import tempfile # works well def test_1(): print('Note: inside test_1') fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_1 =>',id(fd),id( fd.write(b'test_1: my strings') with open( as f: print('test_1: fd is opened and closed in with') print(f.readlines()) # fd is already closed inside open # it is expected # #fd.close() # same contents like test_1 # works well def test_2(): print('Note: inside test_2') fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_2 =>',id(fd),id( fd.write(b'test_2: my strings') with open( as f: print('test_2: fd is opened and closed in with') print(f.readlines()) # functions combined test_1 & test_2 # works well def test_3(): print('Note: inside test_3') fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_3 =>',id(fd),id( fd.close() test_1() test_2() # codes combined test_1 & test_2 # has problem def test_4(): print('Note: inside test_4') fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_1 =>',id(fd),id( fd.write(b'test_1: my strings') fd.flush() with open( as f: print('test_1: fd is opened and closed in with') print(f.readlines()) fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_2 =>',id(fd),id( fd.write(b'test_2: my strings') # following will have: # # OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor # # for any types of operations,; # fd.close(), fd.flush() # # the name fd cannot be reused even in new instance with open( as f: print('test_2: fd is opened and closed in with') print(f.readlines()) # works well by reset file descriptor def test_5(): print('Note: inside test_5') fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_1 =>',id(fd),id( fd.write(b'test_1: my strings') fd.flush() with open( as f: print('test_1: fd is opened and closed in with') print(f.readlines()) # reset to fix fd = 'some thing else' fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_2 =>',id(fd),id( fd.write(b'test_2: my strings') with open( as f: print('test_2: fd is opened and closed in with') print(f.readlines()) # works well by the help of with def test_6(): print('Note: inside test_6') fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_1 =>',id(fd),id( fd.write(b'test_1: my strings') fd.flush() with open( as f: print('test_1: fd is opened and closed in with') print(f.readlines()) # second with with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fd: fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() print('test_2 =>',id(fd),id( fd.write(b'test_2: my strings') # fd is closed in second with # it is expected # #fd.close()