class BrokenCM: # Context manager broken like @contextmanager was # in def __init__(self, gen): self._gen = gen def __enter__(self): return next(self._gen) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): if exc_type is None: raise RuntimeError("Only for exception handling tests") if exc_value is None: exc_value = exc_type() try: self._gen.throw(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb) except RuntimeError: # Bug was to re-raise RuntimeError unconditionally raise except Exception as exc: # While other exceptions were correctly checked against # the active exception state if exc is not exc_value: raise class CustomException(Exception): pass def gen_replace_exception(): try: yield except Exception as exc: raise CustomException("Custom message") from exc def gen_reraise_exception(): try: yield except: raise print("Checking with statement: ", end="") try: with BrokenCM(gen_replace_exception()): with BrokenCM(gen_reraise_exception()): raise RuntimeError("Checking with statements") except CustomException: pass print("OK") print("Checking contextlib.ExitStack: ", end="") import contextlib try: with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context(BrokenCM(gen_replace_exception())) stack.enter_context(BrokenCM(gen_reraise_exception())) raise RuntimeError("Checking ExitStack") except CustomException: pass print("OK")