########## # Name: War Gametheory # Description: Does War (the card game) become easier to win if you put your winning cards on bottom, or on top? # Creation timestamp: Fri Jun 19, 3:00 PM # Last saved: Fri Jun 19, 4:00 PM # Module: No. Independent program. ########## # Some code to help us make the deck of cards without torturing myself. deckOfCards = [] cardSuits = ['Spades', 'Clubs', 'Hearts', 'Diamonds'] cardRanks = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] for i in cardSuits: for j in cardRanks: deckOfCards.append(str(j) + " of " + i) # Preparing the scenario. import random p1Strat = input("Player 1 strategy: [R]andom, Winning card on [T]op, or Winning card on [B]ottom? ") p2Strat = input("Player 2 strategy: [R]andom, Winning card on [T]op, or Winning card on [B]ottom? ") printVerbosity = input("Print verbosity: 3 to print every round, 2 to print every game won, 1 to print only the end result? ") numberOfLoops = input("Number of sets: Please enter a number of games that the two players should play.")