Command Line ArgumentsBlender 2.80 Usage: blender [args …] [file] [args …]
Render Options-b, --backgroundRun in background (often used for UI-less rendering).-a, --render-animRender frames from start to end (inclusive).-S, --scene Set the active scene for rendering.-f, --render-frame Render frame and save it.+ start frame relative, - end frame relative.A comma separated list of frames can also be used (no spaces).A range of frames can be expressed using .. seperator between the first and last frames (inclusive).-s, --frame-start Set start to frame , supports +/- for relative frames too.-e, --frame-end Set end to frame , supports +/- for relative frames too.-j, --frame-jump Set number of frames to step forward after each rendered frame.-o, --render-output Set the render path and file name. Use // at the start of the path to render relative to the blend-file.The # characters are replaced by the frame number, and used to define zero padding.ani_##_test.png becomes ani_01_test.pngtest-######.png becomes test-000001.pngWhen the filename does not contain #, The suffix #### is added to the filename.The frame number will be added at the end of the filename, eg:blender -b foobar.blend -o //render_ -F PNG -x 1 -a//render_ becomes //render_####, writing frames as //render_0001.png-E, --engine Specify the render engine. Use -E help to list available engines.-t, --threads Use amount of for rendering and other operations [1-64], 0 for systems processor count.
Format Options-F, --render-format Set the render format. Valid options are TGA RAWTGA JPEG IRIS IRIZ AVIRAW AVIJPEG PNG BMPFormats that can be compiled into Blender, not available on all systems: HDR TIFF EXR MULTILAYER MPEG FRAMESERVER CINEON DPX DDS JP2-x, --use-extension Set option to add the file extension to the end of the file.
Animation Playback Options-a Playback , only operates this way when not running in background.-p Open with lower left corner at , .-mRead from disk (Do not buffer).-f Specify FPS to start with.-j Set frame step to .-s Play from .-e Play until .
Window Options-w, --window-borderForce opening with borders.-W, --window-borderlessForce opening without borders.-p, --window-geometry Open with lower left corner at , and width and height as , .-con, --start-consoleStart with the console window open (ignored if -b is set), (Windows only).--no-native-pixelsDo not use native pixel size, for high resolution displays (MacBook Retina).
Game Engine Specific Options-g Game Engine specific optionsfixedtimeRun on 50 hertz without dropping frames.vertexarraysUse Vertex Arrays for rendering (usually faster).nomipmapNo Texture Mipmapping.linearmipmapLinear Texture Mipmapping instead of Nearest (default).
Python Options-y, --enable-autoexecEnable automatic Python script execution (default).-Y, --disable-autoexecDisable automatic Python script execution (pydrivers & startup scripts).-P, --python Run the given Python script file.--python-text Run the given Python script text block.--python-expr Run the given expression as a Python script.--python-consoleRun Blender with an interactive console.--python-exit-codeSet the exit-code in [0..255] to exit if a Python exception is raised (only for scripts executed from the command line), zero disables.--addonsComma separated list of add-ons (no spaces).
Debug Options-d, --debugTurn debugging on.Enables memory error detectionDisables mouse grab (to interact with a debugger in some cases)Keeps Python’s sys.stdin rather than setting it to None--debug-value Set debug value of on startup.--debug-eventsEnable debug messages for the event system.--debug-ffmpegEnable debug messages from FFmpeg library.--debug-handlersEnable debug messages for event handling.--debug-libmvEnable debug messages from libmv library.--debug-cyclesEnable debug messages from Cycles.--debug-memoryEnable fully guarded memory allocation and debugging.--debug-jobsEnable time profiling for background jobs.--debug-pythonEnable debug messages for Python.--debug-depsgraphEnable debug messages from dependency graph.--debug-depsgraph-no-threadsSwitch dependency graph to a single threaded evaluation.--debug-gpumemEnable GPU memory stats in status bar.--debug-wmEnable debug messages for the window manager, also prints every operator call.--debug-allEnable all debug messages.--debug-ioEnable debug messages for I/O (collada, …).--debug-fpeEnable floating point exceptions.--disable-crash-handlerDisable the crash handler.
Misc Options--factory-startupSkip reading the startup.blend in the user’s home directory.--env-system-datafilesSet the BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILES environment variable.--env-system-scriptsSet the BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTS environment variable.--env-system-pythonSet the BLENDER_SYSTEM_PYTHON environment variable.-nojoystickDisable joystick support.-noglslDisable GLSL shading.-noaudioForce sound system to None.-setaudioForce sound system to a specific device. NULL SDL OPENAL JACK.-h, --helpPrint this help text and exit.-RRegister blend-file extension, then exit (Windows only).-rSilently register blend-file extension, then exit (Windows only).-v, --versionPrint Blender version and exit.--End option processing, following arguments passed unchanged. Access via Python’s sys.argv.
Experimental Features--enable-new-depsgraphUse new dependency graph.--enable-new-basic-shader-glslUse new GLSL basic shader.
Other Options/?Print this help text and exit (windows only).--debug-freestyleEnable debug messages for FreeStyle.--debug-gpuEnable gpu debug context and information for OpenGL 4.3+.--disable-abort-handlerDisable the abort handler.--verbose Set logging verbosity level.
Argument ParsingArguments must be separated by white space, eg:blender -ba test.blend…will ignore the a.blender -b test.blend -f8…will ignore 8 because there is no space between the -f and the frame value.
Argument OrderArguments are executed in the order they are given. eg:blender --background test.blend --render-frame 1 --render-output '/tmp'…will not render to /tmp because --render-frame 1 renders before the output path is set.blender --background --render-output /tmp test.blend --render-frame 1…will not render to /tmp because loading the blend-file overwrites the render output that was set.blender --background test.blend --render-output /tmp --render-frame 1…works as expected.
Environment VariablesBLENDER_USER_CONFIGDirectory for user configuration files.BLENDER_USER_SCRIPTSDirectory for user scripts.BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTSDirectory for system wide scripts.BLENDER_USER_DATAFILESDirectory for user data files (icons, translations, ..).BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILESDirectory for system wide data files.BLENDER_SYSTEM_PYTHONDirectory for system Python libraries.TEMPStore temporary files here.TMPor $TMPDIR Store temporary files here.SDL_AUDIODRIVERLibSDL audio driver - alsa, esd, dma.PYTHONHOMEPath to the Python directory, eg. /usr/lib/python.2.80