expr, dict), res) t = type(a) m = getattr(t, meth) while meth not in t.__dict__: t = t.__bases__[0] self.assertEquals(m, t.__dict__[meth]) self.assertEquals(m(a, b, c), res) bm = getattr(a, meth) self.assertEquals(bm(b, c), res) def _testsetop(self, a, b, res, stmt="a+=b", meth="__iadd__"): #if verbose: print "checking", stmt dict = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b} exec stmt in dict self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) t = type(a) m = getattr(t, meth) while meth not in t.__dict__: t = t.__bases__[0] self.assertEquals(m, t.__dict__[meth]) dict['a'] = deepcopy(a) m(dict['a'], b) self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) dict['a'] = deepcopy(a) bm = getattr(dict['a'], meth) bm(b) self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) def _testset2op(self, a, b, c, res, stmt="a[b]=c", meth="__setitem__"): #if verbose: print "checking", stmt dict = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b, 'c': c} exec stmt in dict self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) t = type(a) m = getattr(t, meth) while meth not in t.__dict__: t = t.__bases__[0] self.assertEquals(m, t.__dict__[meth]) dict['a'] = deepcopy(a) m(dict['a'], b, c) self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) dict['a'] = deepcopy(a) bm = getattr(dict['a'], meth) bm(b, c) self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) def _testset3op(self, a, b, c, d, res, stmt="a[b:c]=d", meth="__setslice__"): #if verbose: print "checking", stmt dict = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d} exec stmt in dict self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) t = type(a) while meth not in t.__dict__: t = t.__bases__[0] m = getattr(t, meth) self.assertEquals(m, t.__dict__[meth]) dict['a'] = deepcopy(a) m(dict['a'], b, c, d) self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) dict['a'] = deepcopy(a) bm = getattr(dict['a'], meth) bm(b, c, d) self.assertEquals(dict['a'], res) class TestCommonOperations(TestOperations): def test_lists(self): "Testing list operations" self._testbinop([1], [2], [1,2], "a+b", "__add__") self._testbinop([1,2,3], 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__") self._testbinop([1,2,3], 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__") self._testbinop([1,2,3], 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__") self._testternop([1,2,3], 0, 2, [1,2], "a[b:c]", "__getslice__") self._testsetop([1], [2], [1,2], "a+=b", "__iadd__") self._testsetop([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "a*=b", "__imul__") self._testunop([1,2,3], 3, "len(a)", "__len__") self._testbinop([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "a*b", "__mul__") self._testbinop([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "b*a", "__rmul__") self._testset2op([1,2], 1, 3, [1,3], "a[b]=c", "__setitem__") self._testset3op([1,2,3,4], 1, 3, [5,6], [1,5,6,4], "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__") def test_dicts(self): "Testing dict operations" self._testbinop({1:2}, {2:1}, -1, "cmp(a,b)", "__cmp__") self._testbinop({1:2,3:4}, 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__") self._testbinop({1:2,3:4}, 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__") self._testbinop({1:2,3:4}, 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__") d = {1:2,3:4} l1 = [] for i in d.keys(): l1.append(i) l = [] for i in iter(d): l.append(i) self.assertEquals(l, l1) l = [] for i in d.__iter__(): l.append(i) self.assertEquals(l, l1) l = [] for i in dict.__iter__(d): l.append(i) self.assertEquals(l, l1) d = {1:2, 3:4} self._testunop(d, 2, "len(a)", "__len__") self.assertEquals(eval(repr(d), {}), d) self.assertEquals(eval(d.__repr__(), {}), d) self._testset2op({1:2,3:4}, 2, 3, {1:2,2:3,3:4}, "a[b]=c", "__setitem__") def test_dict_constructor(self): "Testing dict constructor" d = dict() self.assertEquals(d, {}) d = dict({}) self.assertEquals(d, {}) d = dict({1: 2, 'a': 'b'}) self.assertEquals(d, {1: 2, 'a': 'b'}) self.assertEquals(d, dict(d.items())) self.assertEquals(d, dict(d.iteritems())) d = dict({'one':1, 'two':2}) self.assertEquals(d, dict(one=1, two=2)) self.assertEquals(d, dict(**d)) self.assertEquals(d, dict({"one": 1}, two=2)) self.assertEquals(d, dict([("two", 2)], one=1)) self.assertEquals(d, dict([("one", 100), ("two", 200)], **d)) self.failUnless(d is not dict(**d)) for badarg in 0, 0L, 0j, "0", [0], (0,): try: dict(badarg) except TypeError: pass except ValueError: if badarg == "0": # It's a sequence, and its elements are also sequences (gotta # love strings ), but they aren't of length 2, so this # one seemed better as a ValueError than a TypeError. pass else: self.fail("no TypeError from dict(%r)" % badarg) else: self.fail("no TypeError from dict(%r)" % badarg) self.assertRaises(TypeError, dict, {}, {}) class Mapping: # Lacks a .keys() method; will be added later. dict = {1:2, 3:4, 'a':1j} self.assertRaises(TypeError, dict, Mapping()) Mapping.keys = lambda self: self.dict.keys() Mapping.__getitem__ = lambda self, i: self.dict[i] d = dict(Mapping()) self.assertEquals(d, Mapping.dict) # Init from sequence of iterable objects, each producing a 2-sequence. class AddressBookEntry: def __init__(self, first, last): self.first = first self.last = last def __iter__(self): return iter([self.first, self.last]) d = dict([AddressBookEntry('Tim', 'Warsaw'), AddressBookEntry('Barry', 'Peters'), AddressBookEntry('Tim', 'Peters'), AddressBookEntry('Barry', 'Warsaw')]) self.assertEquals(d, {'Barry': 'Warsaw', 'Tim': 'Peters'}) d = dict(zip(range(4), range(1, 5))) self.assertEquals(d, dict([(i, i+1) for i in range(4)])) # Bad sequence lengths. for bad in [('tooshort',)], [('too', 'long', 'by 1')]: self.assertRaises(ValueError, dict, bad) def test_dir(self): "Testing dir()" junk = 12 self.assertEquals(dir(), ['junk', 'self']) del junk # Just make sure these don't blow up! for arg in 2, 2L, 2j, 2e0, [2], "2", u"2", (2,), {2:2}, type, self.test_dir: dir(arg) # Try classic classes. class C: Cdata = 1 def Cmethod(self): pass cstuff = ['Cdata', 'Cmethod', '__doc__', '__module__'] self.assertEquals(dir(C), cstuff) self.failUnless('im_self' in dir(C.Cmethod)) c = C() # c.__doc__ is an odd thing to see here; ditto c.__module__. self.assertEquals(dir(c), cstuff) c.cdata = 2 c.cmethod = lambda self: 0 self.assertEquals(dir(c), cstuff + ['cdata', 'cmethod']) self.failUnless('im_self' in dir(c.Cmethod)) class A(C): Adata = 1 def Amethod(self): pass astuff = ['Adata', 'Amethod'] + cstuff self.assertEquals(dir(A), astuff) self.failUnless('im_self' in dir(A.Amethod)) a = A() self.assertEquals(dir(a), astuff) self.failUnless('im_self' in dir(a.Amethod)) a.adata = 42 a.amethod = lambda self: 3 self.assertEquals(dir(a), astuff + ['adata', 'amethod']) # The same, but with new-style classes. Since these have object as a # base class, a lot more gets sucked in. def interesting(strings): return [s for s in strings if not s.startswith('_')] class C(object): Cdata = 1 def Cmethod(self): pass cstuff = ['Cdata', 'Cmethod'] self.assertEquals(interesting(dir(C)), cstuff) c = C() self.assertEquals(interesting(dir(c)), cstuff) self.failUnless('im_self' in dir(C.Cmethod)) c.cdata = 2 c.cmethod = lambda self: 0 self.assertEquals(interesting(dir(c)), cstuff + ['cdata', 'cmethod']) self.failUnless('im_self' in dir(c.Cmethod)) class A(C): Adata = 1 def Amethod(self): pass astuff = ['Adata', 'Amethod'] + cstuff self.assertEquals(interesting(dir(A)), astuff) self.failUnless('im_self' in dir(A.Amethod)) a = A() self.assertEquals(interesting(dir(a)), astuff) a.adata = 42 a.amethod = lambda self: 3 self.assertEquals(interesting(dir(a)), astuff + ['adata', 'amethod']) self.failUnless('im_self' in dir(a.Amethod)) # Try a module subclass. import sys class M(type(sys)): pass minstance = M("m") minstance.b = 2 minstance.a = 1 names = [x for x in dir(minstance) if x not in ["__name__", "__doc__"]] self.assertEquals(names, ['a', 'b']) class M2(M): def getdict(self): return "Not a dict!" __dict__ = property(getdict) m2instance = M2("m2") m2instance.b = 2 m2instance.a = 1 self.assertEquals(m2instance.__dict__, "Not a dict!") try: dir(m2instance) except TypeError: pass # Two essentially featureless objects, just inheriting stuff from # object. self.assertEquals(dir(None), dir(Ellipsis)) # Nasty test case for proxied objects class Wrapper(object): def __init__(self, obj): self.__obj = obj def __repr__(self): return "Wrapper(%s)" % repr(self.__obj) def __getitem__(self, key): return Wrapper(self.__obj[key]) def __len__(self): return len(self.__obj) def __getattr__(self, name): return Wrapper(getattr(self.__obj, name)) class C(object): def __getclass(self): return Wrapper(type(self)) __class__ = property(__getclass) dir(C()) # This used to segfault class TestNumeric(TestOperations): binops = { 'add': '+', 'sub': '-', 'mul': '*', 'div': '/', 'mod': '%', 'divmod': 'divmod', 'pow': '**', 'lshift': '<<', 'rshift': '>>', 'and': '&', 'xor': '^', 'or': '|', 'cmp': 'cmp', 'lt': '<', 'le': '<=', 'eq': '==', 'ne': '!=', 'gt': '>', 'ge': '>=', } for name, expr in binops.items(): if expr.islower(): expr = expr + "(a, b)" else: expr = 'a %s b' % expr binops[name] = expr unops = { 'pos': '+', 'neg': '-', 'abs': 'abs', 'invert': '~', 'int': 'int', 'long': 'long', 'float': 'float', 'oct': 'oct', 'hex': 'hex', } for name, expr in unops.items(): if expr.islower(): expr = expr + "(a)" else: expr = '%s a' % expr unops[name] = expr def _numops(self, a, b, skip=[]): dict = {'a': a, 'b': b} for name, expr in self.binops.items(): if name not in skip: name = "__%s__" % name if hasattr(a, name): res = eval(expr, dict) self._testbinop(a, b, res, expr, name) for name, expr in self.unops.items(): if name not in skip: name = "__%s__" % name if hasattr(a, name): res = eval(expr, dict) self._testunop(a, res, expr, name) def test_ints(self): "Testing int operations" self._numops(100, 3) # The following crashes in Python 2.2 self.assertEquals((1).__nonzero__(), 1) self.assertEquals((0).__nonzero__(), 0) # This returns 'NotImplemented' in Python 2.2 class C(int): def __add__(self, other): return NotImplemented self.assertEquals(C(5L), 5) try: C() + "" except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "NotImplemented should have caused TypeError" import sys try: C(sys.maxint+1) except OverflowError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "should have raised OverflowError" def test_longs(self): "Testing long operations" self._numops(100L, 3L) def test_floats(self): "Testing float operations" self._numops(100.0, 3.0) def test_complexes(self): "Testing complex operations" self._numops(100.0j, 3.0j, skip=['lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'int', 'long', 'float']) class Number(complex): __slots__ = ['prec'] def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): result = complex.__new__(cls, *args) result.prec = kwds.get('prec', 12) return result def __repr__(self): prec = self.prec if self.imag == 0.0: return "%.*g" % (prec, self.real) if self.real == 0.0: return "%.*gj" % (prec, self.imag) return "(%.*g+%.*gj)" % (prec, self.real, prec, self.imag) __str__ = __repr__ a = Number(3.14, prec=6) self.assertEquals(repr(a), "3.14") self.assertEquals(a.prec, 6) a = Number(a, prec=2) self.assertEquals(repr(a), "3.1") self.assertEquals(a.prec, 2) a = Number(234.5) self.assertEquals(repr(a), "234.5") self.assertEquals(a.prec, 12) def test_rmul(self): "Testing correct invocation of __rmul__" # SF patch 592646 class C(object): def __mul__(self, other): return "mul" def __rmul__(self, other): return "rmul" a = C() self.assertEquals(a*2, "mul") self.assertEquals(a*2.2, "mul") self.assertEquals(2*a, "rmul") self.assertEquals(2.2*a, "rmul") def test_imulbug(self): "Testing for __imul__ problems" # SF bug 544647 class C(object): def __imul__(self, other): return (self, other) x = C() y = x y *= 1.0 self.assertEquals(y, (x, 1.0)) y = x y *= 2 self.assertEquals(y, (x, 2)) y = x y *= 3L self.assertEquals(y, (x, 3L)) y = x y *= 1L<<100 self.assertEquals(y, (x, 1L<<100)) y = x y *= None self.assertEquals(y, (x, None)) y = x y *= "foo" self.assertEquals(y, (x, "foo")) def test_ipow(self): "Testing correct invocation of __ipow__" # [SF bug 620179] class C(object): def __ipow__(self, other): pass a = C() a **= 2 def test_subclass_right_op(self): "Testing correct dispatch of subclass overloading __r__" # This code tests various cases where right-dispatch of a subclass # should be preferred over left-dispatch of a base class. # Case 1: subclass of int; this tests code in abstract.c::binary_op1() class B(int): def __floordiv__(self, other): return "B.__floordiv__" def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return "B.__rfloordiv__" self.assertEquals(B(1) // 1, "B.__floordiv__") self.assertEquals(1 // B(1), "B.__rfloordiv__") # Case 2: subclass of object; this is just the baseline for case 3 class C(object): def __floordiv__(self, other): return "C.__floordiv__" def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return "C.__rfloordiv__" self.assertEquals(C() // 1, "C.__floordiv__") self.assertEquals(1 // C(), "C.__rfloordiv__") # Case 3: subclass of new-style class; here it gets interesting class D(C): def __floordiv__(self, other): return "D.__floordiv__" def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return "D.__rfloordiv__" self.assertEquals(D() // C(), "D.__floordiv__") self.assertEquals(C() // D(), "D.__rfloordiv__") # Case 4: this didn't work right in 2.2.2 and 2.3a1 class E(C): pass self.assertEquals(E.__rfloordiv__, C.__rfloordiv__) self.assertEquals(E() // 1, "C.__floordiv__") self.assertEquals(1 // E(), "C.__rfloordiv__") self.assertEquals(E() // C(), "C.__floordiv__") self.assertEquals(C() // E(), "C.__floordiv__") # This one would fail def test_notimplemented(self): "Testing NotImplemented" # all binary methods should be able to return a NotImplemented import sys import types import operator def specialmethod(self, other): return NotImplemented def check(expr, x, y): try: exec expr in {'x': x, 'y': y, 'operator': operator} except TypeError: pass else: raise self.failureException("no TypeError from %r" % (expr,)) N1 = sys.maxint + 1L # might trigger OverflowErrors instead of TypeErrors N2 = sys.maxint # if sizeof(int) < sizeof(long), might trigger # ValueErrors instead of TypeErrors for metaclass in [type, types.ClassType]: for name, expr, iexpr in [ ('__add__', 'x + y', 'x += y'), ('__sub__', 'x - y', 'x -= y'), ('__mul__', 'x * y', 'x *= y'), ('__truediv__', 'operator.truediv(x, y)', None), ('__floordiv__', 'operator.floordiv(x, y)', None), ('__div__', 'x / y', 'x /= y'), ('__mod__', 'x % y', 'x %= y'), ('__divmod__', 'divmod(x, y)', None), ('__pow__', 'x ** y', 'x **= y'), ('__lshift__', 'x << y', 'x <<= y'), ('__rshift__', 'x >> y', 'x >>= y'), ('__and__', 'x & y', 'x &= y'), ('__or__', 'x | y', 'x |= y'), ('__xor__', 'x ^ y', 'x ^= y'), ('__coerce__', 'coerce(x, y)', None)]: if name == '__coerce__': rname = name else: rname = '__r' + name[2:] A = metaclass('A', (), {name: specialmethod}) B = metaclass('B', (), {rname: specialmethod}) a = A() b = B() check(expr, a, a) check(expr, a, b) check(expr, b, a) check(expr, b, b) check(expr, a, N1) check(expr, a, N2) check(expr, N1, b) check(expr, N2, b) if iexpr: check(iexpr, a, a) check(iexpr, a, b) check(iexpr, b, a) check(iexpr, b, b) check(iexpr, a, N1) check(iexpr, a, N2) iname = '__i' + name[2:] C = metaclass('C', (), {iname: specialmethod}) c = C() check(iexpr, c, a) check(iexpr, c, b) check(iexpr, c, N1) check(iexpr, c, N2) def test_coercions(self): "Testing coercions" class I(int): pass coerce(I(0), 0) coerce(0, I(0)) class L(long): pass coerce(L(0), 0) coerce(L(0), 0L) coerce(0, L(0)) coerce(0L, L(0)) class F(float): pass coerce(F(0), 0) coerce(F(0), 0L) coerce(F(0), 0.) coerce(0, F(0)) coerce(0L, F(0)) coerce(0., F(0)) class C(complex): pass coerce(C(0), 0) coerce(C(0), 0L) coerce(C(0), 0.) coerce(C(0), 0j) coerce(0, C(0)) coerce(0L, C(0)) coerce(0., C(0)) coerce(0j, C(0)) class TestString(TestCase): def test_strops(self): try: 'a' + 5 except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "'' + 5 doesn't raise TypeError" try: ''.split('') except ValueError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "''.split('') doesn't raise ValueError" try: ''.join([0]) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "''.join([0]) doesn't raise TypeError" try: ''.rindex('5') except ValueError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "''.rindex('5') doesn't raise ValueError" try: '%(n)s' % None except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "'%(n)s' % None doesn't raise TypeError" try: '%(n' % {} except ValueError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "'%(n' % {} '' doesn't raise ValueError" try: '%*s' % ('abc') except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "'%*s' % ('abc') doesn't raise TypeError" try: '%*.*s' % ('abc', 5) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "'%*.*s' % ('abc', 5) doesn't raise TypeError" try: '%s' % (1, 2) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "'%s' % (1, 2) doesn't raise TypeError" try: '%' % None except ValueError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "'%' % None doesn't raise ValueError" self.assertEquals('534253'.isdigit(), 1) self.assertEquals('534253x'.isdigit(), 0) self.assertEquals('%c' % 5, '\x05') self.assertEquals('%c' % '5', '5') class TestSpams(TestOperations): def test_spamlists(self): "Testing spamlist operations" import copy, xxsubtype as spam def spamlist(l, memo=None): import xxsubtype as spam return spam.spamlist(l) # This is an ugly hack: copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist self._testbinop(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b", "__add__") self._testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__") self._testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__") self._testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__") self._testternop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]", "__getslice__") self._testsetop(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b", "__iadd__") self._testsetop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b", "__imul__") self._testunop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__") self._testbinop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b", "__mul__") self._testbinop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a", "__rmul__") self._testset2op(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c", "__setitem__") self._testset3op(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]), spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__") # Test subclassing class C(spam.spamlist): def foo(self): return 1 a = C() self.assertEquals(a, []) self.assertEquals(a.foo(), 1) a.append(100) self.assertEquals(a, [100]) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 0) a.setstate(42) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 42) def test_spamdicts(self): "Testing spamdict operations" import copy, xxsubtype as spam def spamdict(d, memo=None): import xxsubtype as spam sd = spam.spamdict() for k, v in d.items(): sd[k] = v return sd # This is an ugly hack: copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict self._testbinop(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)", "__cmp__") self._testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__") self._testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__") self._testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__") d = spamdict({1:2,3:4}) l1 = [] for i in d.keys(): l1.append(i) l = [] for i in iter(d): l.append(i) self.assertEquals(l, l1) l = [] for i in d.__iter__(): l.append(i) self.assertEquals(l, l1) l = [] for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d): l.append(i) self.assertEquals(l, l1) straightd = {1:2, 3:4} spamd = spamdict(straightd) self._testunop(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__") self._testunop(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__") self._testset2op(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}), "a[b]=c", "__setitem__") # Test subclassing class C(spam.spamdict): def foo(self): return 1 a = C() self.assertEquals(a.items(), []) self.assertEquals(a.foo(), 1) a['foo'] = 'bar' self.assertEquals(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')]) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 0) a.setstate(100) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 100) class TestSubclasses(TestCase): def test_pydicts(self): "Testing Python subclass of dict" self.failUnless(issubclass(dict, dict)) self.failUnless(isinstance({}, dict)) d = dict() self.assertEquals(d, {}) self.failUnless(d.__class__ is dict) self.failUnless(isinstance(d, dict)) test = self class C(dict): state = -1 def __init__(self, *a, **kw): if a: test.assertEquals(len(a), 1) self.state = a[0] if kw: for k, v in kw.items(): self[v] = k def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get(key, 0) def __setitem__(self, key, value): test.failUnless(isinstance(key, type(0))) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def setstate(self, state): self.state = state def getstate(self): return self.state self.failUnless(issubclass(C, dict)) a1 = C(12) self.assertEquals(a1.state, 12) a2 = C(foo=1, bar=2) self.assertEquals(a2[1] == 'foo' and a2[2], 'bar') a = C() self.assertEquals(a.state, -1) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), -1) a.setstate(0) self.assertEquals(a.state, 0) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 0) a.setstate(10) self.assertEquals(a.state, 10) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 10) self.assertEquals(a[42], 0) a[42] = 24 self.assertEquals(a[42], 24) # pydict stress test N = 50 for i in range(N): a[i] = C() for j in range(N): a[i][j] = i*j for i in range(N): for j in range(N): self.assertEquals(a[i][j], i*j) def test_pylists(self): "Testing Python subclass of list" class C(list): def __getitem__(self, i): return list.__getitem__(self, i) + 100 def __getslice__(self, i, j): return (i, j) a = C() a.extend([0,1,2]) self.assertEquals(a[0], 100) self.assertEquals(a[1], 101) self.assertEquals(a[2], 102) self.assertEquals(a[100:200], (100,200)) def test_pymods(self): "Testing Python subclass of module" log = [] import sys MT = type(sys) class MM(MT): def __init__(self, name): MT.__init__(self, name) def __getattribute__(self, name): log.append(("getattr", name)) return MT.__getattribute__(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): log.append(("setattr", name, value)) MT.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __delattr__(self, name): log.append(("delattr", name)) MT.__delattr__(self, name) a = MM("a") a.foo = 12 x = a.foo del a.foo self.assertEquals(log, [("setattr", "foo", 12), ("getattr", "foo"), ("delattr", "foo")]) # http://python.org/sf/1174712 try: class Module(types.ModuleType, str): pass except TypeError: pass else: raise self.failureException("inheriting from ModuleType and str " "at the same time should fail") def test_inherits(self): "Testing inheritance from basic types" class hexint(int): def __repr__(self): return hex(self) def __add__(self, other): return hexint(int.__add__(self, other)) # (Note that overriding __radd__ doesn't work, # because the int type gets first dibs.) self.assertEquals(repr(hexint(7) + 9), "0x10") self.assertEquals(repr(hexint(1000) + 7), "0x3ef") a = hexint(12345) self.assertEquals(a, 12345) self.assertEquals(int(a), 12345) self.failUnless(int(a).__class__ is int) self.assertEquals(hash(a), hash(12345)) self.failUnless((+a).__class__ is int) self.failUnless((a >> 0).__class__ is int) self.failUnless((a << 0).__class__ is int) self.failUnless((hexint(0) << 12).__class__ is int) self.failUnless((hexint(0) >> 12).__class__ is int) class octlong(long): __slots__ = [] def __str__(self): s = oct(self) if s[-1] == 'L': s = s[:-1] return s def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(super(octlong, self).__add__(other)) __radd__ = __add__ self.assertEquals(str(octlong(3) + 5), "010") # (Note that overriding __radd__ here only seems to work # because the example uses a short int left argument.) self.assertEquals(str(5 + octlong(3000)), "05675") a = octlong(12345) self.assertEquals(a, 12345L) self.assertEquals(long(a), 12345L) self.assertEquals(hash(a), hash(12345L)) self.failUnless(long(a).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((+a).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((-a).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((-octlong(0)).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a >> 0).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a << 0).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a - 0).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a * 1).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a ** 1).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a // 1).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((1 * a).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a | 0).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a ^ 0).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((a & -1L).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((octlong(0) << 12).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((octlong(0) >> 12).__class__ is long) self.failUnless(abs(octlong(0)).__class__ is long) # Because octlong overrides __add__, we can't check the absence of +0 # optimizations using octlong. class longclone(long): pass a = longclone(1) self.failUnless((a + 0).__class__ is long) self.failUnless((0 + a).__class__ is long) # Check that negative clones don't segfault a = longclone(-1) self.assertEquals(a.__dict__, {}) self.assertEquals(long(a), -1) # verify PyNumber_Long() copies the sign bit class precfloat(float): __slots__ = ['prec'] def __init__(self, value=0.0, prec=12): self.prec = int(prec) def __repr__(self): return "%.*g" % (self.prec, self) self.assertEquals(repr(precfloat(1.1)), "1.1") a = precfloat(12345) self.assertEquals(a, 12345.0) self.assertEquals(float(a), 12345.0) self.failUnless(float(a).__class__ is float) self.assertEquals(hash(a), hash(12345.0)) self.failUnless((+a).__class__ is float) class madcomplex(complex): def __repr__(self): return "%.17gj%+.17g" % (self.imag, self.real) a = madcomplex(-3, 4) self.assertEquals(repr(a), "4j-3") base = complex(-3, 4) self.assertIs(base.__class__, complex) self.assertEquals(a, base) self.assertEquals(complex(a), base) self.assertIs(complex(a).__class__, complex) a = madcomplex(a) # just trying another form of the constructor self.assertEquals(repr(a), "4j-3") self.assertEquals(a, base) self.assertEquals(complex(a), base) self.assertIs(complex(a).__class__, complex) self.assertEquals(hash(a), hash(base)) self.assertIs((+a).__class__, complex) self.assertIs((a + 0).__class__, complex) self.assertEquals(a + 0, base) self.assertIs((a - 0).__class__, complex) self.assertEquals(a - 0, base) self.assertIs((a * 1).__class__, complex) self.assertEquals(a * 1, base) self.assertIs((a / 1).__class__, complex) self.assertEquals(a / 1, base) class madtuple(tuple): _rev = None def rev(self): if self._rev is not None: return self._rev L = list(self) L.reverse() self._rev = self.__class__(L) return self._rev a = madtuple((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)) self.assertEquals(a, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)) self.assertEquals(a.rev(), madtuple((0,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1))) self.assertEquals(a.rev().rev(), madtuple((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0))) for i in range(512): t = madtuple(range(i)) u = t.rev() v = u.rev() self.assertEquals(v, t) a = madtuple((1,2,3,4,5)) self.assertEquals(tuple(a), (1,2,3,4,5)) self.failUnless(tuple(a).__class__ is tuple) self.assertEquals(hash(a), hash((1,2,3,4,5))) self.failUnless(a[:].__class__ is tuple) self.failUnless((a * 1).__class__ is tuple) self.failUnless((a * 0).__class__ is tuple) self.failUnless((a + ()).__class__ is tuple) a = madtuple(()) self.assertEquals(tuple(a), ()) self.failUnless(tuple(a).__class__ is tuple) self.failUnless((a + a).__class__ is tuple) self.failUnless((a * 0).__class__ is tuple) self.failUnless((a * 1).__class__ is tuple) self.failUnless((a * 2).__class__ is tuple) self.failUnless(a[:].__class__ is tuple) class madstring(str): _rev = None def rev(self): if self._rev is not None: return self._rev L = list(self) L.reverse() self._rev = self.__class__("".join(L)) return self._rev s = madstring("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") self.assertEquals(s, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") self.assertEquals(s.rev(), madstring("zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba")) self.assertEquals(s.rev().rev(), madstring("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) for i in range(256): s = madstring("".join(map(chr, range(i)))) t = s.rev() u = t.rev() self.assertEquals(u, s) s = madstring("12345") self.assertEquals(str(s), "12345") self.failUnless(str(s).__class__ is str) base = "\x00" * 5 s = madstring(base) self.assertEquals(s, base) self.assertEquals(str(s), base) self.failUnless(str(s).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(hash(s), hash(base)) self.assertEquals({s: 1}[base], 1) self.assertEquals({base: 1}[s], 1) self.failUnless((s + "").__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s + "", base) self.failUnless(("" + s).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals("" + s, base) self.failUnless((s * 0).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s * 0, "") self.failUnless((s * 1).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s * 1, base) self.failUnless((s * 2).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s * 2, base + base) self.failUnless(s[:].__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s[:], base) self.failUnless(s[0:0].__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s[0:0], "") self.failUnless(s.strip().__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.strip(), base) self.failUnless(s.lstrip().__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.lstrip(), base) self.failUnless(s.rstrip().__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.rstrip(), base) identitytab = ''.join([chr(i) for i in range(256)]) self.failUnless(s.translate(identitytab).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.translate(identitytab), base) self.failUnless(s.translate(identitytab, "x").__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.translate(identitytab, "x"), base) self.assertEquals(s.translate(identitytab, "\x00"), "") self.failUnless(s.replace("x", "x").__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.replace("x", "x"), base) self.failUnless(s.ljust(len(s)).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.ljust(len(s)), base) self.failUnless(s.rjust(len(s)).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.rjust(len(s)), base) self.failUnless(s.center(len(s)).__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.center(len(s)), base) self.failUnless(s.lower().__class__ is str) self.assertEquals(s.lower(), base) class madunicode(unicode): _rev = None def rev(self): if self._rev is not None: return self._rev L = list(self) L.reverse() self._rev = self.__class__(u"".join(L)) return self._rev u = madunicode("ABCDEF") self.assertEquals(u, u"ABCDEF") self.assertEquals(u.rev(), madunicode(u"FEDCBA")) self.assertEquals(u.rev().rev(), madunicode(u"ABCDEF")) base = u"12345" u = madunicode(base) self.assertEquals(unicode(u), base) self.failUnless(unicode(u).__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(hash(u), hash(base)) self.assertEquals({u: 1}[base], 1) self.assertEquals({base: 1}[u], 1) self.failUnless(u.strip().__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.strip(), base) self.failUnless(u.lstrip().__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.lstrip(), base) self.failUnless(u.rstrip().__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.rstrip(), base) self.failUnless(u.replace(u"x", u"x").__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.replace(u"x", u"x"), base) self.failUnless(u.replace(u"xy", u"xy").__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.replace(u"xy", u"xy"), base) self.failUnless(u.center(len(u)).__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.center(len(u)), base) self.failUnless(u.ljust(len(u)).__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.ljust(len(u)), base) self.failUnless(u.rjust(len(u)).__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.rjust(len(u)), base) self.failUnless(u.lower().__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.lower(), base) self.failUnless(u.upper().__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.upper(), base) self.failUnless(u.capitalize().__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.capitalize(), base) self.failUnless(u.title().__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u.title(), base) self.failUnless((u + u"").__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u + u"", base) self.failUnless((u"" + u).__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u"" + u, base) self.failUnless((u * 0).__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u * 0, u"") self.failUnless((u * 1).__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u * 1, base) self.failUnless((u * 2).__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u * 2, base + base) self.failUnless(u[:].__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u[:], base) self.failUnless(u[0:0].__class__ is unicode) self.assertEquals(u[0:0], u"") class sublist(list): pass a = sublist(range(5)) self.assertEquals(a, range(5)) a.append("hello") self.assertEquals(a, range(5) + ["hello"]) a[5] = 5 self.assertEquals(a, range(6)) a.extend(range(6, 20)) self.assertEquals(a, range(20)) a[-5:] = [] self.assertEquals(a, range(15)) del a[10:15] self.assertEquals(len(a), 10) self.assertEquals(a, range(10)) self.assertEquals(list(a), range(10)) self.assertEquals(a[0], 0) self.assertEquals(a[9], 9) self.assertEquals(a[-10], 0) self.assertEquals(a[-1], 9) self.assertEquals(a[:5], range(5)) class CountedInput(file): """Counts lines read by self.readline(). self.lineno is the 0-based ordinal of the last line read, up to a maximum of one greater than the number of lines in the file. self.ateof is true if and only if the final "" line has been read, at which point self.lineno stops incrementing, and further calls to readline() continue to return "". """ lineno = 0 ateof = 0 def readline(self): if self.ateof: return "" s = file.readline(self) # Next line works too. # s = super(CountedInput, self).readline() self.lineno += 1 if s == "": self.ateof = 1 return s f = file(name=TESTFN, mode='w') lines = ['a\n', 'b\n', 'c\n'] try: f.writelines(lines) f.close() f = CountedInput(TESTFN) for (i, expected) in zip(range(1, 5) + [4], lines + 2 * [""]): got = f.readline() self.assertEquals(expected, got) self.assertEquals(f.lineno, i) self.assertEquals(f.ateof, (i > len(lines))) f.close() finally: try: f.close() except: pass try: import os os.unlink(TESTFN) except: pass def test_buffer_inherit(self): "Testing that buffer interface is inherited" import binascii # SF bug [#470040] ParseTuple t# vs subclasses. class MyStr(str): pass base = 'abc' m = MyStr(base) # b2a_hex uses the buffer interface to get its argument's value, via # PyArg_ParseTuple 't#' code. self.assertEquals(binascii.b2a_hex(m), binascii.b2a_hex(base)) # It's not clear that unicode will continue to support the character # buffer interface, and this test will fail if that's taken away. class MyUni(unicode): pass base = u'abc' m = MyUni(base) self.assertEquals(binascii.b2a_hex(m), binascii.b2a_hex(base)) class MyInt(int): pass m = MyInt(42) # subclass of int should not have a buffer interface self.assertRaises(TypeError, binascii.b2a_hex, m) try: binascii.b2a_hex(m) raise TestFailed('subclass of int should not have a buffer interface') except TypeError: pass def test_hash_inherit(self): "Testing hash of mutable subclasses" class mydict(dict): pass d = mydict() try: hash(d) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "hash() of dict subclass should fail" class mylist(list): pass d = mylist() try: hash(d) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "hash() of list subclass should fail" def test_str_of_str_subclass(self): "Testing __str__ defined in subclass of str" import binascii import cStringIO class octetstring(str): def __str__(self): return binascii.b2a_hex(self) def __repr__(self): return self + " repr" o = octetstring('A') self.assertEquals(type(o), octetstring) self.assertEquals(type(str(o)), str) self.assertEquals(type(repr(o)), str) self.assertEquals(ord(o), 0x41) self.assertEquals(str(o), '41') self.assertEquals(repr(o), 'A repr') self.assertEquals(o.__str__(), '41') self.assertEquals(o.__repr__(), 'A repr') capture = cStringIO.StringIO() # Calling str() or not exercises different internal paths. print >> capture, o print >> capture, str(o) self.assertEquals(capture.getvalue(), '41\n41\n') capture.close() def test_str_subclass_as_dict_key(self): "Testing a str subclass used as dict key" class cistr(str): """Sublcass of str that computes __eq__ case-insensitively. Also computes a hash code of the string in canonical form. """ def __init__(self, value): self.canonical = value.lower() self.hashcode = hash(self.canonical) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, cistr): other = cistr(other) return self.canonical == other.canonical def __hash__(self): return self.hashcode self.assertEquals(cistr('ABC'), 'abc') self.assertEquals('aBc', cistr('ABC')) self.assertEquals(str(cistr('ABC')), 'ABC') d = {cistr('one'): 1, cistr('two'): 2, cistr('tHree'): 3} self.assertEquals(d[cistr('one')], 1) self.assertEquals(d[cistr('tWo')], 2) self.assertEquals(d[cistr('THrEE')], 3) self.failUnless(cistr('ONe') in d) self.assertEquals(d.get(cistr('thrEE')), 3) class TestMetaclass(TestCase): def test_metaclass(self): "Testing __metaclass__" class C: __metaclass__ = type def __init__(self): self.__state = 0 def getstate(self): return self.__state def setstate(self, state): self.__state = state a = C() self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 0) a.setstate(10) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 10) class D: class __metaclass__(type): def myself(cls): return cls self.assertEquals(D.myself(), D) d = D() self.failUnless(d.__class__ is D) class M1(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict): dict['__spam__'] = 1 return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict) class C: __metaclass__ = M1 self.assertEquals(C.__spam__, 1) c = C() self.assertEquals(c.__spam__, 1) class _instance(object): pass class M2(object): @staticmethod def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict): self = object.__new__(cls) self.name = name self.bases = bases self.dict = dict return self def __call__(self): it = _instance() # Early binding of methods for key in self.dict: if key.startswith("__"): continue setattr(it, key, self.dict[key].__get__(it, self)) return it class C: __metaclass__ = M2 def spam(self): return 42 self.assertEquals(C.name, 'C') self.assertEquals(C.bases, ()) self.failUnless('spam' in C.dict) c = C() self.assertEquals(c.spam(), 42) # More metaclass examples class autosuper(type): # Automatically add __super to the class # This trick only works for dynamic classes def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict): cls = super(autosuper, metaclass).__new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict) # Name mangling for __super removes leading underscores while name[:1] == "_": name = name[1:] if name: name = "_%s__super" % name else: name = "__super" setattr(cls, name, super(cls)) return cls class A: __metaclass__ = autosuper def meth(self): return "A" class B(A): def meth(self): return "B" + self.__super.meth() class C(A): def meth(self): return "C" + self.__super.meth() class D(C, B): def meth(self): return "D" + self.__super.meth() self.assertEquals(D().meth(), "DCBA") class E(B, C): def meth(self): return "E" + self.__super.meth() self.assertEquals(E().meth(), "EBCA") class autoproperty(type): # Automatically create property attributes when methods # named _get_x and/or _set_x are found def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict): hits = {} for key, val in dict.iteritems(): if key.startswith("_get_"): key = key[5:] get, set = hits.get(key, (None, None)) get = val hits[key] = get, set elif key.startswith("_set_"): key = key[5:] get, set = hits.get(key, (None, None)) set = val hits[key] = get, set for key, (get, set) in hits.iteritems(): dict[key] = property(get, set) return super(autoproperty, metaclass).__new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict) class A: __metaclass__ = autoproperty def _get_x(self): return -self.__x def _set_x(self, x): self.__x = -x a = A() self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "x")) a.x = 12 self.assertEquals(a.x, 12) self.assertEquals(a._A__x, -12) class multimetaclass(autoproperty, autosuper): # Merge of multiple cooperating metaclasses pass class A: __metaclass__ = multimetaclass def _get_x(self): return "A" class B(A): def _get_x(self): return "B" + self.__super._get_x() class C(A): def _get_x(self): return "C" + self.__super._get_x() class D(C, B): def _get_x(self): return "D" + self.__super._get_x() self.assertEquals(D().x, "DCBA") # Make sure type(x) doesn't call x.__class__.__init__ class T(type): counter = 0 def __init__(self, *args): T.counter += 1 class C: __metaclass__ = T self.assertEquals(T.counter, 1) a = C() self.assertEquals(type(a), C) self.assertEquals(T.counter, 1) class C(object): pass c = C() try: c() except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "calling object w/o call method should raise TypeError" # Testing code to find most derived baseclass class A(type): def __new__(*args, **kwargs): return type.__new__(*args, **kwargs) class B(object): pass class C(object): __metaclass__ = A # The most derived metaclass of D is A rather than type. class D(B, C): pass def test_dict_type_with_metaclass(self): "Testing type of __dict__ when __metaclass__ set" class B(object): pass class M(type): pass class C: # In 2.3a1, C.__dict__ was a real dict rather than a dict proxy __metaclass__ = M self.assertIs(type(C.__dict__), type(B.__dict__)) class TestMultipleInheritance(TestCase): def test_multi(self): "Testing multiple inheritance" class C(object): def __init__(self): self.__state = 0 def getstate(self): return self.__state def setstate(self, state): self.__state = state a = C() self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 0) a.setstate(10) self.assertEquals(a.getstate(), 10) class D(dict, C): def __init__(self): type({}).__init__(self) C.__init__(self) d = D() self.assertEquals(d.keys(), []) d["hello"] = "world" self.assertEquals(d.items(), [("hello", "world")]) self.assertEquals(d["hello"], "world") self.assertEquals(d.getstate(), 0) d.setstate(10) self.assertEquals(d.getstate(), 10) self.assertEquals(D.__mro__, (D, dict, C, object)) def test_bug_442833(self): # SF bug #442833 class Node(object): def __int__(self): return int(self.foo()) def foo(self): return "23" class Frag(Node, list): def foo(self): return "42" self.assertEquals(Node().__int__(), 23) self.assertEquals(int(Node()), 23) self.assertEquals(Frag().__int__(), 42) self.assertEquals(int(Frag()), 42) def test_mix_classic_new(self): "mixing classic and new-style classes" class A: x = 1 class B(A): pass class C(A): x = 2 class D(B, C): pass self.assertEquals(D.x, 1) # Classic MRO is preserved for a classic base class. class E(D, object): pass self.assertEquals(E.__mro__, (E, D, B, A, C, object)) self.assertEquals(E.x, 1) # But with a mix of classic bases, their MROs are combined using # new-style MRO. class F(B, C, object): pass self.assertEquals(F.__mro__, (F, B, C, A, object)) self.assertEquals(F.x, 2) def test_something_else(self): "Try something else" class C: def cmethod(self): return "C a" def all_method(self): return "C b" class M1(C, object): def m1method(self): return "M1 a" def all_method(self): return "M1 b" self.assertEquals(M1.__mro__, (M1, C, object)) m = M1() self.assertEquals(m.cmethod(), "C a") self.assertEquals(m.m1method(), "M1 a") self.assertEquals(m.all_method(), "M1 b") class D(C): def dmethod(self): return "D a" def all_method(self): return "D b" class M2(D, object): def m2method(self): return "M2 a" def all_method(self): return "M2 b" self.assertEquals(M2.__mro__, (M2, D, C, object)) m = M2() self.assertEquals(m.cmethod(), "C a") self.assertEquals(m.dmethod(), "D a") self.assertEquals(m.m2method(), "M2 a") self.assertEquals(m.all_method(), "M2 b") class M3(M1, M2, object): def m3method(self): return "M3 a" def all_method(self): return "M3 b" self.assertEquals(M3.__mro__, (M3, M1, M2, D, C, object)) m = M3() self.assertEquals(m.cmethod(), "C a") self.assertEquals(m.dmethod(), "D a") self.assertEquals(m.m1method(), "M1 a") self.assertEquals(m.m2method(), "M2 a") self.assertEquals(m.m3method(), "M3 a") self.assertEquals(m.all_method(), "M3 b") def test_only_classic(self): class Classic: pass try: class New(Classic): __metaclass__ = type except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "new class with only classic bases - shouldn't be" def test_mro_disagreement(self): "Testing error messages for MRO disagreement" mro_err_msg = ("Cannot create a consistent method resolution\n" "order (MRO) for bases ") def raises(exc, expected, callable, *args): try: callable(*args) except exc, msg: if not str(msg).startswith(expected): raise TestFailed, "Message %r, expected %r" % (str(msg), expected) else: raise TestFailed, "Expected %s" % exc class A(object): pass class B(A): pass class C(object): pass # Test some very simple errors raises(TypeError, "duplicate base class A", type, "X", (A, A), {}) raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg, type, "X", (A, B), {}) raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg, type, "X", (A, C, B), {}) # Test a slightly more complex error class GridLayout(object): pass class HorizontalGrid(GridLayout): pass class VerticalGrid(GridLayout): pass class HVGrid(HorizontalGrid, VerticalGrid): pass class VHGrid(VerticalGrid, HorizontalGrid): pass raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg, type, "ConfusedGrid", (HVGrid, VHGrid), {}) def test_diamond(self): "Testing multiple inheritance special cases" class A(object): def spam(self): return "A" self.assertEquals(A().spam(), "A") class B(A): def boo(self): return "B" def spam(self): return "B" self.assertEquals(B().spam(), "B") self.assertEquals(B().boo(), "B") class C(A): def boo(self): return "C" self.assertEquals(C().spam(), "A") self.assertEquals(C().boo(), "C") class D(B, C): pass self.assertEquals(D().spam(), "B") self.assertEquals(D().boo(), "B") self.assertEquals(D.__mro__, (D, B, C, A, object)) class E(C, B): pass self.assertEquals(E().spam(), "B") self.assertEquals(E().boo(), "C") self.assertEquals(E.__mro__, (E, C, B, A, object)) # MRO order disagreement try: class F(D, E): pass except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "expected MRO order disagreement (F)" try: class G(E, D): pass except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "expected MRO order disagreement (G)" def test_ex5(self): "Testing ex5 from C3 switch discussion" # see thread python-dev/2002-October/029035.html class A(object): pass class B(object): pass class C(object): pass class X(A): pass class Y(A): pass class Z(X,B,Y,C): pass self.assertEquals(Z.__mro__, (Z, X, B, Y, A, C, object)) def test_monotonicity(self): "Testing MRO monotonicity" # see "A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan", # by Kim Barrett et al. (OOPSLA 1996) class Boat(object): pass class DayBoat(Boat): pass class WheelBoat(Boat): pass class EngineLess(DayBoat): pass class SmallMultihull(DayBoat): pass class PedalWheelBoat(EngineLess,WheelBoat): pass class SmallCatamaran(SmallMultihull): pass class Pedalo(PedalWheelBoat,SmallCatamaran): pass self.assertEquals(PedalWheelBoat.__mro__, (PedalWheelBoat, EngineLess, DayBoat, WheelBoat, Boat, object)) self.assertEquals(SmallCatamaran.__mro__, (SmallCatamaran, SmallMultihull, DayBoat, Boat, object)) self.assertEquals(Pedalo.__mro__, (Pedalo, PedalWheelBoat, EngineLess, SmallCatamaran, SmallMultihull, DayBoat, WheelBoat, Boat, object)) def test_consistency_with_epg(self): "Testing consistentcy with EPG" # see "A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan", # by Kim Barrett et al. (OOPSLA 1996) class Pane(object): pass class ScrollingMixin(object): pass class EditingMixin(object): pass class ScrollablePane(Pane,ScrollingMixin): pass class EditablePane(Pane,EditingMixin): pass class EditableScrollablePane(ScrollablePane,EditablePane): pass self.assertEquals(EditableScrollablePane.__mro__, (EditableScrollablePane, ScrollablePane, EditablePane, Pane, ScrollingMixin, EditingMixin, object)) def test_slotmultipleinheritance(self): # SF bug 575229, multiple inheritance w/ slots dumps core class A(object): __slots__=() class B(object): pass class C(A,B) : __slots__=() self.assertEquals(C.__basicsize__, B.__basicsize__) self.failUnless(hasattr(C, '__dict__')) self.failUnless(hasattr(C, '__weakref__')) C().x = 2 class TestObject(TestCase): def test_objects(self): "Testing object class" a = object() self.assertEquals(a.__class__, object) self.assertEquals(type(a), object) b = object() self.failUnless(a is not b) self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "foo")) try: a.foo = 12 except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: self.failUnless(0, "object() should not allow setting a foo attribute") self.failUnless(not hasattr(object(), "__dict__")) class Cdict(object): pass x = Cdict() self.assertEquals(x.__dict__, {}) x.foo = 1 self.assertEquals(x.foo, 1) self.assertEquals(x.__dict__, {'foo': 1}) class TestSlots(TestCase): def test_slots(self): "Testing __slots__" class C0(object): __slots__ = [] x = C0() self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, "__dict__")) self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, "foo")) class C1(object): __slots__ = ['a'] x = C1() self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, "__dict__")) self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, "a")) x.a = 1 self.assertEquals(x.a, 1) x.a = None self.assertIs(x.a, None) del x.a self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, "a")) class C3(object): __slots__ = ['a', 'b', 'c'] x = C3() self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, "__dict__")) self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, 'a')) self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, 'b')) self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, 'c')) x.a = 1 x.b = 2 x.c = 3 self.assertEquals(x.a, 1) self.assertEquals(x.b, 2) self.assertEquals(x.c, 3) def test_slot_mangling(self): class C4(object): """Validate name mangling""" __slots__ = ['__a'] def __init__(self, value): self.__a = value def get(self): return self.__a x = C4(5) self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, '__dict__')) self.failUnless(not hasattr(x, '__a')) self.assertEquals(x.get(), 5) try: x.__a = 6 except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "Double underscored names not mangled" def test_slot_names(self): "Make sure slot names are proper identifiers" try: class C(object): __slots__ = [None] except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "[None] slots not caught" try: class C(object): __slots__ = ["foo bar"] except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "['foo bar'] slots not caught" try: class C(object): __slots__ = ["foo\0bar"] except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "['foo\\0bar'] slots not caught" try: class C(object): __slots__ = ["1"] except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "['1'] slots not caught" try: class C(object): __slots__ = [""] except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "[''] slots not caught" class C(object): __slots__ = ["a", "a_b", "_a", "A0123456789Z"] # XXX(nnorwitz): was there supposed to be something tested # from the class above? def test_single_string(self): "Test a single string is not expanded as a sequence" class C(object): __slots__ = "abc" c = C() c.abc = 5 self.assertEquals(c.abc, 5) def test_unicode_slots(self): "Test unicode slot names" try: unicode except NameError: pass else: # Test a single unicode string is not expanded as a sequence. class C(object): __slots__ = unicode("abc") c = C() c.abc = 5 self.assertEquals(c.abc, 5) # _unicode_to_string used to modify slots in certain circumstances slots = (unicode("foo"), unicode("bar")) class C(object): __slots__ = slots x = C() x.foo = 5 self.assertEquals(x.foo, 5) self.assertIs(type(slots[0]), unicode) # this used to leak references try: class C(object): __slots__ = [unichr(128)] except (TypeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, "[unichr(128)] slots not caught" def test_leaks(self): # Test leaks class Counted(object): counter = 0 # counts the number of instances alive def __init__(self): Counted.counter += 1 def __del__(self): Counted.counter -= 1 class C(object): __slots__ = ['a', 'b', 'c'] x = C() x.a = Counted() x.b = Counted() x.c = Counted() self.assertEquals(Counted.counter, 3) del x self.assertEquals(Counted.counter, 0) class D(C): pass x = D() x.a = Counted() x.z = Counted() self.assertEquals(Counted.counter, 2) del x self.assertEquals(Counted.counter, 0) class E(D): __slots__ = ['e'] x = E() x.a = Counted() x.z = Counted() x.e = Counted() self.assertEquals(Counted.counter, 3) del x self.assertEquals(Counted.counter, 0) # Test cyclical leaks [SF bug 519621] class F(object): __slots__ = ['a', 'b'] log = [] s = F() s.a = [Counted(), s] self.assertEquals(Counted.counter, 1) s = None import gc gc.collect() self.assertEquals(Counted.counter, 0) def test_lookup_leaks(self): "Test lookup leaks [SF bug 572567]" import sys,gc class G(object): def __cmp__(self, other): return 0 g = G() orig_objects = len(gc.get_objects()) for i in xrange(10): g==g new_objects = len(gc.get_objects()) self.assertEquals(orig_objects, new_objects) test = self class H(object): __slots__ = ['a', 'b'] failed = False def __init__(self): self.a = 1 self.b = 2 def __del__(self): # no assertion in __del__! failures are always ignored. if not (self.a == 1 and self.b == 2): H.failed = True save_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = sys.stdout h = H() try: del h finally: sys.stderr = save_stderr self.failUnless(H.failed == False) def test_slotspecials(self): "Testing __dict__ and __weakref__ in __slots__" class D(object): __slots__ = ["__dict__"] a = D() self.failUnless(hasattr(a, "__dict__")) self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "__weakref__")) a.foo = 42 self.assertEquals(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42}) class W(object): __slots__ = ["__weakref__"] a = W() self.failUnless(hasattr(a, "__weakref__")) self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "__dict__")) try: a.foo = 42 except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be allowed to set a.foo" class C1(W, D): __slots__ = [] a = C1() self.failUnless(hasattr(a, "__dict__")) self.failUnless(hasattr(a, "__weakref__")) a.foo = 42 self.assertEquals(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42}) class C2(D, W): __slots__ = [] a = C2() self.failUnless(hasattr(a, "__dict__")) self.failUnless(hasattr(a, "__weakref__")) a.foo = 42 self.assertEquals(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42}) # MRO order disagreement # # class C3(C1, C2): # __slots__ = [] # # class C4(C2, C1): # __slots__ = [] class TestAttributePropagation(TestCase): def test_dynamics(self): "Testing class attribute propagation" class D(object): pass class E(D): pass class F(D): pass D.foo = 1 self.assertEquals(D.foo, 1) # Test that dynamic attributes are inherited self.assertEquals(E.foo, 1) self.assertEquals(F.foo, 1) # Test dynamic instances class C(object): pass a = C() self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "foobar")) C.foobar = 2 self.assertEquals(a.foobar, 2) C.method = lambda self: 42 self.assertEquals(a.method(), 42) C.__repr__ = lambda self: "C()" self.assertEquals(repr(a), "C()") C.__int__ = lambda self: 100 self.assertEquals(int(a), 100) self.assertEquals(a.foobar, 2) self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "spam")) def mygetattr(self, name): if name == "spam": return "spam" raise AttributeError C.__getattr__ = mygetattr self.assertEquals(a.spam, "spam") a.new = 12 self.assertEquals(a.new, 12) def mysetattr(self, name, value): if name == "spam": raise AttributeError return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) C.__setattr__ = mysetattr try: a.spam = "not spam" except AttributeError: pass else: self.failUnless(0, "expected AttributeError") self.assertEquals(a.spam, "spam") class D(C): pass d = D() d.foo = 1 self.assertEquals(d.foo, 1) # Test handling of int*seq and seq*int class I(int): pass self.assertEquals("a"*I(2), "aa") self.assertEquals(I(2)*"a", "aa") self.assertEquals(2*I(3), 6) self.assertEquals(I(3)*2, 6) self.assertEquals(I(3)*I(2), 6) # Test handling of long*seq and seq*long class L(long): pass self.assertEquals("a"*L(2L), "aa") self.assertEquals(L(2L)*"a", "aa") self.assertEquals(2*L(3), 6) self.assertEquals(L(3)*2, 6) self.assertEquals(L(3)*L(2), 6) # Test comparison of classes with dynamic metaclasses class dynamicmetaclass(type): pass class someclass: __metaclass__ = dynamicmetaclass self.failUnless(someclass != object) def test_subclasspropagation(self): "Testing propagation of slot functions to subclasses" class A(object): pass class B(A): pass class C(A): pass class D(B, C): pass d = D() orig_hash = hash(d) # related to id(d) in platform-dependent ways A.__hash__ = lambda self: 42 self.assertEquals(hash(d), 42) C.__hash__ = lambda self: 314 self.assertEquals(hash(d), 314) B.__hash__ = lambda self: 144 self.assertEquals(hash(d), 144) D.__hash__ = lambda self: 100 self.assertEquals(hash(d), 100) del D.__hash__ self.assertEquals(hash(d), 144) del B.__hash__ self.assertEquals(hash(d), 314) del C.__hash__ self.assertEquals(hash(d), 42) del A.__hash__ self.assertEquals(hash(d), orig_hash) d.foo = 42 d.bar = 42 self.assertEquals(d.foo, 42) self.assertEquals(d.bar, 42) def __getattribute__(self, name): if name == "foo": return 24 return object.__getattribute__(self, name) A.__getattribute__ = __getattribute__ self.assertEquals(d.foo, 24) self.assertEquals(d.bar, 42) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ("spam", "foo", "bar"): return "hello" raise AttributeError, name B.__getattr__ = __getattr__ self.assertEquals(d.spam, "hello") self.assertEquals(d.foo, 24) self.assertEquals(d.bar, 42) del A.__getattribute__ self.assertEquals(d.foo, 42) del d.foo self.assertEquals(d.foo, "hello") self.assertEquals(d.bar, 42) del B.__getattr__ try: d.foo except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "d.foo should be undefined now" # Test a nasty bug in recurse_down_subclasses() import gc class A(object): pass class B(A): pass del B gc.collect() A.__setitem__ = lambda *a: None # crash class TestErrors(TestCase): def test_errors(self): "Testing errors" try: class C(list, dict): pass except TypeError: pass else: self.failUnless(0, "inheritance from both list and dict should be illegal") try: class C(object, None): pass except TypeError: pass else: self.failUnless(0, "inheritance from non-type should be illegal") class Classic: pass try: class C(type(len)): pass except TypeError: pass else: self.failUnless(0, "inheritance from CFunction should be illegal") try: class C(object): __slots__ = 1 except TypeError: pass else: self.failUnless(0, "__slots__ = 1 should be illegal") try: class C(object): __slots__ = [1] except TypeError: pass else: self.failUnless(0, "__slots__ = [1] should be illegal") class M1(type): pass class M2(type): pass class A1(object): __metaclass__ = M1 class A2(object): __metaclass__ = M2 try: class B(A1, A2): pass except TypeError: pass else: self.failUnless(0, "finding the most derived metaclass should have failed") class TestMethods(TestCase): def test_methods(self): "Testing methods" class C(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def foo(self): return self.x c1 = C(1) self.assertEquals(c1.foo(), 1) class D(C): boo = C.foo goo = c1.foo d2 = D(2) self.assertEquals(d2.foo(), 2) self.assertEquals(d2.boo(), 2) self.assertEquals(d2.goo(), 1) class E(object): foo = C.foo self.assertEquals(E().foo, C.foo) # i.e., unbound self.failUnless(repr(C.foo.__get__(C(1))).startswith(" did not support any reflection before 2.5 l = [] self.assertEquals(l.__add__, l.__add__) self.assertEquals(l.__add__, [].__add__) self.failUnless(l.__add__ != [5].__add__) self.failUnless(l.__add__ != l.__mul__) self.failUnless(l.__add__.__name__ == '__add__') self.failUnless(l.__add__.__self__ is l) self.failUnless(l.__add__.__objclass__ is list) self.assertEquals(l.__add__.__doc__, list.__add__.__doc__) try: hash(l.__add__) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed("no TypeError from hash([].__add__)") t = () t += (7,) self.assertEquals(t.__add__, (7,).__add__) self.assertEquals(hash(t.__add__), hash((7,).__add__)) class TestClassicClasses(TestCase): def test_classic(self): "Testing classic classes" class C: def foo(*a): return a goo = classmethod(foo) c = C() self.assertEquals(C.goo(1), (C, 1)) self.assertEquals(c.goo(1), (C, 1)) self.assertEquals(c.foo(1), (c, 1)) class D(C): pass d = D() self.assertEquals(D.goo(1), (D, 1)) self.assertEquals(d.goo(1), (D, 1)) self.assertEquals(d.foo(1), (d, 1)) self.assertEquals(D.foo(d, 1), (d, 1)) class E: # *not* subclassing from C foo = C.foo self.assertEquals(E().foo, C.foo) # i.e., unbound self.failUnless(repr(C.foo.__get__(C())).startswith("tp_as_sequence->sq_slice instead of # tp->tp_as_sequence->sq_ass_slice class C(object): def __setslice__(self, start, stop, value): self.value = value c = C() c[1:2] = 3 self.assertEquals(c.value, 3) class TestSpecialOperators(TestCase): def test_specials(self): "Testing special operators" # Test operators like __hash__ for which a built-in default exists # Test the default behavior for static classes class C(object): def __getitem__(self, i): if 0 <= i < 10: return i raise IndexError c1 = C() c2 = C() self.failUnless(not not c1) self.failUnless(id(c1) != id(c2)) hash(c1) hash(c2) self.assertEquals(cmp(c1, c2), cmp(id(c1), id(c2))) self.assertEquals(c1, c1) self.failUnless(c1 != c2) self.failUnless(not c1 != c1) self.failUnless(not c1 == c2) # Note that the module name appears in str/repr, and that varies # depending on whether this test is run standalone or from a framework. self.failUnless(str(c1).find('C object at ') >= 0) self.assertEquals(str(c1), repr(c1)) self.failUnless(-1 not in c1) for i in range(10): self.failUnless(i in c1) self.failUnless(10 not in c1) # Test the default behavior for dynamic classes class D(object): def __getitem__(self, i): if 0 <= i < 10: return i raise IndexError d1 = D() d2 = D() self.failUnless(not not d1) self.failUnless(id(d1) != id(d2)) hash(d1) hash(d2) self.assertEquals(cmp(d1, d2), cmp(id(d1), id(d2))) self.assertEquals(d1, d1) self.failUnless(d1 != d2) self.failUnless(not d1 != d1) self.failUnless(not d1 == d2) # Note that the module name appears in str/repr, and that varies # depending on whether this test is run standalone or from a framework. self.failUnless(str(d1).find('D object at ') >= 0) self.assertEquals(str(d1), repr(d1)) self.failUnless(-1 not in d1) for i in range(10): self.failUnless(i in d1) self.failUnless(10 not in d1) # Test overridden behavior for static classes class Proxy(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def __nonzero__(self): return not not self.x def __hash__(self): return hash(self.x) def __eq__(self, other): return self.x == other def __ne__(self, other): return self.x != other def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.x, other.x) def __str__(self): return "Proxy:%s" % self.x def __repr__(self): return "Proxy(%r)" % self.x def __contains__(self, value): return value in self.x p0 = Proxy(0) p1 = Proxy(1) p_1 = Proxy(-1) self.failUnless(not p0) self.failUnless(not not p1) self.assertEquals(hash(p0), hash(0)) self.assertEquals(p0, p0) self.failUnless(p0 != p1) self.failUnless(not p0 != p0) self.assertEquals(not p0, p1) self.assertEquals(cmp(p0, p1), -1) self.assertEquals(cmp(p0, p0), 0) self.assertEquals(cmp(p0, p_1), 1) self.assertEquals(str(p0), "Proxy:0") self.assertEquals(repr(p0), "Proxy(0)") p10 = Proxy(range(10)) self.failUnless(-1 not in p10) for i in range(10): self.failUnless(i in p10) self.failUnless(10 not in p10) # Test overridden behavior for dynamic classes class DProxy(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def __nonzero__(self): return not not self.x def __hash__(self): return hash(self.x) def __eq__(self, other): return self.x == other def __ne__(self, other): return self.x != other def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.x, other.x) def __str__(self): return "DProxy:%s" % self.x def __repr__(self): return "DProxy(%r)" % self.x def __contains__(self, value): return value in self.x p0 = DProxy(0) p1 = DProxy(1) p_1 = DProxy(-1) self.failUnless(not p0) self.failUnless(not not p1) self.assertEquals(hash(p0), hash(0)) self.assertEquals(p0, p0) self.failUnless(p0 != p1) self.failUnless(not p0 != p0) self.assertEquals(not p0, p1) self.assertEquals(cmp(p0, p1), -1) self.assertEquals(cmp(p0, p0), 0) self.assertEquals(cmp(p0, p_1), 1) self.assertEquals(str(p0), "DProxy:0") self.assertEquals(repr(p0), "DProxy(0)") p10 = DProxy(range(10)) self.failUnless(-1 not in p10) for i in range(10): self.failUnless(i in p10) self.failUnless(10 not in p10) # Safety test for __cmp__ def unsafecmp(a, b): try: a.__class__.__cmp__(a, b) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow %s.__cmp__(%r, %r)" % ( a.__class__, a, b) unsafecmp(u"123", "123") unsafecmp("123", u"123") unsafecmp(1, 1.0) unsafecmp(1.0, 1) unsafecmp(1, 1L) unsafecmp(1L, 1) class TestRecursions(TestCase): def test_recursions(self): "Testing recursion checks" class Letter(str): def __new__(cls, letter): if letter == 'EPS': return str.__new__(cls) return str.__new__(cls, letter) def __str__(self): if not self: return 'EPS' return self # sys.stdout needs to be the original to trigger the recursion bug import sys test_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = get_original_stdout() try: # nothing should actually be printed, this should raise an exception print Letter('w') except RuntimeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "expected a RuntimeError for print recursion" sys.stdout = test_stdout # Bug #1202533. class A(object): pass A.__mul__ = types.MethodType(lambda self, x: self * x, None, A) try: A()*2 except RuntimeError: pass else: raise TestFailed("expected a RuntimeError") def test_recursive__call__(self): "Testing recursive __call__() by setting to instance of class" class A(object): pass A.__call__ = A() try: A()() except RuntimeError: pass else: raise TestFailed("Recursion limit should have been reached for " "__call__()") class TestWeakrefs(TestCase): def test_weakrefs(self): "Testing weak references" import weakref class C(object): pass c = C() r = weakref.ref(c) self.failUnless(r() is c) del c self.failUnless(r() is None) del r class NoWeak(object): __slots__ = ['foo'] no = NoWeak() try: weakref.ref(no) except TypeError, msg: self.failUnless(str(msg).find("weak reference") >= 0) else: self.failUnless(0, "weakref.ref(no) should be illegal") class Weak(object): __slots__ = ['foo', '__weakref__'] yes = Weak() r = weakref.ref(yes) self.failUnless(r() is yes) del yes self.failUnless(r() is None) del r class TestProperties(TestCase): def test_property(self): "Testing property" class C(object): def getx(self): return self.__x def setx(self, value): self.__x = value def delx(self): del self.__x x = property(getx, setx, delx, doc="I'm the x property.") a = C() self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "x")) a.x = 42 self.assertEquals(a._C__x, 42) self.assertEquals(a.x, 42) del a.x self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "x")) self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "_C__x")) C.x.__set__(a, 100) self.assertEquals(C.x.__get__(a), 100) C.x.__delete__(a) self.failUnless(not hasattr(a, "x")) raw = C.__dict__['x'] self.failUnless(isinstance(raw, property)) attrs = dir(raw) self.failUnless("__doc__" in attrs) self.failUnless("fget" in attrs) self.failUnless("fset" in attrs) self.failUnless("fdel" in attrs) self.assertEquals(raw.__doc__, "I'm the x property.") self.failUnless(raw.fget is C.__dict__['getx']) self.failUnless(raw.fset is C.__dict__['setx']) self.failUnless(raw.fdel is C.__dict__['delx']) for attr in "__doc__", "fget", "fset", "fdel": try: setattr(raw, attr, 42) except TypeError, msg: if str(msg).find('readonly') < 0: raise TestFailed("when setting readonly attr %r on a " "property, got unexpected TypeError " "msg %r" % (attr, str(msg))) else: raise TestFailed("expected TypeError from trying to set " "readonly %r attr on a property" % attr) class D(object): __getitem__ = property(lambda s: 1/0) d = D() try: for i in d: str(i) except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "expected ZeroDivisionError from bad property" class E(object): def getter(self): "getter method" return 0 def setter(self, value): "setter method" pass prop = property(getter) self.assertEquals(prop.__doc__, "getter method") prop2 = property(fset=setter) self.assertEquals(prop2.__doc__, None) # this segfaulted in 2.5b2 try: import _testcapi except ImportError: pass else: class X(object): p = property(_testcapi.test_with_docstring) def test_properties_plus(self): class C(object): foo = property(doc="hello") @foo.getter def foo(self): return self._foo @foo.setter def foo(self, value): self._foo = abs(value) @foo.deleter def foo(self): del self._foo c = C() self.assertEqual(C.foo.__doc__, "hello") self.failIf(hasattr(c, "foo")) c.foo = -42 self.assertTrue(hasattr(c, '_foo')) self.assertEqual(c._foo, 42) self.assertEqual(c.foo, 42) del c.foo self.failIf(hasattr(c, '_foo')) self.failIf(hasattr(c, 'xfoo')) class D(C): @C.foo.deleter def foo(self): try: del self._foo except AttributeError: pass d = D() d.foo = 24 self.assertEqual(d.foo, 24) del d.foo del d.foo class E(object): @property def foo(self): return self._foo @foo.setter def foo(self, value): raise RuntimeError @foo.setter def foo(self, value): self._foo = abs(value) @foo.deleter def foo(self, value=None): del self._foo e = E() e.foo = -42 self.assertEqual(e.foo, 42) del e.foo class F(E): @E.foo.deleter def foo(self): del self._foo @foo.setter def foo(self, value): self._foo = max(0, value) f = F() f.foo = -10 self.assertEqual(f.foo, 0) del f.foo class TestSuper(TestCase): def test_supers(self): "Testing super" class A(object): def meth(self, a): return "A(%r)" % a self.assertEquals(A().meth(1), "A(1)") class B(A): def __init__(self): self.__super = super(B, self) def meth(self, a): return "B(%r)" % a + self.__super.meth(a) self.assertEquals(B().meth(2), "B(2)A(2)") class C(A): def meth(self, a): return "C(%r)" % a + self.__super.meth(a) C._C__super = super(C) self.assertEquals(C().meth(3), "C(3)A(3)") class D(C, B): def meth(self, a): return "D(%r)" % a + super(D, self).meth(a) self.assertEquals(D().meth(4), "D(4)C(4)B(4)A(4)") # Test for subclassing super class mysuper(super): def __init__(self, *args): return super(mysuper, self).__init__(*args) class E(D): def meth(self, a): return "E(%r)" % a + mysuper(E, self).meth(a) self.assertEquals(E().meth(5), "E(5)D(5)C(5)B(5)A(5)") class F(E): def meth(self, a): s = self.__super # == mysuper(F, self) return "F(%r)[%s]" % (a, s.__class__.__name__) + s.meth(a) F._F__super = mysuper(F) self.assertEquals(F().meth(6), "F(6)[mysuper]E(6)D(6)C(6)B(6)A(6)") # Make sure certain errors are raised try: super(D, 42) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow super(D, 42)" try: super(D, C()) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow super(D, C())" try: super(D).__get__(12) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow super(D).__get__(12)" try: super(D).__get__(C()) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow super(D).__get__(C())" # Make sure data descriptors can be overridden and accessed via super # (new feature in Python 2.3) class DDbase(object): def getx(self): return 42 x = property(getx) class DDsub(DDbase): def getx(self): return "hello" x = property(getx) dd = DDsub() self.assertEquals(dd.x, "hello") self.assertEquals(super(DDsub, dd).x, 42) # Ensure that super() lookup of descriptor from classmethod # works (SF ID# 743627) class Base(object): aProp = property(lambda self: "foo") class Sub(Base): @classmethod def test(klass): return super(Sub,klass).aProp self.assertIs(Sub.test(), Base.aProp) # Verify that super() doesn't allow keyword args try: super(Base, kw=1) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "super shouldn't accept keyword args" class TestKeywords(TestCase): def test_constructor_keywords(self): "Testing keyword args to basic type constructors" self.assertEquals(int(x=1), 1) self.assertEquals(float(x=2), 2.0) self.assertEquals(long(x=3), 3L) self.assertEquals(complex(imag=42, real=666), complex(666, 42)) self.assertEquals(str(object=500), '500') self.assertEquals(unicode(string='abc', errors='strict'), u'abc') self.assertEquals(tuple(sequence=range(3)), (0, 1, 2)) self.assertEquals(list(sequence=(0, 1, 2)), range(3)) # note: as of Python 2.3, dict() no longer has an "items" keyword arg for constructor in (int, float, long, complex, str, unicode, tuple, list, file): try: constructor(bogus_keyword_arg=1) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed("expected TypeError from bogus keyword " "argument to %r" % constructor) def test_kwdargs(self): "Testing keyword arguments to __init__, __call__" def f(a): return a self.assertEquals(f.__call__(a=42), 42) a = [] list.__init__(a, sequence=[0, 1, 2]) self.assertEquals(a, [0, 1, 2]) class TestRexec(TestCase): def do_not_test_restricted(self): # XXX This test is disabled because rexec is not deemed safe return "Testing interaction with restricted execution" import rexec sandbox = rexec.RExec() code1 = """f = open(%r, 'w')""" % TESTFN code2 = """f = file(%r, 'w')""" % TESTFN code3 = """\ f = open(%r) t = type(f) # a sneaky way to get the file() constructor f.close() f = t(%r, 'w') # rexec can't catch this by itself """ % (TESTFN, TESTFN) f = open(TESTFN, 'w') # Create the file so code3 can find it. f.close() try: for code in code1, code2, code3: try: sandbox.r_exec(code) except IOError, msg: if str(msg).find("restricted") >= 0: outcome = "OK" else: outcome = "got an exception, but not an expected one" else: outcome = "expected a restricted-execution exception" if outcome != "OK": raise TestFailed("%s, in %r" % (outcome, code)) finally: try: import os os.unlink(TESTFN) except: pass class TestComparisons(TestCase): def test_classic_comparisons(self): "Testing classic comparisons" class classic: pass for base in (classic, int, object): #if verbose: print " (base = %s)" % base class C(base): def __init__(self, value): self.value = int(value) def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, C): return cmp(self.value, other.value) if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long): return cmp(self.value, other) return NotImplemented c1 = C(1) c2 = C(2) c3 = C(3) self.assertEquals(c1, 1) c = {1: c1, 2: c2, 3: c3} for x in 1, 2, 3: for y in 1, 2, 3: self.failUnless(cmp(c[x], c[y]) == cmp(x, y), "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y)) for op in "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">", ">=": self.failUnless(eval("c[x] %s c[y]" % op) == eval("x %s y" % op), "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y)) self.failUnless(cmp(c[x], y) == cmp(x, y), "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y)) self.failUnless(cmp(x, c[y]) == cmp(x, y), "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y)) def test_rich_comparisons(self): "Testing rich comparisons" class Z(complex): pass z = Z(1) self.assertEquals(z, 1+0j) self.assertEquals(1+0j, z) class ZZ(complex): def __eq__(self, other): try: return abs(self - other) <= 1e-6 except: return NotImplemented zz = ZZ(1.0000003) self.assertEquals(zz, 1+0j) self.assertEquals(1+0j, zz) class classic: pass for base in (classic, int, object, list): #if verbose: print " (base = %s)" % base class C(base): def __init__(self, value): self.value = int(value) def __cmp__(self, other): raise TestFailed, "shouldn't call __cmp__" def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, C): return self.value == other.value if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long): return self.value == other return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, C): return self.value != other.value if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long): return self.value != other return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, C): return self.value < other.value if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long): return self.value < other return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, C): return self.value <= other.value if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long): return self.value <= other return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, C): return self.value > other.value if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long): return self.value > other return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, C): return self.value >= other.value if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long): return self.value >= other return NotImplemented c1 = C(1) c2 = C(2) c3 = C(3) self.assertEquals(c1, 1) c = {1: c1, 2: c2, 3: c3} for x in 1, 2, 3: for y in 1, 2, 3: for op in "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">", ">=": self.failUnless(eval("c[x] %s c[y]" % op) == eval("x %s y" % op), "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y)) self.failUnless(eval("c[x] %s y" % op) == eval("x %s y" % op), "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y)) self.failUnless(eval("x %s c[y]" % op) == eval("x %s y" % op), "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y)) class TestClassChange(TestCase): def test_setclass(self): "Testing __class__ assignment" class C(object): pass class D(object): pass class E(object): pass class F(D, E): pass for cls in C, D, E, F: for cls2 in C, D, E, F: x = cls() x.__class__ = cls2 self.failUnless(x.__class__ is cls2) x.__class__ = cls self.failUnless(x.__class__ is cls) def cant(x, C): try: x.__class__ = C except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow %r.__class__ = %r" % (x, C) try: delattr(x, "__class__") except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow del %r.__class__" % x cant(C(), list) cant(list(), C) cant(C(), 1) cant(C(), object) cant(object(), list) cant(list(), object) class Int(int): __slots__ = [] cant(2, Int) cant(Int(), int) cant(True, int) cant(2, bool) o = object() cant(o, type(1)) cant(o, type(None)) del o class G(object): __slots__ = ["a", "b"] class H(object): __slots__ = ["b", "a"] try: unicode except NameError: class I(object): __slots__ = ["a", "b"] else: class I(object): __slots__ = [unicode("a"), unicode("b")] class J(object): __slots__ = ["c", "b"] class K(object): __slots__ = ["a", "b", "d"] class L(H): __slots__ = ["e"] class M(I): __slots__ = ["e"] class N(J): __slots__ = ["__weakref__"] class P(J): __slots__ = ["__dict__"] class Q(J): pass class R(J): __slots__ = ["__dict__", "__weakref__"] for cls, cls2 in ((G, H), (G, I), (I, H), (Q, R), (R, Q)): x = cls() x.a = 1 x.__class__ = cls2 self.failUnless(x.__class__ is cls2, "assigning %r as __class__ for %r silently failed" % (cls2, x)) self.assertEquals(x.a, 1) x.__class__ = cls self.failUnless(x.__class__ is cls, "assigning %r as __class__ for %r silently failed" % (cls, x)) self.assertEquals(x.a, 1) for cls in G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, list, Int: for cls2 in G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, list, Int: if cls is cls2: continue cant(cls(), cls2) def test_setdict(self): "Testing __dict__ assignment" class C(object): pass a = C() a.__dict__ = {'b': 1} self.assertEquals(a.b, 1) def cant(x, dict): try: x.__dict__ = dict except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow %r.__dict__ = %r" % (x, dict) cant(a, None) cant(a, []) cant(a, 1) del a.__dict__ # Deleting __dict__ is allowed class Base(object): pass def verify_dict_readonly(x): """ x has to be an instance of a class inheriting from Base. """ cant(x, {}) try: del x.__dict__ except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't allow del %r.__dict__" % x dict_descr = Base.__dict__["__dict__"] try: dict_descr.__set__(x, {}) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: raise TestFailed, "dict_descr allowed access to %r's dict" % x # Classes don't allow __dict__ assignment and have readonly dicts class Meta1(type, Base): pass class Meta2(Base, type): pass class D(object): __metaclass__ = Meta1 class E(object): __metaclass__ = Meta2 for cls in C, D, E: verify_dict_readonly(cls) class_dict = cls.__dict__ try: class_dict["spam"] = "eggs" except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "%r's __dict__ can be modified" % cls # Modules also disallow __dict__ assignment class Module1(types.ModuleType, Base): pass class Module2(Base, types.ModuleType): pass for ModuleType in Module1, Module2: mod = ModuleType("spam") verify_dict_readonly(mod) mod.__dict__["spam"] = "eggs" # Exception's __dict__ can be replaced, but not deleted class Exception1(Exception, Base): pass class Exception2(Base, Exception): pass for ExceptionType in Exception, Exception1, Exception2: e = ExceptionType() e.__dict__ = {"a": 1} self.assertEquals(e.a, 1) try: del e.__dict__ except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass else: raise TestFaied, "%r's __dict__ can be deleted" % e def test_mutable_bases(self): "Testing mutable bases" # stuff that should work: class C(object): pass class C2(object): def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr == 'a': return 2 else: return super(C2, self).__getattribute__(attr) def meth(self): return 1 class D(C): pass class E(D): pass d = D() e = E() D.__bases__ = (C,) D.__bases__ = (C2,) self.assertEquals(d.meth(), 1) self.assertEquals(e.meth(), 1) self.assertEquals(d.a, 2) self.assertEquals(e.a, 2) self.assertEquals(C2.__subclasses__(), [D]) # stuff that shouldn't: class L(list): pass try: L.__bases__ = (dict,) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't turn list subclass into dict subclass" try: list.__bases__ = (dict,) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be able to assign to list.__bases__" try: D.__bases__ = (C2, list) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "best_base calculation found wanting" try: del D.__bases__ except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be able to delete .__bases__" try: D.__bases__ = () except TypeError, msg: if str(msg) == "a new-style class can't have only classic bases": raise TestFailed, "wrong error message for .__bases__ = ()" else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be able to set .__bases__ to ()" try: D.__bases__ = (D,) except TypeError: pass else: # actually, we'll have crashed by here... raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be able to create inheritance cycles" try: D.__bases__ = (C, C) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "didn't detect repeated base classes" try: D.__bases__ = (E,) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't be able to create inheritance cycles" # let's throw a classic class into the mix: class Classic: def meth2(self): return 3 D.__bases__ = (C, Classic) self.assertEquals(d.meth2(), 3) self.assertEquals(e.meth2(), 3) try: d.a except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "attribute should have vanished" try: D.__bases__ = (Classic,) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "new-style class must have a new-style base" def test_mutable_bases_with_failing_mro(self): "Testing mutable bases with failing mro" class WorkOnce(type): def __new__(self, name, bases, ns): self.flag = 0 return super(WorkOnce, self).__new__(WorkOnce, name, bases, ns) def mro(self): if self.flag > 0: raise RuntimeError, "bozo" else: self.flag += 1 return type.mro(self) class WorkAlways(type): def mro(self): # this is here to make sure that .mro()s aren't called # with an exception set (which was possible at one point). # An error message will be printed in a debug build. # What's a good way to test for this? return type.mro(self) class C(object): pass class C2(object): pass class D(C): pass class E(D): pass class F(D): __metaclass__ = WorkOnce class G(D): __metaclass__ = WorkAlways # Immediate subclasses have their mro's adjusted in alphabetical # order, so E's will get adjusted before adjusting F's fails. We # check here that E's gets restored. E_mro_before = E.__mro__ D_mro_before = D.__mro__ try: D.__bases__ = (C2,) except RuntimeError: self.assertEquals(E.__mro__, E_mro_before) self.assertEquals(D.__mro__, D_mro_before) else: raise TestFailed, "exception not propagated" def test_mutable_bases_catch_mro_conflict(self): "Testing mutable bases catch mro conflict" class A(object): pass class B(object): pass class C(A, B): pass class D(A, B): pass class E(C, D): pass try: C.__bases__ = (B, A) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "didn't catch MRO conflict" def test_mutable_names(self): "Testing mutable namesx" class C(object): pass # C.__module__ could be 'test_descr' or '__main__' mod = C.__module__ C.__name__ = 'D' self.assertEquals((C.__module__, C.__name__), (mod, 'D')) C.__name__ = 'D.E' self.assertEquals((C.__module__, C.__name__), (mod, 'D.E')) class TestCopy(TestCase): def test_pickles(self): "Testing pickling and copying new-style classes and objects" import pickle, cPickle def sorteditems(d): L = d.items() L.sort() return L global C class C(object): def __init__(self, a, b): super(C, self).__init__() self.a = a self.b = b def __repr__(self): return "C(%r, %r)" % (self.a, self.b) global C1 class C1(list): def __new__(cls, a, b): return super(C1, cls).__new__(cls) def __getnewargs__(self): return (self.a, self.b) def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b def __repr__(self): return "C1(%r, %r)<%r>" % (self.a, self.b, list(self)) global C2 class C2(int): def __new__(cls, a, b, val=0): return super(C2, cls).__new__(cls, val) def __getnewargs__(self): return (self.a, self.b, int(self)) def __init__(self, a, b, val=0): self.a = a self.b = b def __repr__(self): return "C2(%r, %r)<%r>" % (self.a, self.b, int(self)) global C3 class C3(object): def __init__(self, foo): self.foo = foo def __getstate__(self): return self.foo def __setstate__(self, foo): self.foo = foo global C4classic, C4 class C4classic: # classic pass class C4(C4classic, object): # mixed inheritance pass for p in pickle, cPickle: for bin in 0, 1: #if verbose: print p.__name__, ["text", "binary"][bin] for cls in C, C1, C2: s = p.dumps(cls, bin) cls2 = p.loads(s) self.failUnless(cls2 is cls) a = C1(1, 2); a.append(42); a.append(24) b = C2("hello", "world", 42) s = p.dumps((a, b), bin) x, y = p.loads(s) self.assertEquals(x.__class__, a.__class__) self.assertEquals(sorteditems(x.__dict__), sorteditems(a.__dict__)) self.assertEquals(y.__class__, b.__class__) self.assertEquals(sorteditems(y.__dict__), sorteditems(b.__dict__)) self.assertEquals(repr(x), repr(a)) self.assertEquals(repr(y), repr(b)) #if verbose: # print "a = x =", a # print "b = y =", b # Test for __getstate__ and __setstate__ on new style class u = C3(42) s = p.dumps(u, bin) v = p.loads(s) self.assertIs(u.__class__, v.__class__) self.assertEquals(u.foo, v.foo) # Test for picklability of hybrid class u = C4() u.foo = 42 s = p.dumps(u, bin) v = p.loads(s) self.assertIs(u.__class__, v.__class__) self.assertEquals(u.foo, v.foo) # Testing copy.deepcopy() # if verbose: print "deepcopy" import copy for cls in C, C1, C2: cls2 = copy.deepcopy(cls) self.failUnless(cls2 is cls) a = C1(1, 2); a.append(42); a.append(24) b = C2("hello", "world", 42) x, y = copy.deepcopy((a, b)) self.assertEquals(x.__class__, a.__class__) self.assertEquals(sorteditems(x.__dict__), sorteditems(a.__dict__)) self.assertEquals(y.__class__, b.__class__) self.assertEquals(sorteditems(y.__dict__), sorteditems(b.__dict__)) self.assertEquals(repr(x), repr(a)) self.assertEquals(repr(y), repr(b)) # if verbose: # print "a = x =", a # print "b = y =", b def test_pickleslots(self): "Testing pickling of classes with __slots__" import pickle, cPickle # Pickling of classes with __slots__ but without __getstate__ should fail global B, C, D, E class B(object): pass for base in [object, B]: class C(base): __slots__ = ['a'] class D(C): pass try: pickle.dumps(C()) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "should fail: pickle C instance - %s" % base try: cPickle.dumps(C()) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "should fail: cPickle C instance - %s" % base try: pickle.dumps(C()) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "should fail: pickle D instance - %s" % base try: cPickle.dumps(D()) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "should fail: cPickle D instance - %s" % base # Give C a nice generic __getstate__ and __setstate__ class C(base): __slots__ = ['a'] def __getstate__(self): try: d = self.__dict__.copy() except AttributeError: d = {} for cls in self.__class__.__mro__: for sn in cls.__dict__.get('__slots__', ()): try: d[sn] = getattr(self, sn) except AttributeError: pass return d def __setstate__(self, d): for k, v in d.items(): setattr(self, k, v) class D(C): pass # Now it should work x = C() y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x)) self.assertEquals(hasattr(y, 'a'), 0) y = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(x)) self.assertEquals(hasattr(y, 'a'), 0) x.a = 42 y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x)) self.assertEquals(y.a, 42) y = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(x)) self.assertEquals(y.a, 42) x = D() x.a = 42 x.b = 100 y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x)) self.assertEquals(y.a + y.b, 142) y = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(x)) self.assertEquals(y.a + y.b, 142) # A subclass that adds a slot should also work class E(C): __slots__ = ['b'] x = E() x.a = 42 x.b = "foo" y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x)) self.assertEquals(y.a, x.a) self.assertEquals(y.b, x.b) y = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(x)) self.assertEquals(y.a, x.a) self.assertEquals(y.b, x.b) def test_copies(self): "Testing copy.copy() and copy.deepcopy()" import copy class C(object): pass a = C() a.foo = 12 b = copy.copy(a) self.assertEquals(b.__dict__, a.__dict__) a.bar = [1,2,3] c = copy.copy(a) self.assertEquals(c.bar, a.bar) self.failUnless(c.bar is a.bar) d = copy.deepcopy(a) self.assertEquals(d.__dict__, a.__dict__) a.bar.append(4) self.assertEquals(d.bar, [1,2,3]) def test_deepcopyrecursive(self): "Testing deepcopy of recursive objects" class Node: pass a = Node() b = Node() a.b = b b.a = a z = deepcopy(a) # This blew up before def test_copy_setstate(self): "Testing that copy.*copy() correctly uses __setstate__" import copy test = self class C(object): def __init__(self, foo=None): self.foo = foo self.__foo = foo def setfoo(self, foo=None): self.foo = foo def getfoo(self): return self.__foo def __getstate__(self): return [self.foo] def __setstate__(self, lst): test.assertEqual(len(lst), 1) self.__foo = self.foo = lst[0] a = C(42) a.setfoo(24) self.assertEquals(a.foo, 24) self.assertEquals(a.getfoo(), 42) b = copy.copy(a) self.assertEquals(b.foo, 24) self.assertEquals(b.getfoo(), 24) b = copy.deepcopy(a) self.assertEquals(b.foo, 24) self.assertEquals(b.getfoo(), 24) class TestDescriptors(TestCase): def test_delhook(self): "Testing __del__ hook" log = [] class C(object): def __del__(self): log.append(1) c = C() self.assertEquals(log, []) del c self.assertEquals(log, [1]) class D(object): pass d = D() try: del d[0] except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "invalid del() didn't raise TypeError" def test_meth_class_get(self): "Testing __get__ method of METH_CLASS C methods" # Full coverage of descrobject.c::classmethod_get() # Baseline arg = [1, 2, 3] res = {1: None, 2: None, 3: None} self.assertEquals(dict.fromkeys(arg), res) self.assertEquals({}.fromkeys(arg), res) # Now get the descriptor descr = dict.__dict__["fromkeys"] # More baseline using the descriptor directly self.assertEquals(descr.__get__(None, dict)(arg), res) self.assertEquals(descr.__get__({})(arg), res) # Now check various error cases try: descr.__get__(None, None) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, None)" try: descr.__get__(42) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(42)" try: descr.__get__(None, 42) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, 42)" try: descr.__get__(None, int) except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, int)" class TestNew(TestCase): def test_modules(self): "Testing uninitialized module objects" from types import ModuleType as M m = M.__new__(M) str(m) self.assertEquals(hasattr(m, "__name__"), 0) self.assertEquals(hasattr(m, "__file__"), 0) self.assertEquals(hasattr(m, "foo"), 0) self.assertEquals(m.__dict__, None) m.foo = 1 self.assertEquals(m.__dict__, {"foo": 1}) def test_funnynew(self): "Testing __new__ returning something unexpected" class C(object): def __new__(cls, arg): if isinstance(arg, str): return [1, 2, 3] elif isinstance(arg, int): return object.__new__(D) else: return object.__new__(cls) class D(C): def __init__(self, arg): self.foo = arg self.assertEquals(C("1"), [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEquals(D("1"), [1, 2, 3]) d = D(None) self.assertIs(d.foo, None) d = C(1) self.assertEquals(isinstance(d, D), True) self.assertEquals(d.foo, 1) d = D(1) self.assertEquals(isinstance(d, D), True) self.assertEquals(d.foo, 1) def test_init(self): # SF 1155938 class Foo(object): def __init__(self): return 10 try: Foo() except TypeError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "did not test __init__() for None return" class TestDictProxy(TestCase): def test_dictproxyiterkeys(self): "Testing dict-proxy iterkeys" class C(object): def meth(self): pass keys = [ key for key in C.__dict__.iterkeys() ] keys.sort() self.assertEquals(keys, ['__dict__', '__doc__', '__module__', '__weakref__', 'meth']) def test_dictproxyitervalues(self): "Testing dict-proxy itervalues" class C(object): def meth(self): pass values = [ values for values in C.__dict__.itervalues() ] self.assertEquals(len(values), 5) def test_dictproxyiteritems(self): "Testing dict-proxy iteritems" class C(object): def meth(self): pass keys = [ key for (key, value) in C.__dict__.iteritems() ] keys.sort() self.assertEquals(keys, ['__dict__', '__doc__', '__module__', '__weakref__', 'meth']) class TestDealloc(TestCase): def test_subtype_resurrection(self): "Testing resurrection of new-style instance" class C(object): container = [] def __del__(self): # resurrect the instance C.container.append(self) c = C() c.attr = 42 # The most interesting thing here is whether this blows up, due to flawed # GC tracking logic in typeobject.c's call_finalizer() (a 2.2.1 bug). del c # If that didn't blow up, it's also interesting to see whether clearing # the last container slot works: that will attempt to delete c again, # which will cause c to get appended back to the container again "during" # the del. del C.container[-1] self.assertEquals(len(C.container), 1) self.assertEquals(C.container[-1].attr, 42) # Make c mortal again, so that the test framework with -l doesn't report # it as a leak. del C.__del__ def test_slottrash(self): "Testing slot trash" # Deallocating deeply nested slotted trash caused stack overflows class trash(object): __slots__ = ['x'] def __init__(self, x): self.x = x o = None for i in xrange(50000): o = trash(o) del o class TestProxy(TestCase): def test_isinst_isclass(self): "Testing proxy isinstance() and isclass()" class Proxy(object): def __init__(self, obj): self.__obj = obj def __getattribute__(self, name): if name.startswith("_Proxy__"): return object.__getattribute__(self, name) else: return getattr(self.__obj, name) # Test with a classic class class C: pass a = C() pa = Proxy(a) self.failUnless(isinstance(a, C)) # Baseline self.failUnless(isinstance(pa, C)) # Test # Test with a classic subclass class D(C): pass a = D() pa = Proxy(a) self.failUnless(isinstance(a, C)) # Baseline self.failUnless(isinstance(pa, C)) # Test # Test with a new-style class class C(object): pass a = C() pa = Proxy(a) self.failUnless(isinstance(a, C)) # Baseline self.failUnless(isinstance(pa, C)) # Test # Test with a new-style subclass class D(C): pass a = D() pa = Proxy(a) self.failUnless(isinstance(a, C)) # Baseline self.failUnless(isinstance(pa, C)) # Test def test_proxysuper(self): "Testing super() for a proxy object" class Proxy(object): def __init__(self, obj): self.__obj = obj def __getattribute__(self, name): if name.startswith("_Proxy__"): return object.__getattribute__(self, name) else: return getattr(self.__obj, name) class B(object): def f(self): return "B.f" class C(B): def f(self): return super(C, self).f() + "->C.f" obj = C() p = Proxy(obj) self.assertEquals(C.__dict__["f"](p), "B.f->C.f") class TestCrashes(TestCase): def test_0_do_this_first(self): "Testing early bugs" # This dumps core when SF bug 551412 isn't fixed -- # but only when test_descr.py is run separately. # (That can't be helped -- as soon as PyType_Ready() # is called for PyLong_Type, the bug is gone.) class UserLong(object): def __pow__(self, *args): pass try: pow(0L, UserLong(), 0L) except: pass # Testing SF bug 570483..." # Another segfault only when run early # (before PyType_Ready(tuple) is called) type.mro(tuple) def test_carloverre(self): "Testing prohibition of Carlo Verre's hack" self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__setattr__, str, "foo", 42) self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__delattr__, str, "lower") def test_weakref_segfault(self): # SF 742911 import weakref class Provoker: def __init__(self, referrent): self.ref = weakref.ref(referrent) def __del__(self): x = self.ref() class Oops(object): pass o = Oops() o.whatever = Provoker(o) del o def test_wrapper_segfault(self): # SF 927248: deeply nested wrappers could cause stack overflow f = lambda:None for i in xrange(1000000): f = f.__call__ f = None def test_filefault(self): "Testing sys.stdout is changed in getattr" # Fix SF #762455, segfault when sys.stdout is changed in getattr import sys class StdoutGuard: def __getattr__(self, attr): sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ raise RuntimeError("Premature access to sys.stdout.%s" % attr) sys.stdout = StdoutGuard() try: print "Oops!" except RuntimeError: pass def test_vicious_descriptor_nonsense(self): "Testing vicious_descriptor_nonsense" # A potential segfault spotted by Thomas Wouters in mail to # python-dev 2003-04-17, turned into an example & fixed by Michael # Hudson just less than four months later... class Evil(object): def __hash__(self): return hash('attr') def __eq__(self, other): del C.attr return 0 class Descr(object): def __get__(self, ob, type=None): return 1 class C(object): attr = Descr() c = C() c.__dict__[Evil()] = 0 self.assertEquals(c.attr, 1) # this makes a crash more likely: import gc; gc.collect() self.assertEquals(hasattr(c, 'attr'), False) def test_weakref_in_del_segfault(self): "Testing weakref in del segfault" import weakref global ref class Target(): def __del__(self): global ref ref = weakref.ref(self) w = Target() del w del ref def test_borrowed_ref_3_segfault(self): "Testing borrowed ref 3 segfault" # This used to segfault until r60224 class KeyFunc(object): def __call__(self, n): del d['key'] return 1 d = {'key': KeyFunc()} try: min(range(10), **d) except: pass def test_borrowed_ref_4_segfault(self): "Testing borrowed ref 4 segfault" # This used to segfault until r60224 import types import __builtin__ class X(object): def __getattr__(self, name): # this is called with name == '__bases__' by PyObject_IsInstance() # during the unbound method call -- it frees the unbound method # itself before it invokes its im_func. del __builtin__.__import__ return () pseudoclass = X() class Y(object): def __call__(self, *args): # 'self' was freed already return (self, args) # make an unbound method orig_import = __import__ try: __builtin__.__import__ = types.MethodType(Y(), None, (pseudoclass, str)) import spam finally: __builtin__.__import__ = orig_import def test_losing_dict_ref_segfault(self): "Testing losing dict ref segfault" # This used to segfault; # derived from issue #1303614, test67.py class Strange(object): def __hash__(self): return hash('hello') def __eq__(self, other): x.__dict__ = {} # the old x.__dict__ is deallocated return False class X(object): pass v = 123 x = X() x.__dict__ = {Strange(): 42, 'hello': v+456} x.hello def test_main(): # Gather all classes in this module that inherit unittest.TestCase test_classes = [] for obj in globals().itervalues(): try: if not issubclass(obj, unittest.TestCase): continue except TypeError: # Not a class continue test_classes.append(obj) # TestCrashes must be first, somehow test_classes.remove(TestCrashes) test_classes.insert(0, TestCrashes) run_unittest(*test_classes) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()