import numpy as np import numpy.matlib as ml import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3 import matplotlib.animation as animation # from paths2sphere import * # from objects import * ######################################################################################################################## ######################################################## PATHS ######################################################### ######################################################################################################################## # the rotation axis-angle def aaq(nFrames): # path segment length seg = int(nFrames / 16) # polar and azimuthal angles u = np.concatenate((np.zeros((seg,)), np.linspace(0, (1 / 2) * np.pi, 2 * seg), (1 / 2) * np.pi * np.ones((3 * seg,)), np.linspace((1 / 2) * np.pi, np.pi, 2 * seg), np.linspace(np.pi, 0, 7 * seg), np.zeros((seg,)))) v = np.concatenate((np.zeros((seg,)), np.zeros((2 * seg,)), np.linspace(0, (3 / 2) * np.pi, 3 * seg), (3 / 2) * np.pi * np.ones((2 * seg,)), np.linspace(0, 8 * np.pi, 7 * seg), np.zeros((seg,)))) # axis aXs = [] aXs.append(np.sin(u) * np.cos(v)) aXs.append(np.sin(u) * np.sin(v)) aXs.append(np.cos(u)) # angle ang = np.pi * np.ones((nFrames,)) / 2 # (1 + np.cos(2 * t)) * np.pi # return return aXs, ang def angularPaths1(nPts, nF): # tripe torus sequence path = definePaths1(nPts, nF) # path = path2 theta = np.arccos(path[:, 2, :]) phi = np.mod(np.arctan2(path[:, 1, :], path[:, 0, :]), 2 * np.pi) return theta, phi def definePaths1(nPts, nFrames): # groups: up, middle down u0 = np.zeros((nPts, nFrames)) u1 = np.ones((nPts, nFrames)) v0 = np.multiply.outer(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nPts), np.ones((nFrames,))) v1 = np.multiply.outer(np.ones((nPts,)), np.linspace(0, 8 * np.pi, nFrames)) # (u, v) angles u = np.concatenate((- u1 * (0.5 * (np.pi / 2)), u0, u1 * (0.5 * (np.pi / 2)))) v = np.concatenate((v0-v1, v0+v1, v0-v1)) # fundamental path p0 = fillCoordinates1(u, v) # axis-angle quaternion z, ang = aaq(nFrames) p1 = np.zeros(p0.shape) r = np.identity(3) for idx in range(1, p0.shape[2]): a = np.array([z[0][idx],z[1][idx],z[2][idx]]) b = np.array([z[0][idx-1], z[1][idx-1], z[2][idx-1]]) # rotation matrix aXb = np.cross(a,b) ang0 = np.arccos(np.max(np.min((,b),1)),0)) rotor = rodrigues1(aXb, ang0) r = np.matmul(r, rotor) # p1[:, :, idx] = np.matmul(p0[:, :, idx], r) return p1 ######################################################################################################################## ####################################################### OBJECTS ######################################################## ######################################################################################################################## class Hopf: def __init__(self, nPoints, nF): # Load the angles of the path self.theta, self.phi = angularPaths1(nPoints, nF) self.s2path = angles2path(self.theta, self.phi) self.quaternion = angles2quaternion(self.theta, self.phi) self.fiber = quaternion2fiber(self.quaternion) def angles2path(theta, phi): # path = np.zeros((theta.shape[0], 3, theta.shape[1])) theta = theta.reshape(theta.shape[0], 1, theta.shape[1]) phi = phi.reshape(phi.shape[0], 1, phi.shape[1]) return np.concatenate((np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi-np.pi/2), np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi-np.pi/2), np.cos(theta)), axis=1) def angles2quaternion(theta, phi): # reshape angles theta = theta.reshape(1, theta.shape[0], theta.shape[1]) phi = phi.reshape(1, phi.shape[0], phi.shape[1]) # quaternion q = np.concatenate((np.cos(phi/2)*np.cos(theta/2), -np.sin(phi/2)*np.cos(theta/2), -np.cos(phi/2)*np.sin(theta/2), np.sin(phi/2)*np.sin(theta/2))) # convention is that q[0] is positive sign_a = np.sign(q[0, :, :]) sign_a = sign_a.reshape(1, sign_a.shape[0], sign_a.shape[1]) a_pos = np.concatenate((sign_a, sign_a, sign_a, sign_a)) q = q * a_pos # normalize norm = 1 / np.sqrt(q[0, :, :] ** 2 + q[1, :, :] ** 2 + q[2, :, :] ** 2 + q[3, :, :] ** 2) norm = norm.reshape(1, norm.shape[0], norm.shape[1]) norm = np.concatenate((norm, norm, norm, norm)) # normalize and return return q * norm def quaternion2fiber(q): # circle exp(i*omega) omega = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 300) # outer product of the quaternion and circle (cos and sin) qXcos = np.swapaxes(np.multiply.outer(q, np.cos(omega)), 2, 3) qXsin = np.swapaxes(np.multiply.outer(q, np.sin(omega)), 2, 3) # initialize circleQ = np.zeros(qXcos.shape) circleQ[0, :, :, :] = qXcos[0, :, :, :] + qXsin[1, :, :, :] circleQ[1, :, :, :] = qXcos[1, :, :, :] - qXsin[0, :, :, :] circleQ[2, :, :, :] = qXcos[2, :, :, :] - qXsin[3, :, :, :] circleQ[3, :, :, :] = qXcos[3, :, :, :] + qXsin[2, :, :, :] # initialize f = np.zeros((3, circleQ.shape[1], circleQ.shape[2], circleQ.shape[3])) # stereographic projection np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # suppress divide by 0 warning d = 1 / (1 - circleQ[0, :, :, :]) f[0, :, :, :] = circleQ[1, :, :, :] * d f[1, :, :, :] = circleQ[2, :, :, :] * d f[2, :, :, :] = circleQ[3, :, :, :] * d # fiber list f = np.swapaxes(f, 0, 1) fiber_list = [] for idx in range(f.shape[3]): fiber_list.append(f[:, :, :, idx]) return fiber_list def rodrigues1(aXs, angle): if mag(aXs) > 0: sinANGLE = mag(aXs) aXs = aXs / sinANGLE elif mag(aXs) == 0: sinANGLE = 0 angle = 0 # Lie Algebra Matrices LieZ = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) LieY = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]) LieX = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]) # Axis vector as a matrix Kvector = LieX * aXs[0] + LieY * aXs[1] + LieZ * aXs[2] # Kvector = aXs[0] * LieX + aXs[1] * LieY + aXs[2] * LieZ # return rotor if mag(aXs) == 0: rotor = np.identity(3) elif mag(aXs) > 0: rotor = np.identity(3) + Kvector * sinANGLE + np.matmul(Kvector, Kvector) * (1 - np.cos(angle)) return rotor def fillCoordinates1(u, v): # reshape u = u.reshape((u.shape[0], 1, u.shape[1])) v = v.reshape((v.shape[0], 1, v.shape[1])) # return path in form: [point#, xyz, frame#] return np.concatenate((np.cos(u) * np.sin(v), np.cos(u) * np.cos(v), np.sin(u)), axis=1) def mag(a): a0=0 for idx in range(len(a)): a0 = a0 + a[idx] ** 2 return np.sqrt(a0) def generateSphere(): u, v = np.mgrid[0:2 * np.pi:20j, 0:np.pi:10j] x = np.cos(u) * np.sin(v) y = np.sin(u) * np.sin(v) z = np.cos(v) return x, y, z ######################################################################################################################## ##################################################### MAIN SCRIPT ###################################################### ######################################################################################################################## def genFigure(f, d): # generate the 2-sphere for plot animation x, y, z = generateSphere() # Attaching 3D axis to the figure f1 = plt.figure() # 3d axes ax = p3.Axes3D(f1) ax.axis('equal') ax.view_init(30, 30) # draw sphere ax.plot_surface(0.5 * x + 4, 0.5 * y + 4, 0.5 * z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color='c', alpha=0.6, linewidth=0) # initialize the plot l1 = [ax.plot(fib[2, :], fib[1, :], fib[0, :], linestyle="-", linewidth=10)[0] for fib in f[0]] # fibers p1 = [ax.plot(0.5 * dat[0, 0:1] + 4, 0.5 * dat[1, 0:1] + 4, 0.5 * dat[2, 0:1], linestyle="", marker="o", markersize=5)[0] for dat in d] # points # plot parameters ax.set_xlim(-2.1, 2.1) ax.set_ylim(-2.1, 2.1) ax.set_zlim(-2.1, 2.1) # Grid off plt.axis('off') plt.grid(b=None) return f1, l1, p1 def update_bundle(num, fiberLines, lines, dataPoints, pts): for line, fibers, pt, data in zip(lines, fiberLines[num], pts, dataPoints): # fiber and point colour col = data[:, num] * 0.5 + 0.5 # update the points pt.set_data(0.5*data[0:2, num]+4) pt.set_3d_properties(0.5*data[2, num]) pt.set_color(col) # update the fibers line.set_data(fibers[1:, :]) line.set_3d_properties(fibers[0, :]) line.set_color(col) return lines + pts ######################################################################################################################## # fiber bundles h = Hopf(20, 2 ** 8) # generate the figure fig, lines, points = genFigure(h.fiber, h.s2path) # animate the figure ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_bundle, h.s2path.shape[2], fargs=(h.fiber, lines, h.s2path, points), interval=1, blit=True, repeat=False) # save as gif #'hopfFibration.gif', writer='imagemagick') # show plot