serhiy@saraksh:~/py/cpython$ ./python -m test -uall -M32G -r == CPython 3.7.0a1+ (heads/debug-realloc-deadbytes-dirty:84d97fa73d, Oct 2 2017, 13:01:24) [GCC 6.3.0 20170406] == Linux-4.10.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-debian-stretch-sid little-endian == cwd: /home/serhiy/py/cpython/build/test_python_8286 == CPU count: 8 == encodings: locale=UTF-8, FS=utf-8 Using random seed 4953734 Run tests sequentially 0:00:00 load avg: 0.12 [ 1/407] test_tarfile 0:00:06 load avg: 0.19 [ 2/407] test_future3 0:00:06 load avg: 0.19 [ 3/407] test_pickletools 0:00:08 load avg: 0.19 [ 4/407] test_imghdr 0:00:08 load avg: 0.19 [ 5/407] test_modulefinder 0:00:08 load avg: 0.19 [ 6/407] test_float 0:00:08 load avg: 0.19 [ 7/407] test_optparse 0:00:08 load avg: 0.19 [ 8/407] test_tix 0:00:09 load avg: 0.19 [ 9/407] test_cmath 0:00:09 load avg: 0.19 [ 10/407] test_binop 0:00:09 load avg: 0.19 [ 11/407] test_unicode_file 0:00:09 load avg: 0.19 [ 12/407] test_codecencodings_kr 0:00:09 load avg: 0.25 [ 13/407] test_grp 0:00:09 load avg: 0.25 [ 14/407] test_global 0:00:09 load avg: 0.25 [ 15/407] test_calendar 0:00:11 load avg: 0.25 [ 16/407] test_ucn 0:00:23 load avg: 0.52 [ 17/407] test_httplib 0:00:27 load avg: 0.56 [ 18/407] test_stringprep 0:00:27 load avg: 0.56 [ 19/407] test_macpath 0:00:27 load avg: 0.56 [ 20/407] test_tokenize 0:01:07 load avg: 0.78 [ 21/407] test_with -- test_tokenize passed in 40 sec 0:01:07 load avg: 0.78 [ 22/407] test_codecmaps_kr 0:01:10 load avg: 0.95 [ 23/407] test_numeric_tower 0:01:10 load avg: 0.95 [ 24/407] test_regrtest 0:01:22 load avg: 1.28 [ 25/407] test_generator_stop 0:01:22 load avg: 1.28 [ 26/407] test_osx_env 0:01:22 load avg: 1.28 [ 27/407] test_isinstance 0:01:22 load avg: 1.28 [ 28/407] test_descr 0:01:23 load avg: 1.28 [ 29/407] test_sys_settrace 0:01:23 load avg: 1.28 [ 30/407] test_rlcompleter 0:01:23 load avg: 1.28 [ 31/407] test_posix 0:01:24 load avg: 1.28 [ 32/407] test_urlparse 0:01:24 load avg: 1.28 [ 33/407] test_http_cookies 0:01:24 load avg: 1.28 [ 34/407] test_raise 0:01:24 load avg: 1.28 [ 35/407] test_zipimport_support 0:01:24 load avg: 1.33 [ 36/407] test_listcomps 0:01:24 load avg: 1.33 [ 37/407] test_webbrowser 0:01:24 load avg: 1.33 [ 38/407] test_codecmaps_hk 0:01:25 load avg: 1.33 [ 39/407] test_typechecks 0:01:25 load avg: 1.33 [ 40/407] test_urllib2net 0:01:43 load avg: 1.25 [ 41/407] test_asyncore 0:01:45 load avg: 1.15 [ 42/407] test_select 0:01:56 load avg: 0.97 [ 43/407] test_unicode_identifiers 0:01:56 load avg: 0.97 [ 44/407] test_concurrent_futures 0:03:01 load avg: 1.08 [ 45/407] test_exception_variations -- test_concurrent_futures passed in 1 min 4 sec 0:03:01 load avg: 1.08 [ 46/407] test_support 0:03:01 load avg: 1.08 [ 47/407] test_gzip 0:03:02 load avg: 1.08 [ 48/407] test_grammar 0:03:02 load avg: 1.08 [ 49/407] test_sort 0:03:02 load avg: 1.08 [ 50/407] test_future4 0:03:02 load avg: 1.08 [ 51/407] test_descrtut 0:03:03 load avg: 1.08 [ 52/407] test_richcmp 0:03:03 load avg: 1.08 [ 53/407] test_uuid 0:03:03 load avg: 1.08 [ 54/407] test_spwd 0:03:03 load avg: 1.08 [ 55/407] test_getopt 0:03:03 load avg: 1.08 [ 56/407] test_atexit 0:03:03 load avg: 1.08 [ 57/407] test_cmd 0:03:03 load avg: 1.08 [ 58/407] test_xmlrpc 0:03:07 load avg: 0.99 [ 59/407] test_sched 0:03:07 load avg: 0.99 [ 60/407] test_structseq 0:03:07 load avg: 0.99 [ 61/407] test_class 0:03:07 load avg: 0.99 [ 62/407] test_dict 0:03:08 load avg: 0.99 [ 63/407] test_pdb 0:03:09 load avg: 0.99 [ 64/407] test_future 0:03:09 load avg: 0.99 [ 65/407] test_contextlib_async 0:03:09 load avg: 0.99 [ 66/407] test_gettext 0:03:09 load avg: 1.15 [ 67/407] test_unary 0:03:09 load avg: 1.15 [ 68/407] test_dict_version 0:03:09 load avg: 1.15 [ 69/407] test_smtpd 0:03:09 load avg: 1.15 [ 70/407] test_shlex 0:03:10 load avg: 1.15 [ 71/407] test_asdl_parser 0:03:10 load avg: 1.15 [ 72/407] test_binhex 0:03:10 load avg: 1.15 [ 73/407] test_startfile test_startfile skipped -- object has no attribute 'startfile' 0:03:10 load avg: 1.15 [ 74/407] test_opcodes -- test_startfile skipped 0:03:10 load avg: 1.15 [ 75/407] test_urllib 0:03:10 load avg: 1.15 [ 76/407] test_future5 0:03:10 load avg: 1.15 [ 77/407] test_cgi 0:03:10 load avg: 1.15 [ 78/407] test_math 0:03:12 load avg: 1.15 [ 79/407] test_multiprocessing_spawn 0:04:43 load avg: 1.63 [ 80/407] test_ensurepip -- test_multiprocessing_spawn passed in 1 min 30 sec 0:04:43 load avg: 1.63 [ 81/407] test_timeit 0:04:43 load avg: 1.63 [ 82/407] test_random 0:04:44 load avg: 1.82 [ 83/407] test_dbm_gnu 0:04:44 load avg: 1.82 [ 84/407] test_compileall 0:04:51 load avg: 1.75 [ 85/407] test_profile 0:04:51 load avg: 1.75 [ 86/407] test_posixpath 0:04:51 load avg: 1.75 [ 87/407] test_coroutines 0:04:51 load avg: 1.75 [ 88/407] test_enum 0:04:52 load avg: 1.75 [ 89/407] test_xdrlib 0:04:52 load avg: 1.75 [ 90/407] test_winsound test_winsound skipped -- No module named 'winsound' 0:04:52 load avg: 1.75 [ 91/407] test_resource -- test_winsound skipped 0:04:52 load avg: 1.75 [ 92/407] test_sys 0:04:53 load avg: 1.75 [ 93/407] test_univnewlines 0:04:53 load avg: 1.75 [ 94/407] test_iter 0:04:54 load avg: 1.75 [ 95/407] test_plistlib 0:04:54 load avg: 1.75 [ 96/407] test_pkgutil 0:04:54 load avg: 1.75 [ 97/407] test_weakset 0:04:54 load avg: 1.75 [ 98/407] test_dictviews 0:04:54 load avg: 1.75 [ 99/407] test_imp 0:04:54 load avg: 1.75 [100/407] test_bz2 0:19:34 load avg: 1.09 [101/407] test_stat -- test_bz2 passed in 14 min 40 sec 0:19:34 load avg: 1.09 [102/407] test_print 0:19:34 load avg: 1.09 [103/407] test_cmd_line 0:19:36 load avg: 1.08 [104/407] test_threaded_import 0:19:37 load avg: 1.08 [105/407] test_code 0:19:37 load avg: 1.08 [106/407] test_dynamicclassattribute 0:19:37 load avg: 1.08 [107/407] test_tcl test test_tcl failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/test/support/", line 1737, in wrapper return f(self, maxsize) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/test/", line 678, in test_huge_string_builtins self.assertRaises(OverflowError, self.interp.adderrorinfo, value) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/tkinter/", line 2095, in __getattr__ return getattr(, attr) AttributeError: '_tkinter.tkapp' object has no attribute 'adderrorinfo' 0:20:03 load avg: 1.06 [108/407/1] test_string_literals -- test_tcl failed 0:20:04 load avg: 1.06 [109/407/1] test_shelve 0:20:05 load avg: 1.05 [110/407/1] test_unpack 0:20:05 load avg: 1.05 [111/407/1] test_heapq 0:20:06 load avg: 1.05 [112/407/1] test_zipfile 0:20:18 load avg: 1.04 [113/407/1] test_userdict 0:20:18 load avg: 1.04 [114/407/1] test_pyexpat 0:20:19 load avg: 1.04 [115/407/1] test_textwrap 0:20:19 load avg: 1.04 [116/407/1] test_cgitb test test_cgitb failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/test/", line 23, in test_html raise ValueError("Hello World") ValueError: Hello World During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/test/", line 27, in test_html html = cgitb.html(sys.exc_info()) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/", line 117, in html records = inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/", line 1483, in getinnerframes frameinfo = (tb.tb_frame,) + getframeinfo(tb, context) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/", line 1445, in getframeinfo lines, lnum = findsource(frame) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/", line 780, in findsource module = getmodule(object, file) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/", line 739, in getmodule f = getabsfile(module) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/", line 708, in getabsfile _filename = getsourcefile(object) or getfile(object) File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/", line 693, in getsourcefile if os.path.exists(filename): File "/home/serhiy/py/cpython/Lib/", line 19, in exists os.stat(path) ValueError: embedded null byte 0:20:19 load avg: 1.04 [117/407/2] test_csv -- test_cgitb failed 0:20:20 load avg: 1.04 [118/407/2] test_email 0:20:26 load avg: 1.04 [119/407/2] test_timeout Resource '' is not available 0:21:04 load avg: 0.64 [120/407/2] test_linecache -- test_timeout passed in 38 sec 0:21:04 load avg: 0.64 [121/407/2] test_asyncgen 0:21:05 load avg: 0.83 [122/407/2] test___all__ 0:21:07 load avg: 0.83 [123/407/2] test_module 0:21:07 load avg: 0.83 [124/407/2] test_urllib2 0:21:08 load avg: 0.83 [125/407/2] test_urllib_response 0:21:08 load avg: 0.83 [126/407/2] test_dbm 0:21:09 load avg: 0.83 [127/407/2] test_deque 0:21:13 load avg: 1.01 [128/407/2] test_bigmem 1:28:37 load avg: 1.18 [129/407/2] test_ipaddress -- test_bigmem passed in 67 min 24 sec 1:28:37 load avg: 1.18 [130/407/2] test_codecmaps_tw 1:28:38 load avg: 1.16 [131/407/2] test_eintr 1:28:45 load avg: 1.07 [132/407/2] test_popen 1:28:45 load avg: 1.07 [133/407/2] test_http_cookiejar 1:28:46 load avg: 1.07 [134/407/2] test_frame 1:28:46 load avg: 1.07 [135/407/2] test_file_eintr 1:28:48 load avg: 1.07 [136/407/2] test_argparse 1:28:52 load avg: 1.07 [137/407/2] test_audioop 1:28:52 load avg: 1.07 [138/407/2] test_string 1:28:52 load avg: 1.07 [139/407/2] test_bigaddrspace 1:28:52 load avg: 1.07 [140/407/2] test_robotparser 1:28:53 load avg: 0.98 [141/407/2] test_mmap 1:28:54 load avg: 0.98 [142/407/2] test_ttk_guionly 1:29:01 load avg: 0.98 [143/407/2] test_flufl 1:29:01 load avg: 0.98 [144/407/2] test_pty 1:29:01 load avg: 0.98 [145/407/2] test_urllibnet 1:29:07 load avg: 0.98 [146/407/2] test_collections 1:29:08 load avg: 0.98 [147/407/2] test_pow 1:29:08 load avg: 0.98 [148/407/2] test__osx_support 1:29:08 load avg: 0.98 [149/407/2] test_finalization 1:29:10 load avg: 0.98 [150/407/2] test_functools 1:29:11 load avg: 0.98 [151/407/2] test_xml_etree 1:29:12 load avg: 0.98 [152/407/2] test_ntpath 1:29:12 load avg: 0.98 [153/407/2] test_eof 1:29:12 load avg: 0.98 [154/407/2] test_ssl Resource '' is not available 1:29:14 load avg: 0.99 [155/407/2] test_pipes 1:29:14 load avg: 0.99 [156/407/2] test_getpass 1:29:14 load avg: 0.99 [157/407/2] test_binascii 1:29:15 load avg: 0.99 [158/407/2] test_codecencodings_hk 1:29:15 load avg: 0.99 [159/407/2] test_sysconfig 1:29:15 load avg: 0.99 [160/407/2] test_types 1:29:15 load avg: 0.99 [161/407/2] test_threading 1:29:26 load avg: 0.91 [162/407/2] test_json 1:29:40 load avg: 1.01 [163/407/2] test_html 1:29:40 load avg: 1.01 [164/407/2] test_augassign 1:29:40 load avg: 1.01 [165/407/2] test_int_literal 1:29:40 load avg: 1.01 [166/407/2] test_bytes 1:29:43 load avg: 1.01 [167/407/2] test_pyclbr 1:29:45 load avg: 1.01 [168/407/2] test_netrc 1:29:45 load avg: 1.01 [169/407/2] test_multiprocessing_fork 1:31:01 load avg: 0.73 [170/407/2] test_faulthandler -- test_multiprocessing_fork passed in 1 min 16 sec 1:31:22 load avg: 0.58 [171/407/2] test_ast 1:31:24 load avg: 0.70 [172/407/2] test_fnmatch 1:31:24 load avg: 0.70 [173/407/2] test_marshal 1:31:54 load avg: 1.08 [174/407/2] test_syntax 1:31:54 load avg: 1.08 [175/407/2] test_baseexception 1:31:54 load avg: 1.08 [176/407/2] test_codecmaps_jp 1:31:57 load avg: 1.08 [177/407/2] test_htmlparser 1:31:57 load avg: 1.08 [178/407/2] test_warnings 1:31:58 load avg: 1.08 [179/407/2] test_turtle 1:31:58 load avg: 1.08 [180/407/2] test_openpty 1:31:58 load avg: 1.08 [181/407/2] test_xml_dom_minicompat 1:31:58 load avg: 1.07 [182/407/2] test_ctypes 1:32:01 load avg: 1.07 [183/407/2] test_file 1:32:01 load avg: 1.07 [184/407/2] test_nntplib 1:32:29 load avg: 0.72 [185/407/2] test_code_module 1:32:29 load avg: 0.72 [186/407/2] test_list 1:32:30 load avg: 0.72 [187/407/2] test_keywordonlyarg 1:32:30 load avg: 0.72 [188/407/2] test_dbm_ndbm 1:32:30 load avg: 0.72 [189/407/2] test_winconsoleio test_winconsoleio skipped -- test only relevant on win32 1:32:30 load avg: 0.72 [190/407/2] test_io -- test_winconsoleio skipped 1:33:19 load avg: 0.56 [191/407/2] test_normalization -- test_io passed in 49 sec 1:33:22 load avg: 0.56 [192/407/2] test_smtplib 1:33:24 load avg: 0.60 [193/407/2] test_utf8source 1:33:24 load avg: 0.60 [194/407/2] test_codecs 1:33:25 load avg: 0.60 [195/407/2] test_strftime 1:33:26 load avg: 0.60 [196/407/2] test_syslog 1:33:26 load avg: 0.60 [197/407/2] test_getargs2 1:33:26 load avg: 0.60 [198/407/2] test_re 1:33:48 load avg: 0.71 [199/407/2] test_ioctl 1:33:48 load avg: 0.71 [200/407/2] test_imaplib 1:34:35 load avg: 0.51 [201/407/2] test_import -- test_imaplib passed in 47 sec 1:34:35 load avg: 0.51 [202/407/2] test_pathlib 1:34:36 load avg: 0.51 [203/407/2] test_aifc 1:34:36 load avg: 0.51 [204/407/2] test_difflib 1:34:37 load avg: 0.51 [205/407/2] test_complex 1:34:38 load avg: 0.51 [206/407/2] test_generators 1:34:38 load avg: 0.51 [207/407/2] test_crypt 1:34:38 load avg: 0.51 [208/407/2] test_trace 1:34:43 load avg: 0.95 [209/407/2] test_zipapp 1:34:43 load avg: 0.95 [210/407/2] test_decorators 1:34:44 load avg: 0.96 [211/407/2] test_base64 1:34:44 load avg: 0.96 [212/407/2] test_pprint 1:34:44 load avg: 0.96 [213/407/2] test_ossaudiodev test_ossaudiodev skipped -- [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/dsp' 1:34:44 load avg: 0.96 [214/407/2] test_symbol -- test_ossaudiodev skipped 1:34:45 load avg: 0.96 [215/407/2] test_devpoll test_devpoll skipped -- test works only on Solaris OS family 1:34:45 load avg: 0.96 [216/407/2] test_pickle -- test_devpoll skipped 1:35:30 load avg: 0.98 [217/407/2] test_script_helper -- test_pickle passed in 45 sec 1:35:30 load avg: 0.98 [218/407/2] test_zipfile64 test_zipfile64 skipped -- test requires loads of disk-space bytes and a long time to run 1:35:30 load avg: 0.98 [219/407/2] test_lib2to3 -- test_zipfile64 skipped (resource denied) 1:36:08 load avg: 0.99 [220/407/2] test_uu -- test_lib2to3 passed in 37 sec 1:36:08 load avg: 0.99 [221/407/2] test_kqueue test_kqueue skipped -- test works only on BSD 1:36:08 load avg: 0.99 [222/407/2] test_wait4 -- test_kqueue skipped 1:36:14 load avg: 0.84 [223/407/2] test_unittest 1:36:17 load avg: 0.84 [224/407/2] test_memoryview 1:36:18 load avg: 0.84 [225/407/2] test_compare 1:36:19 load avg: 0.85 [226/407/2] test_bufio 1:36:19 load avg: 0.85 [227/407/2] test_tuple 1:36:27 load avg: 0.94 [228/407/2] test_setcomps 1:36:28 load avg: 0.94 [229/407/2] test_httpservers 1:36:30 load avg: 0.87 [230/407/2] test_codecmaps_cn 1:36:32 load avg: 0.87 [231/407/2] test_time 1:36:35 load avg: 0.80 [232/407/2] test_queue 1:36:38 load avg: 0.80 [233/407/2] test_hmac 1:36:38 load avg: 0.80 [234/407/2] test_traceback 1:36:39 load avg: 0.81 [235/407/2] test_userstring 1:36:41 load avg: 0.81 [236/407/2] test_signal 1:37:03 load avg: 0.77 [237/407/2] test_secrets 1:37:04 load avg: 0.77 [238/407/2] test_keyword 1:37:04 load avg: 0.87 [239/407/2] test_fcntl 1:37:04 load avg: 0.87 [240/407/2] test_userlist 1:37:05 load avg: 0.87 [241/407/2] test_memoryio 1:37:05 load avg: 0.87 [242/407/2] test__locale 1:37:05 load avg: 0.87 [243/407/2] test_scope 1:37:06 load avg: 0.87 [244/407/2] test_structmembers 1:37:06 load avg: 0.87 [245/407/2] test_pydoc 1:37:10 load avg: 0.80 [246/407/2] test_doctest2 1:37:10 load avg: 0.80 [247/407/2] test_multiprocessing_forkserver 1:38:22 load avg: 0.51 [248/407/2] test_sundry -- test_multiprocessing_forkserver passed in 1 min 12 sec 1:38:23 load avg: 0.51 [249/407/2] test_locale 1:38:23 load avg: 0.51 [250/407/2] test_dtrace 1:38:23 load avg: 0.51 [251/407/2] test_metaclass 1:38:23 load avg: 0.51 [252/407/2] test_readline 1:38:24 load avg: 0.51 [253/407/2] test_long 1:38:27 load avg: 0.55 [254/407/2] test_sunau 1:38:28 load avg: 0.55 [255/407/2] test_copy 1:38:28 load avg: 0.55 [256/407/2] test_shutil 1:38:28 load avg: 0.55 [257/407/2] test_multibytecodec 1:38:30 load avg: 0.59 [258/407/2] test_inspect 1:38:31 load avg: 0.59 [259/407/2] test_datetime 1:38:36 load avg: 0.62 [260/407/2] test_compile 1:38:37 load avg: 0.62 [261/407/2] test_codecencodings_jp 1:38:37 load avg: 0.62 [262/407/2] test_subprocess ^C Test suite interrupted by signal SIGINT. 146 tests omitted: test___future__ test__opcode test_abc test_abstract_numbers test_array test_asynchat test_asyncio test_bisect test_bool test_buffer test_builtin test_c_locale_coercion test_call test_capi test_charmapcodec test_cmd_line_script test_codeccallbacks test_codecencodings_cn test_codecencodings_iso2022 test_codecencodings_tw test_codeop test_colorsys test_configparser test_contains test_contextlib test_copyreg test_cprofile test_crashers test_curses test_dbm_dumb test_decimal test_defaultdict test_dictcomps test_dis test_distutils test_doctest test_docxmlrpc test_dummy_thread test_dummy_threading test_dynamic test_enumerate test_epoll test_errno test_exception_hierarchy test_exceptions test_extcall test_filecmp test_fileinput test_fileio test_fork1 test_format test_fractions test_fstring test_ftplib test_funcattrs test_gc test_gdb test_genericpath test_genexps test_glob test_hash test_hashlib test_idle test_importlib test_index test_int test_iterlen test_itertools test_largefile test_logging test_longexp test_lzma test_mailbox test_mailcap test_mimetypes test_minidom test_msilib test_multiprocessing_main_handling test_nis test_operator test_ordered_dict test_os test_parser test_peepholer test_pkg test_pkgimport test_platform test_poll test_poplib test_property test_pstats test_pulldom test_pwd test_py_compile test_quopri test_range test_reprlib test_runpy test_sax test_selectors test_set test_site test_slice test_smtpnet test_sndhdr test_socket test_socketserver test_source_encoding test_sqlite test_statistics test_strptime test_strtod test_struct test_subclassinit test_subprocess test_super test_symtable test_sys_setprofile test_telnetlib test_tempfile test_thread test_threadedtempfile test_threading_local test_threadsignals test_tk test_tools test_tracemalloc test_ttk_textonly test_typing test_unicode test_unicode_file_functions test_unicodedata test_unpack_ex test_urllib2_localnet test_venv test_wait3 test_wave test_weakref test_winreg test_wsgiref test_xml_etree_c test_xmlrpc_net test_xxtestfuzz test_yield_from test_zipimport test_zlib 252 tests OK. 2 tests failed: test_cgitb test_tcl 7 tests skipped: test_devpoll test_kqueue test_ossaudiodev test_startfile test_winconsoleio test_winsound test_zipfile64 Total duration: 186 min 9 sec Tests result: FAILURE