import abc import builtins import collections import from itertools import permutations import pickle import sys from test import support import threading import time import typing import unittest import functools py_functools = support.import_fresh_module('functools', blocked=['_functools']) c_functools = support.import_fresh_module('functools', fresh=['_functools']) decimal = support.import_fresh_module('decimal', fresh=['_decimal']) import gc, random gc.set_threshold(random.randint(1, 500)) class TestLRU: def test_pickle(self): cls = self.__class__ for f in cls.cached_func[0], cls.cached_meth, cls.cached_staticmeth: for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): with self.subTest(proto=proto, func=f): f_copy = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(f, proto)) self.assertIs(f_copy, f) @py_functools.lru_cache() def py_cached_func(x, y): return 3 * x + y @c_functools.lru_cache() def c_cached_func(x, y): return 3 * x + y class TestLRUPy(TestLRU, unittest.TestCase): module = py_functools cached_func = py_cached_func, @module.lru_cache() def cached_meth(self, x, y): return 3 * x + y @staticmethod @module.lru_cache() def cached_staticmeth(x, y): return 3 * x + y class TestSingleDispatch(unittest.TestCase): def test_c3_abc(self): c = mro = functools._c3_mro class A(object): pass class B(A): def __len__(self): return 0 # implies Sized @c.Container.register class C(object): pass class D(object): pass # unrelated class X(D, C, B): def __call__(self): pass # implies Callable expected = [X, c.Callable, D, C, c.Container, B, c.Sized, A, object] for abcs in permutations([c.Sized, c.Callable, c.Container]): self.assertEqual(mro(X, abcs=abcs), expected) # unrelated ABCs don't appear in the resulting MRO many_abcs = [c.Mapping, c.Sized, c.Callable, c.Container, c.Iterable] self.assertEqual(mro(X, abcs=many_abcs), expected) def test_mro_conflicts(self): c = @functools.singledispatch def g(arg): return "base" class O(c.Sized): def __len__(self): return 0 o = O() self.assertEqual(g(o), "base") g.register(c.Iterable, lambda arg: "iterable") g.register(c.Container, lambda arg: "container") g.register(c.Sized, lambda arg: "sized") g.register(c.Set, lambda arg: "set") self.assertEqual(g(o), "sized") c.Iterable.register(O) self.assertEqual(g(o), "sized") # because it's explicitly in __mro__ c.Container.register(O) self.assertEqual(g(o), "sized") # see above: Sized is in __mro__ c.Set.register(O) self.assertEqual(g(o), "set") # because c.Set is a subclass of # c.Sized and c.Container class P: pass p = P() self.assertEqual(g(p), "base") c.Iterable.register(P) self.assertEqual(g(p), "iterable") c.Container.register(P) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as re_one: g(p) self.assertIn( str(re_one.exception), (("Ambiguous dispatch: " "or "), ("Ambiguous dispatch: " "or ")), ) class Q(c.Sized): def __len__(self): return 0 q = Q() self.assertEqual(g(q), "sized") c.Iterable.register(Q) self.assertEqual(g(q), "sized") # because it's explicitly in __mro__ c.Set.register(Q) self.assertEqual(g(q), "set") # because c.Set is a subclass of # c.Sized and c.Iterable @functools.singledispatch def h(arg): return "base" @h.register(c.Sized) def _(arg): return "sized" @h.register(c.Container) def _(arg): return "container" # Even though Sized and Container are explicit bases of MutableMapping, # this ABC is implicitly registered on defaultdict which makes all of # MutableMapping's bases implicit as well from defaultdict's # perspective. with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as re_two: h(collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)) self.assertIn( str(re_two.exception), (("Ambiguous dispatch: " "or "), ("Ambiguous dispatch: " "or ")), ) class R(collections.defaultdict): pass c.MutableSequence.register(R) @functools.singledispatch def i(arg): return "base" @i.register(c.MutableMapping) def _(arg): return "mapping" @i.register(c.MutableSequence) def _(arg): return "sequence" r = R() self.assertEqual(i(r), "sequence") class S: pass class T(S, c.Sized): def __len__(self): return 0 t = T() self.assertEqual(h(t), "sized") c.Container.register(T) self.assertEqual(h(t), "sized") # because it's explicitly in the MRO class U: def __len__(self): return 0 u = U() self.assertEqual(h(u), "sized") # implicit Sized subclass inferred # from the existence of __len__() c.Container.register(U) # There is no preference for registered versus inferred ABCs. with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as re_three: h(u) self.assertIn( str(re_three.exception), (("Ambiguous dispatch: " "or "), ("Ambiguous dispatch: " "or ")), ) class V(c.Sized, S): def __len__(self): return 0 @functools.singledispatch def j(arg): return "base" @j.register(S) def _(arg): return "s" @j.register(c.Container) def _(arg): return "container" v = V() self.assertEqual(j(v), "s") c.Container.register(V) self.assertEqual(j(v), "container") # because it ends up right after # Sized in the MRO