In the re module there is an experimental feature called Scanner. Some unexpected behavior was found while working with it. Here is an example: >>> re.Scanner([('\w+=(\d+);', lambda s,g:]).scan('x=5;') (['5;'], '') The obvious error is the semicolon returned via capturing group 1. Adding a dummy rule at the beginning, seems to solve that issue: >>> re.Scanner([('z', None), ('\w+=(\d+);', lambda s,g:]).scan('x=5;') (['5'], '') Adding a capturing group around \w+ also returns the correct answer: >>> re.Scanner([('z', None), ('(\w+)=(\d+);', lambda s,g:]).scan('x=5;') (['x'], '') But then, if I ask for the second group, the problem appears again: >>> re.Scanner([('z', None), ('(\w+)=(\d+);', lambda s,g:]).scan('x=5;') (['5;'], '')