import discord, os from datetime import datetime, timedelta import threading, time #from keep_alive import keep_alive from tabulate import tabulate import sqlite3 #-------------------------------------------------------- #------------------ Basic Variables ------------- #-------------------------------------------------------- token = os.environ['token_dev'] com = list() client = discord.Client() db = dict() db["prefix"] = "-" #----------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------- defined fuctions -------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------- def tim_start(user_id, server_id, channel_id, timer_duration, break_duration, timer_type): tim_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) tim_cor = tim_conn.cursor() info = {"found" : False, "timer_type" : ""} timedt = (timedelta(minutes=timer_duration) + datetime.utcnow()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') tim_cor.execute("""select * from timers where user_id = {} and server_id = {} and channel_id = {} ;""" .format(user_id, server_id, channel_id)) timer_list = tim_cor.fetchall() for key in timer_list: if key[0] == user_id and "break" != timer_type: info = {"found" : True, "timer_type" : key[6]} break if not info["found"]: tim_cor.execute(""" insert into timers (user_id, server_id, channel_id, timer_date,timer_duration, break_duration, timer_type) values ("{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}") """.format(user_id,server_id,channel_id,timedt,timer_duration,break_duration,timer_type)) tim_conn.close() return info def timer_cancel(user_id, server_id,save = True): cancel_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) a = dict() a["timerfound"] = False cancel_cor = cancel_conn.cursor() cancel_cor.execute("select * from timers") timer_list = cancel_cor.fetchall() for key in timer_list: if key[0] == user_id and key[1] == server_id: a["timerfound"] = True a["timertype"] = key[6] ts = datetime.strptime(key[3], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - datetime.utcnow() ts = key[4] - round(ts.total_seconds()/60) if save : save_to_db( key[0],key[1], ts, key[6]) cancel_cor.execute("""delete from timers where user_id = {} and server_id = {} and timer_duration = {}""".format(key[0],key[1],key[4])) break cancel_conn.close() return a def save_to_db(userid, servid, timedur, timertype): save_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) save_coro = save_conn.cursor() try: save_coro.execute("""create table s{} (user_id bigint,study_time int,work_time int)""".format(servid)) except: print("table already exists") save_coro.execute(""" select * from {} where user_id = {} """.format("s" + str(servid), userid)) received_data = save_coro.fetchone() if received_data is None: if timertype == "study": save_coro.execute("""insert into {serverid} values ({userid},{studytime},{worktime}) """.format(serverid="s" + str(servid), userid=userid, studytime=timedur, worktime=0,)) elif timertype == "work": save_coro.execute("""insert into {serverid} values ({userid},{studytime},{worktime}) """.format(serverid="s" + str(servid), userid=userid, studytime=0, worktime=timedur)) else: if timertype == "study": save_coro.execute(""" update s{serverid} set study_time = study_time + {timedur} where user_id = {userid} """.format(serverid=servid, timedur=timedur, userid=userid)) elif timertype == "work": save_coro.execute(""" update {serverid} set work_time = work_time + {timedur} where user_id = {userid}""".format(serverid="s" + str(servid), timedur=timedur, userid=userid)) save_conn.close() def timer_check(): def save_to_db(userid, servid, timedur, timertype): try: exthread_cor1.execute("""create table s{} (user_id bigint,study_time int,work_time int)""".format(servid)) except: print("table already exists") pass exthread_cor1.execute(""" select * from {} where user_id = {} """.format("s" + str(servid), userid)) received_data = exthread_cor1.fetchone() if received_data is None: if timertype == "study": exthread_cor1.execute("""insert into {serverid} values ({userid},{studytime},{worktime}) """.format(serverid="s" + str(servid), userid=userid, studytime=timedur, worktime=0,)) elif timertype == "work": exthread_cor1.execute("""insert into {serverid} values ({userid},{studytime},{worktime}) """.format(serverid="s" + str(servid), userid=userid, studytime=0, worktime=timedur)) else: if timertype == "study": exthread_cor1.execute(""" update s{serverid} set study_time = study_time + {timedur} where user_id = {userid} """.format(serverid=servid, timedur=timedur, userid=userid)) elif timertype == "work": exthread_cor1.execute(""" update {serverid} set work_time = work_time + {timedur} where user_id = {userid}""".format(serverid="s" + str(servid), timedur=timedur, userid=userid)) exthread_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) exthread_cor1 = exthread_conn.cursor() while True : time.sleep(1) try: exthread_cor1.execute("""select * from timers """) timers = exthread_cor1.fetchall() except: exthread_cor1.execute("""CREATE TABLE `timers` ( `user_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `server_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `channel_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `timer_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `timer_duration` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `break_duration` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `timer_type` varchar(7) DEFAULT NULL );""") exthread_cor1.execute("""select * from timers """) timers = exthread_cor1.fetchall() for key in timers: if datetime.utcnow() > datetime.strptime(key[3], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') : channel = client.get_channel(key[2]) if key[6] == "break": client.loop.create_task(channel.send("<@{}> Your break is over! Don't let the cycle stop rolling :person_running:".format(key[0]))) else: if key[5] > 0: client.loop.create_task(channel.send("<@{}> Your {} timer is over!\nHave a {} minutes break, champion :fist:".format(key[0],key[6],key[5]))) else: client.loop.create_task(channel.send("<@{}> Your {} timer is over! Well done :clap:".format(key[0],key[6]))) if key[6] == "study" or key[6] == "work" : save_to_db(key[0],key[1],key[4],key[6]) if key[5] > 0: tim_start(key[0], key[1], key[2],key[5], 0, "break") exthread_cor1.execute("""delete from timers where user_id = {} and server_id = {} and timer_duration = {}""".format(key[0],key[1],key[4])) #----------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------- #await client.fetch_user() @client.event async def on_ready(): print("bot lunched :)", client.user) await client.change_presence(activity = discord.Game("beta test")) @client.event async def on_message(message): global mc, mai, msi mc = int( mai = int( msi = int( if == client.user: return if message.content.startswith(db["prefix"]): com = message.content.split() if len(com[0]) != len(db["prefix"]): u = com[0].split(db["prefix"]) com[0] = u[1] print(com) else: com.remove(com[0]) print(com) if len(com) > 0: if len(com) == 1 and com[0].lower() == "study" : t = 25 z = tim_start(mai, msi, mc, t,0, "study") if z["found"]: await"<@{}> Slow down! You're already {}ing :face_with_monocle:".format(mai,z["timer_type"])) else: await"<@{}> Your study timer has started! See you in {} minutes! :fire: ".format(mai,t)) # Study with certin amount number elif len(com) == 2 and com[0].lower() == "study" and type(int( com[1])) is int: if 10 <= int(com[1]) <= 120 : z = tim_start(mai,msi, mc, int(com[1]),0, "study") if z["found"]: await"<@{}> Slow down! You're already {}ing :face_with_monocle:".format(mai,z["timer_type"])) else: await"<@{}> Your study timer has started! See you in {} minutes! :fire: ".format(mai,com[1])) else: await"Your specified time duration is out of range! :eyes:") elif len(com) == 4 and com[0].lower() == "study" and com[2].lower() == "break": if type(int(com[1])) == int and type(int(com[3])) == int: if 10 <= int(com[1]) <= 120 and 5 <= int(com[3]) <= 30 : z = tim_start(mai, msi, mc, int(com[1]),int(com[3]), "study") if z["found"]: await"<@{}> Slow down! You're already {}ing :face_with_monocle:".format(mai,z["timer_type"])) else: await"<@{}> Your study timer has started! See you in {} minutes! :fire: ".format(mai,com[1])) else: await"Your specified time duration is out of range! :eyes:") elif len(com) == 1 and com[0].lower() == "work": t = 25 z = tim_start(mai,msi, mc, t,0, "work") if z["found"]: await"<@{}>Slow down! You're already {}ing :face_with_monocle:".format(mai,z["timer_type"])) else: await"<@{}> Your work timer has started! See you in {} minutes! :fire: ".format(mai,t)) elif len(com) == 2 and com[0].lower() == "work" and type(int( com[1])) == int: if 10 <= int(com[1]) <= 120 : z = tim_start(mai, msi, mc, int(com[1]),0, "work") if z["found"]: await"<@{}> Slow down! You're already {}ing :face_with_monocle: ".format(mai,z["timer_type"])) else: await"<@{}> Your work timer has started! See you in {} minutes! :fire: ".format(mai,com[1])) else: await"Your specified time duration is out of range! :eyes:") elif len(com) == 4 and com[0].lower() == "work" and com[2].lower() == "break": if type(int(com[1])) == int and type(int(com[3])) == int: if 10 <= int(com[1]) <= 120 and 5 <= int(com[3]) <= 30 : z = tim_start(mai, msi, mc, int(com[1]),int(com[3]), "work") if z["found"]: await"<@{}> Slow down! You're already {}ing :face_with_monocle:".format(mai,z["timer_type"])) else: await"<@{}> Your work timer has started! See you in {} minutes! :fire: ".format(mai,com[1])) else: await"Your specified time duration is out of range! :eyes:") elif com[0].lower() == "top" and len(com) == 1: top_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db",isolation_level = None) top_cor = top_conn.cursor() try: top_cor.execute("""select * from {serverid} order by work_time + study_time desc""".format(serverid="s" + str(msi))) data = top_cor.fetchall() # print(data) i = 0 s = list() for drow in data: i += 1 s.append([ "{}-".format(i), await client.fetch_user(drow[0]), drow[1], drow[2]]) s = "And here are our top productive people!!\n```\n{}\n```".format(str(tabulate(s,headers=["#" , "Name", "Study", "Work"], numalign="right"))) embed = discord.Embed(title="Leaderboard", description=s) await = embed) await"The race is on\n",file = discord.File("tenor5.gif")) top_conn.close() except: top_conn.close() await"No one has studied ever yet here! What are you looking for?! :thinking:") elif com[0].lower() == "cancel" and len(com) == 1: tfound = timer_cancel(mai, msi,True) if tfound["timerfound"] : await"<@{}> {} timer canceled! I hope you have a good reason for this :new_moon_with_face:".format(mai,tfound["timertype"])) else: await"There's no ongoing timer to be canceled :person_shrugging:") elif len(com) == 2 and com[0].lower() == "cancel" and com[1].lower() == "clear" : tfound = timer_cancel(mai, msi,False) if tfound["timerfound"] : await"<@{}> {} timer canceled and didn't save! I hope you have a good reason for this :new_moon_with_face:".format(mai,tfound["timertype"])) else: await"There's no ongoing timer to be canceled :person_shrugging:") elif com[0].lower() == "rtime" and len(com) == 1 : rtime_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) rtime_cor = rtime_conn.cursor() rtime_cor.execute("select * from timers") rtime_timer_list = rtime_cor.fetchall() s = False for key in rtime_timer_list : if key[0] == mai and key[1] == msi: s = True ts = datetime.strptime(key[3], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - datetime.utcnow() ts = round(ts.total_seconds()/60) await"There are still {} {} minutes to go! Be patient :sparkles:".format(ts,key[6])) rtime_cor.close() if not s: rtime_cor.close() await"You have to create a timer before doing that :upside_down:") elif com[0].lower() == "help" and len(com) == 1 : hel = """**{prefix}[study/work]** creates a 25 minutes study/work timer. **{prefix}[study/work] x** Creates an x minutes study/work timer. (10 < x < 120) **{prefix}[study/work] x break y** Creates an x minutes study/work timer, followed by a y minutes break timer. (10 < x < 120) (5 < y < 30) **{prefix}cancel** Cancels and saves (if exists) the remaining time of the ongoing timer. **{prefix}cancel clear** Cancels (if exists) the ongoing timer. **{prefix}rtime** Shows the remaining time for the end of the ongoing timer (if a timer exists). **{prefix}top** Shows the top 10 productive people of the server""".format(prefix = db["prefix"]) embed = discord.Embed(title="Commands", description = hel) await elif com[0].lower() == "give" and len(com) == 4 : if : save_to_db(com[1],msi,com[2],com[3]) await"{} minutes given to <@{}>".format(com[2],com[1])) else: await"you are not allowed to use this command you have to get manage channels primission to use this command") elif com[0].lower() == "take" and len(com) == 4 : if : take_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) take_cor = take_conn.cursor() take_cor.execute("""update s{} set {}_time = {}_time - {} where user_id = {}""".format(msi,com[3],com[3],com[2],com[1])) take_conn.close() await"{} minutes taken from <@{}>".format(com[2],com[1])) else: await"you are not allowed to use this command you have to get manage channels primission to use this command") elif com[0].lower() == "cleardatabase" and len(com) == 1 : if : clear_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) clear_cor = clear_conn.cursor() clear_cor.execute("""DROP TABLE s{} ;""".format(msi)) await"timers have been rested") else: await"you are not allowed to use this command you have to get manage channels primission to use this command") elif com[0].lower() == "stopalltimers" and len(com) == 1 : if : stop_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) stop_cor = stop_conn.cursor() cahce_tim = stop_cor.execute("""select * from timers """).fetchall() for tim in cahce_tim: timer_cancel(tim[0],tim[1]) await"timers have been stopped and saved") else: await"you are not allowed to use this command you have to get manage channels primission to use this command") elif com[0].lower() == "ntimer" and len(com) == 1 : ntimer_conn = sqlite3.connect("Bot.db", isolation_level = None) ntimer_cor = ntimer_conn.cursor() ntimer_cor.execute("select count(*) from timers") await"there is {} ongoing timer".format(ntimer_cor.fetchall()[0][0])) else: await"invaild command") time_worker = threading.Thread(target = timer_check) time_worker.start()