#!/usr/bin/env python """SMTP server base class. Note: the class in this module doesn't implement a fully functional SMTP server; it simply provides a framework that subclasses can use to build their own special-purpose SMTP servers. Contents: - SMTPServer: SMTP server class - ForkingSMTPServer: forking SMTP server class - ThreadingSMTPServer: threaded SMTP server class - BaseSMTPRequestHandler: SMTP request handler base class TODO: - support mailbox delivery - ESMTP support - STARTTLS and SMTPS - SMTP AUTH """ __version__ = '0.3' __all__ = ['BaseSMTPRequestHandler', 'SMTPServer', 'ForkingSMTPServer', 'ThreadingSMTPServer'] import logging import SocketServer class SMTPServer(SocketServer.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = 1 class ForkingSMTPServer(SocketServer.ForkingMixIn, SMTPServer): pass class ThreadingSMTPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SMTPServer): pass class BaseSMTPRequestHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): """SMTP request handler base class. The following methods are provided: - handle(), which is called by the SMTPServer object to handle an incoming connection; - read_command(), which is called by handle() to read an SMTP command from the client; - send_response(), which is called by handle() to send an SMTP response code to the client; - reset_state(), which resets the state of the SMTP session; To handle each SMTP command, the handle() method will look for a method with the name "smtp_", plus the upper-case name of the SMTP command. So, for example, the smtp_HELO() method is a handler for the HELO command. Support for additional SMTP commands can be added by simply defining the smtp_*() method for each new command. SMTP command handlers take one argument, which is a list containing the parsed command line returned by read_command(). They return a tuple containing an SMTP response code and a one-line human-readable message. In most cases, this is something like (250, 'ok'). Message delivery is done via the process_message() method, which must be provided by subclasses. Access control is provided via the allow_host(), allow_sender(), and allow_recipient() methods. The implementation of those methods in this class will allow all hosts, senders, and recipients by default. Subclasses may override these methods to provide whatever access control policies are appropriate. The following instance variables are supported: - close_flag is a boolean variable that can be set to true by an SMTP command handler to indicate to the handle() method that the SMTP connection should be closed; - helo is a string containing the argument sent by the client to the HELO command; - allow_host is a boolean variable containing the result of the allow_host() method; - state is set to of the class variables STATE_INIT, STATE_MAIL, or STAT_RCPT, depending on the current phase of the SMTP transction; - mail_from is a string value containing the sender address (set to a non-None value when in STATE_MAIL or STATE_RCPT); - rcpt_to is a list containing one or more recipient addresses (non-empty when in STATE_RCPT); In addition, all of the instance variables documented for the SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler base class are also available. In particular, this includes rfile, wfile, server, and client_address. """ # SMTP state values STATE_INIT = 0 # no transaction currently in progress STATE_MAIL = 1 # after MAIL command STATE_RCPT = 2 # after first RCPT command, before DATA command def handle(self): """Main loop for the SMTP connection.""" logging.debug('new SMTP connection from: %s' % (self.client_address,)) self.close_flag = False self.helo = None self.reset_state() self.allow_host = self.allow_host(self.client_address) try: self.send_response(220, 'hi there') while not self.close_flag: args = self.read_command() if args is None: # EOF break cmd = args.pop(0).upper() method_name = 'smtp_' + cmd if hasattr(self, method_name): method = getattr(self, method_name) code, msg = method(args) else: code = 501 msg = 'unknown command "%s"' % cmd self.send_response(code, msg) except socket.error, e: logging.error('socket error: %s' % e) logging.debug('SMTP connection closed') # # utility methods # def reset_state(self): """Utility function to reset the state of the SMTP session. Should be called before a new SMTP transaction is started. """ self.state = self.STATE_INIT self.mail_from = None self.rcpt_to = [ ] def read_command(self): """Read a command from the client, parse it into arguments, and return the argument list. """ line = self.rfile.readline() if not line: # return None on EOF return None line = line.strip() logging.debug('>>> ' + line) return line.split(' ') def send_response(self, code, msg): """Sends an SMTP response to the client.""" response = '%d %s' % (code, msg) logging.debug('<<< ' + response) self.wfile.write(response + '\n') # # SMTP command handlers # def smtp_HELO(self, args): if len(args) != 1: return 501, 'usage: HELO hostname' if self.helo: return 503, 'already said HELO' self.helo = args[0] return 250, 'ok' def smtp_QUIT(self, args): # Setting this flag tells the main loop in the handler() method # that the connection should be closed after sending this # response. self.close_flag = True return 221, 'closing connection' def smtp_RSET(self, args): if len(args) != 1: return 501, 'usage: RSET' self.reset_state() return 250, 'ok' def smtp_NOOP(self, args): if len(args) != 1: return 501, 'usage: NOOP' return 250, 'ok' def smtp_MAIL(self, args): # handle "MAIL FROM:
" if len(args) == 1 and args[0].upper().startswith('FROM:') and \ len(args[0]) > 5: args = [ 'FROM', args[0][5:] ] elif args[0].endswith(':'): args[0] = args[0][:len(args[0]) - 1] if len(args) != 2 or args[0].upper() != 'FROM': return 501, 'usage: MAIL FROM address' if self.allow_host: return self.allow_host if self.state != self.STATE_INIT: return 503, 'transaction already in progress - use RSET to abort' response = self.allow_sender(args[1]) if response: return response self.state = self.STATE_MAIL self.mail_from = args[1] return 250, 'sender ok' def smtp_RCPT(self, args): # handle "RCPT TO:
" or "RCPT TO
" if len(args) == 1 and args[0].upper().startswith('TO:') and \ len(args[0]) > 3: args = [ 'TO', args[0][3:] ] elif args[0].endswith(':'): args[0] = args[0][:len(args[0]) - 1] if len(args) != 2 or args[0].upper() != 'TO': return 501, 'usage: RCPT TO address' if self.state not in (self.STATE_MAIL, self.STATE_RCPT): return 503, 'send MAIL command first' response = self.allow_recipient(args[1]) if response: return response self.state = self.STATE_RCPT self.rcpt_to.append(args[1]) return 250, 'recipient ok' def smtp_DATA(self, args): if args: return 501, 'usage: DATA' if self.state != self.STATE_RCPT: return 503, 'send RCPT command first' self.send_response(354, 'end DATA with .') data = [ ] while True: line = self.rfile.readline().rstrip('\n\r') if line.startswith('.'): if len(line) == 1: break data.append(line[1:]) continue data.append(line) result = self.process_message(self.mail_from, self.rcpt_to, '\n'.join(data)) self.reset_state() if result: return result return 250, 'message accepted' # # methods to be implemented in subclasses # def process_message(self, sender, recipients, msg): """Override this abstract method to handle messages from the client. sender is the raw address the client claims the message is coming from. recipients is a list of raw addresses the client wishes to deliver the message to. msg is a string containing the entire full text of the message, headers (if supplied) and all. It has been `de-transparencied' according to RFC 821, Section 4.5.2. In other words, a line containing a `.' followed by other text has had the leading dot removed. This method should return None if the message was processed successfully. On failure, it returns a tuple containing the SMTP response code and a one-line human-readable message; for example, to defer a message, it might return (450, 'temporary failure'). """ raise NotImplementedError def allow_sender(self, sender): """Access control function to allow or deny the specified sender. This implementation will allow all senders. Subclasses may override this method. This method should return None if the sender should be allowed. Otherwise, it returns a tuple containing the SMTP response code and a one-line human-readable message; for example, to reject a sender, it might return (553, 'access denied'). """ return None def allow_recipient(self, recipient): """Access control function to allow or deny the specified recipient. This implementation will allow all recipients. Subclasses may override this method. This method should return None if the recipient should be allowed. Otherwise, it returns a tuple containing the SMTP response code and a one-line human-readable message; for example, to reject a recipient, it might return (553, 'relaying denied'). """ return None def allow_host(self, host): """Access control function to allow or deny the specified client host. This implementation will allow all hosts. Subclasses may override this method. This method should return None if the client host should be allowed. Otherwise, it returns a tuple containing the SMTP response code and a one-line human-readable message (to be returned to the client when it issues the MAIL command); for example, to reject a client, it might return (550, 'access denied'). """ return None class TestSMTPRequestHandler(BaseSMTPRequestHandler): """A minimal subclass that handles incoming messages by printing them out. Not practically useful; just a demonstraction. """ def process_message(self, sender, recipients, msg): print 'sender: ' + sender for rcpt in recipients: print 'recipient: ' + rcpt print 'msg:' print msg return None if __name__ == '__main__': server = ThreadingSMTPServer(('', 2025), TestSMTPRequestHandler) server.serve_forever()