(view as text) make buildbottest 'TESTOPTS= -j4' TESTPYTHONOPTS= TESTTIMEOUT=3600 in dir /usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build (timeout 3900 secs) watching logfiles {} argv: ['make', 'buildbottest', 'TESTOPTS= -j4', 'TESTPYTHONOPTS=', 'TESTTIMEOUT=3600'] environment: BLOCKSIZE=K EDITOR=vi ENV=/home/buildbot/.shrc HOME=/home/buildbot LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LOGNAME=buildbot MAIL=/var/mail/buildbot PAGER=more PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/home/buildbot/bin PS1=%B[%{%}%n%{%}%b@%B%{%}%m%b%{%}:%~%B]%b PWD=/usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build SHELL=/bin/sh SUDO_COMMAND=/bin/sh -c buildslave restart python SUDO_GID=1001 SUDO_UID=1001 SUDO_USER=koobs TERM=screen-256color USER=buildbot USERNAME=buildbot using PTY: False running build running build_ext building dbm using ndbm INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found: _bsddb _tkinter dl gdbm imageop linuxaudiodev ossaudiodev spwd sunaudiodev To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the module's name. running build_scripts [61997 refs] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build ./python -E -c 'import sys ; from sysconfig import get_platform ; print get_platform()+"-"+sys.version[0:3]' >platform [18614 refs] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build ./python -Wd -3 -E -tt -R ./Lib/test/regrtest.py -uall -rwW -j4 == CPython 2.7.10+ (2.7:20c9290a5de4, Jun 22 2015, 06:59:26) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible FreeBSD Clang 3.4.1 (tags/RELEASE_34/dot1-final 208032)] == FreeBSD-10.1-STABLE-amd64-64bit-ELF little-endian == /usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build/build/test_python_64248 Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, py3k_warning=1, division_warning=1, division_new=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=1, tabcheck=2, verbose=0, unicode=0, bytes_warning=0, hash_randomization=1) Using random seed 3301754 test_winsound skipped -- No module named winsound [ 1/401] test_winsound test.test_warnings:559: UserWarning: test [18662 refs] [18662 refs] [18655 refs] [18662 refs] [18662 refs] [18655 refs] [ 2/401] test_StringIO [ 3/401] test_warnings [ 4/401] test_sets [ 5/401] test_coding [ 6/401] test_zipimport [ 7/401] test_colorsys [ 8/401] test_doctest [ 9/401] test_struct [ 10/401] test_collections [ 11/401] test_sunau [ 12/401] test_structseq [ 13/401] test_pyclbr [ 14/401] test_fcntl [ 15/401] test_hash [ 16/401] test_augassign [ 17/401] test_ntpath [ 18/401] test_wait3 [ 19/401] test_shelve [ 20/401] test_unpack [ 21/401] test_importhooks [ 22/401] test_atexit [ 23/401] test_iterlen [ 24/401] test_dbm [ 25/401] test_xmlrpc [ 26/401] test_unicodedata test_tk skipped -- No module named _tkinter [ 27/401] test_tk [ 28/401] test_softspace [ 29/401] test_sha [ 30/401] test_binop [ 31/401] test_queue [ 32/401] test_bool [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [26524 refs] [18611 refs] [ 33/401] test_richcmp [ 34/401] test_httpservers [ 35/401] test_compare [ 36/401] test_errno [ 37/401] test_multibytecodec_support [ 38/401] test_fork1 [ 39/401] test_pep292 [ 40/401] test_bufio [ 41/401] test_macpath test_imageop skipped -- No module named imageop [ 42/401] test_imageop [ 43/401] test_asyncore [ 44/401] test_repr [ 45/401] test_re [ 46/401] test_capi [ 47/401] test_marshal [ 48/401] test_sys_setprofile [ 49/401] test_plistlib [ 50/401] test_cookie [ 51/401] test_pep352 test_sunaudiodev skipped -- No module named sunaudiodev [ 52/401] test_sunaudiodev python2.4: not found python2.5: not found python2.6: not found Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/test/test_support.py", line 6, in import contextlib File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 4, in from functools import wraps File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/functools.py", line 10, in from _functools import partial, reduce ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_functools.so: Undefined symbol "Py_InitModule4_64" [18375 refs] [ 53/401] test_ftplib [ 54/401] test_xpickle [ 55/401] test_set [ 56/401] test_argparse test_ttk_textonly skipped -- No module named _tkinter [ 57/401] test_ttk_textonly [ 58/401] test_httplib [ 59/401] test_pep263 [ 60/401] test_dummy_thread [ 61/401] test_threaded_import [ 62/401] test_dictviews test_imgfile skipped -- No module named imgfile [ 63/401] test_imgfile [ 64/401] test_runpy [ 65/401] test_exceptions [ 66/401] test_datetime [ 67/401] test_bz2 [ 68/401] test_nntplib [ 69/401] test_future_builtins [ 70/401] test_socket [ 71/401] test_binhex fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/5.2.0/NormalizationTest.txt ... [ 72/401] test_normalization [ 73/401] test_urllib2net [ 74/401] test_old_mailbox [ 75/401] test_urllib [ 76/401] test_long [ 77/401] test_bisect [ 78/401] test_mailbox [ 79/401] test_descrtut [ 80/401] test_random test_cd skipped -- No module named cd [ 81/401] test_cd [22447 refs] [22447 refs] [ 82/401] test_slice [ 83/401] test_platform [ 84/401] test_cmath test_curses skipped -- sys.__stdout__ is not a tty [ 85/401] test_curses test_dl skipped -- No module named dl [ 86/401] test_dl [ 87/401] test_strptime [ 88/401] test_format [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [ 89/401] test_modulefinder [ 90/401] test_site [ 91/401] test_univnewlines [ 92/401] test_string [ 93/401] test_scope [ 94/401] test_imghdr [ 95/401] test_weakset [ 96/401] test_parser [ 97/401] test_property [ 98/401] test_univnewlines2k [ 99/401] test_anydbm [100/401] test_binascii [101/401] test_socketserver [102/401] test_setcomps [103/401] test_calendar [104/401] test_unary [105/401] test_codecencodings_kr [106/401] test_ensurepip [107/401] test_peepholer [108/401] test_genericpath [109/401] test_smtpnet [110/401] test_userstring [111/401] test_import [112/401] test_grp [113/401] test_funcattrs [114/401] test_telnetlib [115/401] test_traceback [116/401] test_pty fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/BIG5HKSCS-2004.TXT ... [117/401] test_codecmaps_hk [118/401] test_textwrap test_ossaudiodev skipped -- No module named ossaudiodev [119/401] test_ossaudiodev [120/401] test_hashlib [121/401] test_pep247 [122/401] test_descr test_gdbm skipped -- No module named gdbm [123/401] test_gdbm [124/401] test_imaplib test_zipfile64 skipped -- test requires loads of disk-space bytes and a long time to run [125/401] test_zipfile64 [126/401] test_long_future [127/401] test_cmd test_epoll skipped -- test works only on Linux 2.6 [128/401] test_epoll [129/401] test_stringprep [22659 refs][130/401] test_buffer [131/401] test_distutils fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/BIG5.TXT ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/CP950.TXT ... [132/401] test_codecmaps_tw [18635 refs] [133/401] test_gettext [134/401] test_tempfile [135/401] test_wave test_gdb skipped -- gdb versions before 7.0 didn't support python embedding Saw: GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD] Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "amd64-marcel-freebsd". [136/401] test_gdb [137/401] test_threadedtempfile test_macostools skipped -- No module named MacOS [138/401] test_macostools test_spwd skipped -- No module named spwd [139/401] test_spwd [140/401] test_importlib [141/401] test_extcall [142/401] test_xmllib [143/401] test_shutil test_cl skipped -- No module named cl [144/401] test_cl test_linuxaudiodev skipped -- No module named linuxaudiodev [18610 refs] [18840 refs] [18780 refs] [145/401] test_linuxaudiodev [146/401] test_sys [147/401] test_shlex [148/401] test_htmllib [149/401] test_threadsignals [150/401] test_syntax [151/401] test_abc [152/401] test_future4 [153/401] test_memoryview [154/401] test_tokenize [155/401] test_contains [156/401] test_future3 [157/401] test_eof [158/401] test_cookielib [159/401] test_dict [160/401] test_logging [161/401] test_sax [162/401] test_defaultdict [163/401] test_global [164/401] test__locale [165/401] test_mimetypes [166/401] test_ast [167/401] test_gc [168/401] test_codecs [169/401] test_gzip [170/401] test_cpickle [171/401] test_pwd [172/401] test_copy_reg [173/401] test_multibytecodec test_msilib skipped -- No module named _msi [174/401] test_msilib [175/401] test_strop [176/401] test_generators [21445 refs] [21445 refs] [177/401] test_pep277 [178/401] test_quopri [179/401] test_future5 [180/401] test_xrange [181/401] test_glob [182/401] test___future__ [183/401] test_dummy_threading [184/401] test_cgi [185/401] test_signal [186/401] test_dictcomps [187/401] test_memoryio [188/401] test_bigmem [189/401] test_structmembers [190/401] test_uu [191/401] test_csv [192/401] test_pipes [193/401] test_hotshot [194/401] test_call [195/401] test_pickle [196/401] test_imp [197/401] test_pyexpat [198/401] test_codecencodings_jp [199/401] test_base64 [200/401] test_ctypes [201/401] test_aifc test_idle skipped -- No module named _tkinter [202/401] test_idle [203/401] test_sys_settrace [204/401] test_dis [205/401] test_decorators [206/401] test_MimeWriter [207/401] test_linecache [208/401] test_dircache [209/401] test_module [210/401] test_copy [211/401] test_tarfile [212/401] test_pstats [213/401] test_cfgparser [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [214/401] test_str [215/401] test_sysconfig [216/401] test_fpformat [217/401] test_mutants [218/401] test_resource [219/401] test_compile [220/401] test_undocumented_details [221/401] test_file_eintr [222/401] test_poll [223/401] test_fractions [224/401] test_optparse test_tcl skipped -- No module named _tkinter [225/401] test_tcl [226/401] test_genexps [227/401] test_crypt [228/401] test_pprint [229/401] test_functools [230/401] test_minidom [231/401] test_grammar [232/401] test_symtable [233/401] test_xml_etree [234/401] test_enumerate test_al skipped -- No module named al [235/401] test_al [236/401] test_largefile [18611 refs] [18611 refs][237/401] test_unittest [238/401] test_os [239/401] test_longexp [240/401] test_index [241/401] test_userdict [242/401] test_charmapcodec test_macos skipped -- No module named MacOS [243/401] test_macos test_ttk_guionly skipped -- No module named _tkinter [244/401] test_ttk_guionly [245/401] test_ascii_formatd [246/401] test_getargs [247/401] test_xml_etree_c [248/401] test_array [249/401] test_sundry [250/401] test_netrc [251/401] test_py3kwarn [252/401] test_codecencodings_tw [253/401] test_robotparser [254/401] test_coercion [255/401] test_complex_args [256/401] test_inspect [257/401] test_decimal [258/401] test_frozen [259/401] test_getargs2 [260/401] test_code [261/401] test_hmac [262/401] test_print [263/401] test_email_renamed test_bsddb3 skipped -- No module named _bsddb [264/401] test_bsddb3 [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18610 refs] [18826 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18826 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18610 refs] [18826 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs] [18826 refs] [265/401] test_mmap [266/401] test_subprocess [267/401] test_int [268/401] test_lib2to3 [269/401] test_fileinput [270/401] test_xdrlib [271/401] test_rlcompleter [272/401] test_timeit [273/401] test_bytes [274/401] test_cprofile [275/401] test_urllibnet [276/401] test_mhlib [277/401] test_multifile fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/CP949.TXT ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/EUC-KR.TXT ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/JOHAB.TXT ... [278/401] test_codecmaps_kr test_aepack skipped -- No module named aetypes [279/401] test_aepack [280/401] test_pdb [281/401] test_iter test_applesingle skipped -- No module named MacOS [282/401] test_applesingle test test_smtplib failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build/Lib/test/test_smtplib.py", line 222, in testHELP smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3) File "/usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build/Lib/smtplib.py", line 256, in __init__ (code, msg) = self.connect(host, port) File "/usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build/Lib/smtplib.py", line 317, in connect (code, msg) = self.getreply() File "/usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build/Lib/smtplib.py", line 365, in getreply + str(e)) SMTPServerDisconnected: Connection unexpectedly closed: timed out[283/401] test_abstract_numbers [284/401/1] test_smtplib [285/401/1] test_cmd_line [286/401/1] test_docxmlrpc [287/401/1] test_nis [288/401/1] test_zipfile [289/401/1] test_zipimport_support [290/401/1] test_select [291/401/1] test_list [292/401/1] test_transformer [293/401/1] test_file [294/401/1] test_ucn [295/401/1] test_sgmllib [22204 refs] [296/401/1] test_threading_local [297/401/1] test_json [298/401/1] test_getopt [299/401/1] test_bastion [300/401/1] test_posix [301/401/1] test_dumbdbm [302/401/1] test_locale test_startfile skipped -- module os has no attribute startfile [303/401/1] test_startfile [304/401/1] test_mimetools [305/401/1] test_pkgimport [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21080 refs] [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21080 refs] [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21080 refs] [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21080 refs] [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21085 refs] [21079 refs] [21085 refs] [21079 refs] [21079 refs] [21080 refs] [306/401/1] test_SimpleHTTPServer [307/401/1] test_tools [308/401/1] test_operator [309/401/1] test_with [310/401/1] test_thread [311/401/1] test_trace [312/401/1] test_compileall [313/401/1] test_kqueue [314/401/1] test_userlist [315/401/1] test_commands [316/401/1] test_timeout [317/401/1] test_htmlparser [318/401/1] test_stat [319/401/1] test_poplib [320/401/1] test_complex [321/401/1] test_float [21929 refs] [23274 refs] [23274 refs] [23274 refs] [23274 refs] [23274 refs] [23275 refs] [322/401/1] test_time [323/401/1] test_threading [324/401/1] test_md5 [325/401/1] test_macurl2path [326/401/1] test_uuid test_bsddb skipped -- No module named _bsddb [18841 refs] [18611 refs] [18768 refs] [18781 refs] [18781 refs] [18781 refs] [18611 refs] [18611 refs][327/401/1] test_bsddb [328/401/1] test_file2k [329/401/1] test_difflib [330/401/1] test_future [331/401/1] test_unicode [332/401/1] test___all__ [333/401/1] test_codecencodings_hk [334/401/1] test_wsgiref test_scriptpackages skipped -- No module named aetools [335/401/1] test_scriptpackages [336/401/1] test_codeop [337/401/1] test_email_codecs [338/401/1] test_doctest2 [339/401/1] test_asynchat [340/401/1] test_codecencodings_cn [341/401/1] test_openpty [342/401/1] test_pkgutil [343/401/1] test_exception_variations [18616 refs] [18616 refs] [18616 refs] [344/401/1] test_popen [345/401/1] test_mutex [73513 refs][346/401/1] test__osx_support [347/401/1] test_multiprocessing [348/401/1] test_isinstance [349/401/1] test_opcodes [350/401/1] test_itertools [351/401/1] test_audioop [352/401/1] test_zlib [353/401/1] test_io [354/401/1] test_builtin [355/401/1] test_math [356/401/1] test_bigaddrspace [357/401/1] test_int_literal [358/401/1] test_tuple [359/401/1] test_posixpath [360/401/1] test_cmd_line_script [361/401/1] test_contextlib [362/401/1] test_fileio [363/401/1] test_py_compile [364/401/1] test_profile [365/401/1] test_typechecks [366/401/1] test_strftime [367/401/1] test_compiler [368/401/1] test_rfc822 fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/gb-18030-2000.xml ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/EUC-CN.TXT ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/CP936.TXT ... [369/401/1] test_codecmaps_cn [370/401/1] test_urlparse [371/401/1] test_pkg [372/401/1] test_sqlite [373/401/1] test_types [374/401/1] test_whichdb [375/401/1] test_popen2 [376/401/1] test_wait4 [377/401/1] test_weakref [378/401/1] test_codeccallbacks [379/401/1] test_pow [380/401/1] test_pydoc [381/401/1] test_urllib2_localnet [382/401/1] test_readline [383/401/1] test_sort [384/401/1] test_filecmp [385/401/1] test_unicode_file test_ioctl skipped -- Unable to open /dev/tty [386/401/1] test_ioctl [387/401/1] test_strtod fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/CP932.TXT ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/EUC-JISX0213.TXT ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/EUC-JP.TXT ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/SHIFTJIS.TXT ... fetching http://www.pythontest.net/unicode/SHIFT_JISX0213.TXT ... [388/401/1] test_codecmaps_jp [389/401/1] test_codecencodings_iso2022 [390/401/1] test_pickletools [391/401/1] test_class [392/401/1] test_new [393/401/1] test_urllib2 test_gl skipped -- No module named gl /usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build/Lib/anydbm.py:45: DeprecationWarning: in 3.x, the dbhash module has been removed _mod = __import__(_name) /usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build/Lib/dbhash.py:7: DeprecationWarning: in 3.x, the bsddb module has been removed; please use the pybsddb project instead import bsddb[394/401/1] test_gl [395/401/1] test_bsddb185 [396/401/1] test_deque [397/401/1] test_fnmatch [398/401/1] test_heapq test_winreg skipped -- No module named _winreg [399/401/1] test_winreg Resource 'ipv6.google.com' is not available Warning -- asyncore.socket_map was modified by test_ssl [400/401/2] test_ssl [401/401/2] test_email 366 tests OK. 1 test failed: test_smtplib 1 test altered the execution environment: test_ssl 33 tests skipped: test_aepack test_al test_applesingle test_bsddb test_bsddb3 test_cd test_cl test_curses test_dl test_epoll test_gdb test_gdbm test_gl test_idle test_imageop test_imgfile test_ioctl test_linuxaudiodev test_macos test_macostools test_msilib test_ossaudiodev test_scriptpackages test_spwd test_startfile test_sunaudiodev test_tcl test_tk test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_textonly test_winreg test_winsound test_zipfile64 Ask someone to teach regrtest.py about which tests are expected to get skipped on freebsd10. Re-running failed tests in verbose mode Re-running test 'test_smtplib' in verbose mode testBasic1 (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) ... ok testBasic2 (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) ... ok testLocalHostName (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) ... ok testTimeoutDefault (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) ... ok testTimeoutNone (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) ... ok testTimeoutValue (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) ... ok testBasic (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) ... ok testHELP (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) ... ok testNOOP (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) ... ok testNotImplemented (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) ... ok testRSET (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) ... ok testSecondHELO (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) ... ok testSend (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) ... ok testVRFY (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) ... ok testNonnumericPort (test.test_smtplib.NonConnectingTests) ... ok testNotConnected (test.test_smtplib.NonConnectingTests) ... ok testFailingHELO (test.test_smtplib.BadHELOServerTests) ... ok testAUTH_CRAM_MD5 (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) ... ok testAUTH_LOGIN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) ... ok testAUTH_PLAIN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) ... ok testBasic (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) ... ok testEHLO (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) ... ok testEXPN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) ... ok testVRFY (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) ... ok test_quit_resets_greeting (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) ... ok testLineTooLong (test.test_smtplib.TooLongLineTests) ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 8.135s OK [52505 refs] *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /usr/home/buildbot/python/2.7.koobs-freebsd10/build program finished with exit code 1 elapsedTime=432.845040