from unittest import TestCase, main from email.headerregistry import Address ''' Bug report for email addresses: Story: I want to create an email address as in the Python doc example for Python 3.4rc1 and the 3.5 compiled from source. I found two possible reasons: 1) Python bug in The string resulting from contains extra quotes: str(Address('Foo Example', '')) --> 'Foo Example <"">' 2) Documentation bug The documentation of headerregistry.Address states: "username and domain may be specified together by using the addr_spec keyword *instead of* the username and domain keywords" However, this is inconsistent with example on Therefore the first test below fails but the second passes. I run Ubuntu 12. Conclusion: In my opinion, it is more intuitive if the following would work as well: Address('Foo Example', '') ''' class MailTests(TestCase): def test_address_to_string(self): """Address converts to string but introduces extra quotes --> fail""" address = Address('Foo Example', '') self.assertEqual(str(address), 'Foo Example ') def test_address_to_string_addr_spec(self): """Address converts to string without extra quotes if addr_spec used""" address = Address('Foo Example', addr_spec='') self.assertEqual(str(address), 'Foo Example ') if __name__ == '__main__': main()