from __future__ import print_function import sys def test_repr(depth): x = None for i in range(depth): x = [x] repr(x) def test_eq(depth): x = y = None for i in range(depth): x = [x] y = [y] x == y def test_hash(depth): x = None for i in range(depth): x = (x,) hash(x) def test_filter(depth): try: from itertools import ifilter except ImportError: ifilter = filter x = iter([1]) for i in range(depth): x = ifilter(None, x) next(x) def test_map(depth): try: from itertools import imap except ImportError: imap = map x = iter([True]) for i in range(depth): x = imap(bool, x) next(x) def test_islice(depth): from itertools import islice x = iter([1]) for i in range(depth): x = islice(x, 1) next(x) def test_chain(depth): from itertools import chain x = iter([1]) for i in range(depth): x = chain(x) next(x) def test_partial(depth): from functools import partial x = int for i in range(depth): x = partial(x, base=2) x.x = 1 # prevent collapsing partials x('10') def test_compile(depth): x = 'x' + '()' * depth compile(x, '?', 'eval') def test_compile_ast(depth): import ast x = 'x' + '()' * depth compile(x, '?', 'eval', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) def test_deepcopy(depth): import copy x = None for i in range(depth): x = [x] copy.deepcopy(x) def test_json_dump(depth): import json x = None for i in range(depth): x = [x] json.dumps(x) def test_json_load(depth): import json x = '['*depth + 'null' + ']'*depth json.loads(x) def test_pickle_dump(depth): try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle x = None for i in range(depth): x = [x] pickle.dumps(x, 2) # unpickling always is non-recursive? def test_marshal_dump(depth): import marshal x = None for i in range(depth): x = [x] marshal.dumps(x, 2) def test_marshal_load(depth): import marshal x = b'[\x01\x00\x00\x00'*depth + b'N' marshal.loads(x) def test_plistlib_dump(depth): try: from plistlib import dumps as plistlib_dumps except ImportError: try: from plistlib import writePlistToBytes as plistlib_dumps except ImportError: from plistlib import writePlistToString as plistlib_dumps x = 0 for i in range(depth): x = [x] plistlib_dumps(x) # non-recursive? def _test_plistlib_load(depth): try: from plistlib import loads as plistlib_loads except ImportError: try: from plistlib import readPlistFromBytes as plistlib_loads except ImportError: from plistlib import readPlistFromString as plistlib_loads x = (b'' b'' b'' + b''*depth + b'0' + b''*depth + b'') plistlib_loads(x) def test_etree_dump(depth): try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree y = x = ElementTree.Element('x') for i in range(depth): y = ElementTree.SubElement(y, 'x') ElementTree.tostring(x) # suppose the parsing is non-recursive, but the destructor is def test_etree_load(depth): try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree depth += 1 x = b''*depth + b''*depth ElementTree.XML(x) # too slow def _test_minidom_dump(depth): import xml.dom.minidom impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() doc = impl.createDocument(None, 'x', None) y = doc.documentElement for i in range(depth): z = doc.createElement('x') y.appendChild(z) y = z doc.documentElement.toxml() # non-recursive? def _test_minidom_load(depth): import xml.dom.minidom depth += 1 x = b''*depth + b''*depth xml.dom.minidom.parseString(x) def test_python_function(depth): def f(n): if n: return f(n-1) f(depth) def test_python_method(depth): class X: def f(self, n): if n: return self.f(n-1) X().f(depth) def test_python_iterator(depth): class I: def __init__(self, it): = it def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return next( next = __next__ x = iter([1]) for i in range(depth): x = I(x) next(x) def test_python_generator(depth): x = iter([1]) for i in range(depth): x = (y for y in x) next(x) if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): def test_yield_from(depth): ns = {} exec('''if True: def g(it): yield from it ''', ns) g = ns['g'] x = iter([1]) for i in range(depth): x = g(x) next(x) def test_python_call(depth): class X: def __call__(self, n): if n: return self(n-1) return 0 X()(depth) def test_python_call_keyword(depth): class X: def __call__(self, n): if n: return self(n=n-1) return 0 X()(n=depth) def test_python_getitem(depth): class X: def __getitem__(self, n): if n: return self[n-1] return 0 X()[depth] if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 3: test = globals()[sys.argv[1]] depth = int(sys.argv[2]) step = int(sys.argv[3]) sys.setrecursionlimit(2**18) try: while depth < 10**6: test(depth) print(depth) #print(test, depth, file=sys.stderr) sys.stdout.flush() depth += step except: #print('ERROR: %r depth=%d' % (sys.exc_info()[1], depth), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) import subprocess if len(sys.argv) > 1: tests = [sys.argv[1]] globals()[tests[0]] else: tests = [test for test in sorted(globals()) if test.startswith('test_')] for test in tests: step = 2**14 depth = 0 while step >= 4: cmd = [sys.executable, __file__, test, str(depth + step), str(step)] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input) process.wait() try: depth = int(stdout.splitlines()[-1]) except IndexError: pass #print(test, depth, step, file=sys.stderr) step //= 4 print(test, depth)