from typing import Union, List, NamedTuple # ASDL's seven builtin types are: # - identifier, int, string, bytes, object, singleton, constant # - singleton: None, True or False # - constant can be None, whereas None means "no value" for object. # # Resources for ASDL and ASTs: # cf. # cf. # cf. # cf. asdl_spec = '''\ start = Program(stmt* procs, expr* calls) stmt = Procedure(identifier name, identifier* params, bool is_test, stmt body) | Block(int blocknum, stmt* stmts) | Assign(lvalue target, expr value) | If(expr cond, stmt action) | Loop(int times, bool fixed, body stmt) | AbortLoop(int blocknum) | QuitBlock(int blocknum) expr = BinOp(expr value1, str op, expr value2) | Number(int x) | Bool(bool x) | Id(identifier name) | Call(identifier name, expr* args) | lvalue lvalue = Output(bool is_bool) | Cell(int i) ''' identifier = str stmt = Union['Procedure', 'Block','Assign', 'If', 'Loop', 'AbortLoop', 'QuitBlock'] expr = Union['BinOp', 'Number', 'Bool', 'Id', 'Call', 'Output', 'Cell'] class Program(NamedTuple): procs: List[stmt] calls: List[expr] = None class Procedure(NamedTuple): name: identifier params: List[identifier] is_test: bool body: stmt class Block(NamedTuple): blocknum: int stmts: List[stmt] class Assign(NamedTuple): name: 'Union[Cell, Output]' value: expr class If(NamedTuple): cond: expr action: stmt class Loop(NamedTuple): times: int fixed: bool body: stmt class AbortLoop(NamedTuple): blocknum: int class QuitBlock(NamedTuple): blocknum: int class BinOp(NamedTuple): value1: expr op: str value2: expr class Number(NamedTuple): x: int class Bool(NamedTuple): x: bool class Id(NamedTuple): name: identifier class Call(NamedTuple): name: identifier args: List[expr] class Output(NamedTuple): is_bool: bool class Cell(NamedTuple): i: int ####################################################################### atomic = {identifier, int, str, bytes, type(None), bool} constructors = {Program, Procedure, Block, Assign, If, Loop, AbortLoop, QuitBlock, BinOp, Number, Bool, Id, Call, Output, Cell} def children(node): 'All direct child nodes that are themselves constructors' for subnode in node: # Only one level flattening of lists in needed in ASDL for ssn in (subnode if type(subnode) is list else [subnode]): if type(ssn) in constructors: yield ssn indent = 3 def display(node, pad=''): morepad = pad + ' ' * indent typ = type(node) if typ in atomic: return f'{node!r}' elif typ in constructors: if len(node) == 1: return f'{node!r}' result = [f'{type(node).__name__}('] rows = [f'{morepad}{field_name} = {display(value, morepad)}' for field_name, value in zip(node._fields, node)] result += [',\n'.join(rows)] result += [f'{pad})'] return '\n'.join(result) elif typ is list: if not node: return '[]' result = ['['] rows = [f'{morepad}{display(value, morepad)}' for value in node] result += [',\n'.join(rows)] result += [f'{pad}]'] return '\n'.join(result) else: raise TypeError('Unknown node type', node)