import os def splitdrive(p): """Split path p conservatively into a drive and remaining path. Returns a 2-tuple, (drive, rest). Either component may be empty. If the source path contains a DOS drive (i.e. a letter plus a colon), the remaining path is everything after the colon. DOS drive examples: splitdrive('C:') == ('C:', '') splitdrive('C:dir') == ('C:', 'dir') splitdrive('C:/') == ('C:', '/') splitdrive('C:/dir') == ('C:', '/dir') A UNC path is parsed as follows: drive vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv "//" domain "/" junction ["/" junction] ["/" object] ^^^^^^^^^^^^ rest The UNC root must be exactly two separators. Other separators may be repeated. This is a generalization of the UNC specification in [MS-DTYP] 2.2.57. The latter specifies the file namespace, for which the domain is referred to as "host-name" (more generally "server") and the junction as "share-name". The server is commonly a local or remote network name (i.e. NETBIOS name, DNS name, or IP address). It can also be a non-network server provided by a local redirector. The share is a resource provided by the server, such as a file-system directory. UNC drive examples in the file namespace: splitdrive('//server/share') == ('//server/share', '') splitdrive('//server///share') == ('//server///share', '') splitdrive('//server/share/') == ('//server/share', '/') splitdrive('//server/share/dir') == ('//server/share', '/dir') The other supported namespace is the device namespace, which is mapped as two domains, "." and "?". These domains are handled differently in some contexts, such as when creating or opening a file, but for our puposes here they are equivalent. In this namespace, the junction is case- insensitive. Any device junction is recognized as a UNC drive, with two exceptions that require additional qualification: "GLOBAL" and "UNC". Normally the device namespace includes the local device junctions of a user, such as mapped and subst drives. The "GLOBAL" junction limits this view to just global devices. It must be followed either by a device junction or another "GLOBAL" junction. The equivalent of the UNC file namespace in the device namespace is the "UNC" device junction, but only when there is a remaining path (e.g. at least a trailing separator). For consistency with the file namespace, if the "UNC" device junction has a reminaing path, it must include a server and share in order to be recognized as a drive. UNC drive examples in the device namespace: splitdrive('//./C:') == ('//./C:', '') splitdrive('//?/C:/dir') == ('//?/C:', '/dir') splitdrive('//./UNC') == ('//./UNC', '') splitdrive('//?/UNC/server/share') == ('//?/UNC/server/share', '') splitdrive('//?/UNC/server/share/dir') == ( '//?/UNC/server/share', '/dir') splitdrive('//./Global/C:') == ('//./Global/C:', '') splitdrive('//?/Global/Global/C:/') == ('//?/Global/Global/C:', '/') splitdrive('//?/Global/UNC/server/share/dir') == ( '//?/Global/UNC/server/share', '/dir') Examples with no drive: splitdrive('') == ('', '') splitdrive('dir') == ('', 'dir') splitdrive('/dir') == ('', '/dir') splitdrive('//') == ('', '//') splitdrive('//server/') == ('', '//server/') splitdrive('///server/share') == ('', '///server/share') splitdrive('//?/UNC/') == ('', '//?/UNC/') splitdrive('//?/UNC/server/') == ('', '//?/UNC/server/') splitdrive('//?/Global') == ('', '//?/Global') """ p = os.fspath(p) isbytes = isinstance(p, bytes) if isbytes: sep, altsep, unc_root, colon = (b'\\', b'/', b'\\\\', b':') else: sep, altsep, unc_root, colon = ('\\', '/', '\\\\', ':') index = 0 if p[:1].isalpha() and p[1:2] == colon: index = 2 elif p[:2].replace(altsep, sep) == unc_root: # UNC drive for the file and device namespaces. # \\domain\junction\object # Separators may be repeated, except at the root. normp = p.replace(altsep, sep) index = normp.find(sep, 2) if index == 2: # More than two separators at the root is invalid. index = 0 elif index == -1: # A generic UNC drive requires both a domain and a junction. index = 0 else: domain = normp[2:index] i = index + 1 while normp[i:i+1] == sep: i += 1 if i >= len(p): # A generic UNC drive requires a junction. index = 0 else: index = normp.find(sep, i) if index == -1: index = len(p) # Handle "GLOBAL" and "UNC" in the device namespace. device_domains = (b'?', b'.') if isbytes else ('?', '.') if domain in device_domains: if isbytes: unc_junction, global_junction = (b'UNC', b'GLOBAL') else: unc_junction, global_junction = ('UNC', 'GLOBAL') junction = normp[i:index].upper() # GLOBAL can be repeated, so use a loop. while junction == global_junction: i = index + 1 while normp[i:i+1] == sep: i += 1 if i >= len(p): # GLOBAL requires a second junction. index = 0 break else: index = normp.find(sep, i) if index == -1: index = len(p) junction = normp[i:index].upper() if junction == unc_junction: i = index + 1 while normp[i:i+1] == sep: i += 1 if i >= len(p): if normp[-1:] != sep: # Allow UNC with no remaining path. index = len(p) else: # A UNC drive requires a server. index = 0 else: index = normp.find(sep, i + 1) if index == -1: # A UNC drive requires a share. index = 0 else: i = index + 1 while normp[i:i+1] == sep: i += 1 if i >= len(p): # A UNC drive requires a share. index = 0 else: index = normp.find(sep, i + 1) if index == -1: index = len(p) return p[:index], p[index:] import unittest class TestNtpath(unittest.TestCase): def test_splitdrive(self): test_cases = [ ('ntpath.splitdrive("c:/foo/bar")', ('c:', '/foo/bar')), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//conky/mountpoint/foo/bar")', ('//conky/mountpoint', '/foo/bar')), ('ntpath.splitdrive("///conky/mountpoint/foo/bar")', ('', '///conky/mountpoint/foo/bar')), # bpo-19911: UNC part containing U+0130 ('ntpath.splitdrive("//conky/MOUNTPO\u0130NT/foo/bar")', ("//conky/MOUNTPO\u0130NT", "/foo/bar")), # bpo-37609: allow non-root repeated separators. ('ntpath.splitdrive("//conky//mountpoint/foo/bar")', ('//conky//mountpoint', '/foo/bar')), # bpo-37609: support UNC drives in the device namespace. ('ntpath.splitdrive("//./UNC")', ("//./UNC", "")), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//./Global/UNC")', ("//./Global/UNC", "")), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//./Global/Global/UNC")', ("//./Global/Global/UNC", "")), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//./Global")', ("", "//./Global")), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//?/UNC/")', ("", "//?/UNC/")), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//?/UNC/server/")', ("", "//?/UNC/server/")), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//?/UNC/server/share")', ("//?/UNC/server/share", "")), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//?/UNC/server/share/dir")', ("//?/UNC/server/share", "/dir")), ('ntpath.splitdrive("//?/Global/UNC/server/share/dir")', ("//?/Global/UNC/server/share", "/dir")), ] table = {ord('/'): '\\', ord('\\'): '/'} trans = lambda x: x.translate(table) for fn, wantResult in test_cases: tester(fn, wantResult) tester(trans(fn), tuple(map(trans, wantResult))) import warnings from import TestFailed from types import ModuleType def normcase(s): """Normalize case of pathname. Makes all characters lowercase and all slashes into backslashes.""" s = os.fspath(s) if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.replace(b'/', b'\\').lower() else: return s.replace('/', '\\').lower() ntpath = ModuleType('ntpath') ntpath.splitdrive = splitdrive ntpath.normcase = normcase def _norm(path): if isinstance(path, (bytes, str, os.PathLike)): return ntpath.normcase(os.fsdecode(path)) elif hasattr(path, "__iter__"): return tuple(ntpath.normcase(os.fsdecode(p)) for p in path) return path def tester(fn, wantResult): fn = fn.replace("\\", "\\\\") gotResult = eval(fn) if wantResult != gotResult and _norm(wantResult) != _norm(gotResult): raise TestFailed("%s should return: %s but returned: %s" \ %(str(fn), str(wantResult), str(gotResult))) # then with bytes fn = fn.replace("('", "(b'") fn = fn.replace('("', '(b"') fn = fn.replace("['", "[b'") fn = fn.replace('["', '[b"') fn = fn.replace(", '", ", b'") fn = fn.replace(', "', ', b"') fn = os.fsencode(fn).decode('latin1') fn = fn.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace').decode('ascii') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) gotResult = eval(fn) if _norm(wantResult) != _norm(gotResult): raise TestFailed("%s should return: %s but returned: %s" \ %(str(fn), str(wantResult), repr(gotResult))) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()