class Changes: """Manage a user's proposed configuration option changes. All changes are either cancelled or applied in a single transaction. Arguments used across multiple methods: These share the definition used in config_type section item value Methods used by ConfigDialog: add_item: Add an item to the the changes. apply: Apply changes to previous version for keysets and themes. delete_section: Remove a section for a config_type. save_all: Save all the changes to the config file. save_new_config: Apply all the changes for key Methods used only for testing: Methods used internally: reset: Clear all changes. Currently in the dialog, the cancel button closes the window and thus clears any changes. This method may be useful in the future as a new dialog button. set_user_value: Set a single value for a config_type/section/item. TODO: - Evaluate extensions usage of this class. - One instance of class or one instance for each config_type? - Move all IdleConf.userCFg and IdleConf.defaultCfg access to this class to separate that completely from GUI? """ def __init__(self): # new """Create configuration option change manager. Attributes: items: A 3-level hierarchical dictionary of pending changes that mirrors the definition in (XXX - should this be a ConfigParser like the defaultCfg and userfg) """ pass def __getitem__(self, config_type): # new, but emulates changed_items['keys'], for example """Pythonic access to first level of object's values. """ pass def add_item(self, config_type, section, item, value): # renamed from add_changed_items """Add item/value pair for given config_type and section. """ pass def apply(self, config_type, section, new_items): # new (currently inline code for keys and highlight) """Apply changes to current selected config_type. One config entry for keysets and themes is the name of the keyset/theme and it contains all the settings for that entry. This applies the changes to a loaded keyset/theme to create a new list of item/value pairs. The output is used as input to save_new_config. """ # existing code sample ('highlight' is exactly the same except for variable names): # if prev_key_set_name in self.changed_items['keys']: # key_set_changes = self.changed_items['keys'][prev_key_set_name] # for event in key_set_changes: # new_keys[event] = key_set_changes[event] pass def delete_section(self, config_type, section): # new (currently inline) """Remove the section from the config_type entry. Similar to IdleConf.remove_section, but for current changes. """ # existing code sample: # if key_set_name in self.changed_items['keys']: # del(self.changed_items['keys'][key_set_name]) pass def reset(self): # renamed from reset_changed_items """Reset each config_type to an empty dictionary. Comment from existing reset_changed_items: # When any config item is changed in this dialog, an entry # should be made in the relevant section (config type) of this # dictionary. The key should be the config file section name and the # value a dictionary, whose key:value pairs are item=value pairs for # that config file section. """ pass def save_all(self): # renamed from save_all_changed_configs """Save configuration changes to the user config file. XXX - what to do with save_all_changed_extensions """ pass def save_new_config(self, config_type, section, items_): # renamed from save_new_key_set and save_new_theme """Update IdleConf.userCfg values for all sections within a config_type. This is used for keysets and themes since those have many items that represent what the keyset or theme is. """ pass def set_user_value(self, config_type, section, item, value): # old """Update a single IdleConf.userCfg item/value pair. Called from save_all for each item within each section for each config_type. """ pass