import os import time import datetime import _socket import traceback import sys NETWORK_CONNECTION_NAME = 'Ethernet' # change to your network connection name RESTORE_DNS_SETTINGS_TO = 'dhcp' # set to 'dhcp' or 'static X.X.X.X' to restore dns settings after script work LOGFILE_NAME = 'log.txt' funcs = [ 'gethostbyaddr', 'gethostbyname_ex' ] dns_servers = ( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ) hostnames = ( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ) def log_measures(duration_time, dns_server, hostname, func, error=''): with open(LOGFILE_NAME, 'a') as f: line = ';'.join( ("%Y-%m-%d;%H:%M"), str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = duration_time)).ljust(14), dns_server.ljust(15), hostname.ljust(15), func, error, ) ) f.write(line + '\n') def log_comment(text): with open(LOGFILE_NAME, 'a') as f: f.write('#{}: {}\n'.format("%Y-%m-%d;%H:%M"), text)) def main(): log_comment('Test started') for func in funcs: func_work_time = 0 for dns_server in dns_servers: os.system('netsh interface ip set dns "{}" static {}'. format(NETWORK_CONNECTION_NAME, dns_server)) time.sleep(2) # waiting for the shell a bit os.system('ipconfig /flushdns') time.sleep(2) # waiting for the shell a bit for hostname in hostnames: try: time1 = time.time() getattr(_socket, func)(hostname) except: time2 = time.time() error = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())[-1].strip() log_measures(time2-time1, dns_server, hostname, func, error) else: time2 = time.time() func_work_time += time2 - time1 log_comment('{} worked: {} sec'.format(func, func_work_time)) # Restore settings os.system('netsh interface ip set dns "{}" {}'. format(NETWORK_CONNECTION_NAME, RESTORE_DNS_SETTINGS_TO)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()