#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import csv # from pysftp import Connection, CnOpts import os import sys import pysftp import logging import hvac import datetime from datetime import datetime import ssl import smtplib import shutil from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email import encoders def file_delete (dirs): write_to_file('F', 'The directory is '+dirs) for files in os.listdir(dirs): filed = dirs + "/" +files write_to_file('F','File is to be deleted '+filed) os.remove(filed) def write_to_file(mode,filetext): log_path = "/home/kishnx/scripts/log/sftp.log" if mode == 'I': f = open(log_path,"w") else: f = open(log_path,"a") f.write(filetext) f.write("\n") f.close() def sendEmail(v_status): port = 587 # For starttls smtp_server = "smtp.gmail.com" receiver_email = "test_receiver@gmail.com" sender_email = "test_sender@gmail.com" password = "Test1234" if v_status == 'S': message = """\ GXS_OUTBOUND Ran the Python SFTP program.""" elif v_status == 'E': message = """\ GXS_OUTBOUND Issue with the Python SFTP program.Check Log Files.""" context = ssl.create_default_context() with smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, port) as server: server.ehlo() # Can be omitted server.starttls(context=context) server.ehlo() # Can be omitted server.login(sender_email, password) server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, message) timing=datetime.now() fcontent1 = 'Logging for today has started' write_to_file('I',"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") write_to_file('F',fcontent1) write_to_file('F',str(timing)) sl_cinfo = None ot_cinfo = None otsource = 'VENDOR' ebspath1 = 'UNKNOWN' otpath1 = 'UNKNOWN' ebssource = 'CLIENT' localfuspath = '/home/test/scripts/outbound/scm' localfuspath3 = '/home/test/scripts/outbound/outbound' shutil.rmtree(localfuspath) os.makedirs(localfuspath) vaultfile = open('/home/test/.vaulttoken', 'r') vault_token = vaultfile.read().strip() client = hvac.Client() client = hvac.Client(url='https://vault.comfort.com:8200', token=vault_token, verify='/home/test/vault-cert.crt') if client.is_authenticated(): print ('vault is authenticated') write_to_file('F','vault is authenticated') def file_transfer(sleep, vendor, paths): global localfusaropath1 global localfusowopath1 global localfusitempath1 global localfuspath1 # print("paths are ",paths[0],paths[1]) ebsBasePath = paths[0] localBasePath = paths[1] localfuspath1 = paths[2] localpath3 = paths[3] ebsArchivePath = os.path.join(ebsBasePath, 'archive') localfusaropath1 = os.path.join(localpath3, 'aro') localfusowopath1 = os.path.join(localpath3, 'owo') localfusitempath1 = os.path.join(localpath3, 'item') localfuspath2 = os.path.join(localfuspath1, '/') otaropath1 = paths[5] otowopath1 = paths[4] otitempath1 = paths[6] print ('client connection') print (sleep) print ('vendor connection ') print (vendor) print (localfuspath1, ' for SFTP ebs base path', ebsBasePath,' Sleep Connection ',sleep,' Vendor Connection ', vendor ) write_to_file('F', '*****************************************************************************') write_to_file('F','Start of File Transfer Program') write_to_file('F', '*****************************************************************************') write_to_file('F', ' Directory Path Reference') write_to_file('F','EBS Path for Outbound ' + ebsBasePath) write_to_file('F','EBS Archive Path for Outbound ' + ebsArchivePath) write_to_file('F', 'Server Path where file will be written from EBS ' + localfuspath1) write_to_file('F','Server Path where file ARO OWO QGO File will be copied ' + localpath3) write_to_file('F', 'Server Path for ARO ' + localfusaropath1) write_to_file('F', 'Server Path for QGO ' + localfusitempath1) write_to_file('F', 'Server Path for OWO ' + localfusowopath1) write_to_file('F', 'Client Path for ARO ' + otaropath1) write_to_file('F', 'Client Path for QGO ' + otitempath1) write_to_file('F', 'Client Path for OWO ' + otowopath1) write_to_file('F', '*****************************************************************************') source_dir = localfuspath1 + "/" print("source dir " + source_dir) if ebsBasePath != 'UNKNOWN': try: #Initialize the directory by deleting the content write_to_file('F','Initialize the directory by deleting the content') print(' Content of directory ') print(os.listdir(localfuspath1)) file_delete(localfuspath1) file_delete(localfusaropath1) file_delete(localfusowopath1) file_delete(localfusitempath1) write_to_file('F','End of Intialization Process ') write_to_file('F', '*****************************************************************************') write_to_file('F', 'Start of SFTP Process ') sleep.get_d(ebsBasePath, localfuspath1, preserve_mtime=True) # depending on file type move to various location for file in os.listdir(localfuspath1): src = os.path.join(source_dir, file) if file.startswith("ECE_ARO"): dst_dir=localfusaropath1 + "/" dst=os.path.join(dst_dir,file) print("ECE_ARO File--> "+file) shutil.copyfile(src,dst) if file.startswith("ECE_OWO"): dst_dir = localfusowopath1 + "/" dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, file) print("ECE_OWO File--> "+file) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) if file.startswith("ECE_QGO"): dst_dir = localfusitempath1 + "/" dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, file) print("ECE_QGO File--> "+file) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) sleep.put_d(localfuspath1, ebsArchivePath, preserve_mtime=True) write_to_file('F','File is successfully Copied To Client Local Folder and Archive Location') #print('File is successfully copied to Client') except Exception: # remote Archive sendEmail('E') logging.exception('Exception in sending files to eBS') write_to_file('F','Exception in sending files to eBS') try: write_to_file('F'," File Contents for ARO "+localfusaropath1) # Switch to a remote directory vendor.cwd(otowopath1) # Obtain structure of the remote directory '/var/www/vhosts' directory_structure = vendor.listdir_attr() # Print data print("attributes") for attr in directory_structure: print ( attr.filename, attr ) for file in os.listdir(localfusaropath1): write_to_file('F',file) src_dir = localfusaropath1 + "/" src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file) dst_dir = otaropath1 + "/" dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file) print( " src and dst file ") print(src_file) print(dst_dir ) #vendor.cd(dst_dir) #vendor.put(src_file) #vendor.put(src_file,dst_file) write_to_file('F'," ******************************* ") write_to_file('F'," File Contents for OWO "+localfusowopath1) for file in os.listdir(localfusowopath1): write_to_file('F',file) src_dir = localfusowopath1 + "/" src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file) dst_dir = otowopath1 + "/" dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file) vendor.put(src_file, dst_file) write_to_file('F'," ******************************* ") write_to_file('F'," File Contents for QGO "+localfusitempath1) for file in os.listdir(localfusitempath1): write_to_file('F',file) src_dir = localfusitempath1 + "/" src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file) dst_dir = otitempath1 + "/" dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file) vendor.put(src_file, dst_file) write_to_file('F'," ******************************* ") print('Server Path for ARO ' + localfusaropath1) print('Server Path for QGO ' + localfusitempath1) print('Server Path for OWO ' + localfusowopath1) print('Client Path for ARO ' + otaropath1) print('Client Path for QGO ' + otitempath1) print('Client Path for OWO ' + otowopath1) #vendor.put_d(localfusaropath1, otaropath1, preserve_mtime=True) #vendor.put_d(localfusaropath1,otaropath1, preserve_mtime=True) #vendor.put_d(localfusowopath1, otowopath1, preserve_mtime=True) print ('File is successfully Transferred to open Text') write_to_file('F','File is successfully Transferred to open Text') vendor.close() sleep.close() except Exception: logging.exception('Error in getting the file from EBS Outbound Server') sendEmail('E') write_to_file('F','Error in getting the file from EBS Outbound Server') def create_connection( osource, oshost, vusername, vpassword): global sl_cinfo global ot_cinfo cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None # oshost='' write_to_file('F','Start of create_connection Program') write_to_file('F','Source ' + osource) print("source " +osource) ebs_cinfo = pysftp.Connection(host=oshost, username=vusername, password=vpassword, cnopts=cnopts) print("Able to establish the connection") write_to_file('F','Able to establish the connection') if osource == 'CLIENT': sl_cinfo = ebs_cinfo if osource == 'VENDOR': ot_cinfo = ebs_cinfo if ebssource == 'CLIENT': try: vault = '/kv/opentext/tst2' ebs_username = client.read(vault)['data']['ebs_username'].strip() ebs_password = client.read(vault)['data']['ebs_password'].strip() ebshost = client.read(vault)['data']['ebs_host'].strip() ebshost = 'ebststapp11' ebspath1 = client.read(vault)['data']['ebs_path'].strip() create_connection(ebssource, ebshost, ebs_username, ebs_password) print ('Worked Fine ', ebssource) write_to_file('F',ebssource) write_to_file('F','Connection Established') except: print ('Error in establishing the connection ', ebssource) write_to_file('F',ebssource) write_to_file('F','Connection Failed') sendEmail('E') if otsource == 'VENDOR': try: vault = '/kv/opentext/tst2' ot_username = client.read(vault)['data']['ot_username'].strip() ot_password = client.read(vault)['data']['ot_password'].strip() othost = client.read(vault)['data']['ot_host'].strip() ot_owo_path = client.read(vault)['data']['ot_owo_path'].strip() ot_aro_path = client.read(vault)['data']['ot_aro_path'].strip() ot_qgo_path = client.read(vault)['data']['ot_qgo_path'].strip() otpath1 = client.read(vault)['data']['ot_owo_path'].strip() create_connection(otsource, othost, ot_username,ot_password) print('Connection Established ',otsource) write_to_file('F',otsource) write_to_file('F','Connection Established') except: print ('Error in establishing the connection ', otsource) write_to_file('F',otsource) write_to_file('F','Error in Connection Established') sendEmail('E') paths = [ebspath1, otpath1,localfuspath,localfuspath3,ot_owo_path,ot_aro_path,ot_qgo_path] file_transfer(sl_cinfo, ot_cinfo, paths) sendEmail('S') write_to_file('F',"Email has been sent ") print ("Email has been sent ") timing=datetime.now() write_to_file('F',str(timing)) write_to_file('F','the logging has ended') write_to_file('F',"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")