import turtle import math def tic_tac_toe(): pass def init_turtle(): yertle = turtle.Turtle() yertle.speed(0) yertle.up() return yertle def draw_grid(): for y in range(80, 200, 80): for x in range(80, 200, 80): yertle = init_turtle() yertle.setpos(0, y) yertle.down() yertle.setheading(0) yertle.forward(240) yertle.up() yertle.setpos(x, 0) yertle.down() yertle.setheading(90) yertle.forward(240) def setup_board(): for y in range(40, 280, 80): for x in range(40, 280, 80): yertle = init_turtle() yertle.showturtle() yertle.shape("square") yertle.shapesize(4, 4, 4) yertle.color("#FFFFFF") yertle.goto(x, y) yertle.onclick(mark) draw_grid() def mark_win_row(i, c="pink"): yertle = init_turtle() yertle.setpos(0, i * 80 + 40) yertle.setheading(0) yertle.down() yertle.fd(240) def mark_win_col(i, c="pink"): yertle = init_turtle() yertle.setpos(i * 80 + 40, 0) yertle.down() yertle.setheading(90) yertle.fd(240) def mark_win_diag(i, c="pink"): yertle = init_turtle() yertle.setpos(0, 0) yertle.setheading(45) yertle.down() yertle.forward(240 * math.sqrt(2)) yertle.up() yertle.setpos(240, 0) yertle.setheading(135) yertle.down() yertle.forward(240 * math.sqrt(2)) def draw_circle(x, y): global count global circle radius = 20 yertle = init_turtle() # Creating the turtle with this function = error yertle.color("red") yertle.setpos(x, y-radius) yertle.down() yertle.showturtle() # Remove this later, only used for demonstration # Error occurs here, when the turtle should draw. circle = False count += 1 def draw_x(x, y): for angle_heading in range(45, 405, 90): global count global circle mark_size = 70 yertle = init_turtle() yertle.color("blue") yertle.showturtle() yertle.setpos(x,y) yertle.setheading(angle_heading) yertle.down() yertle.forward(mark_size/2) circle = True count += 1 def mark(x, y): global circle global occupied column = int(x // 80) row = int(y // 80) if circle and not occupied[row][column]: draw_circle(x, y) oh[row][column] = True occupied[row][column] = True elif not circle and not occupied[row][column]: draw_x(x, y) ecks[row][column] = True occupied[row][column] = True else: turtle.textinput("BAD CLICK!", "A SHAPE OCCUPIES THAT SPACE! CLICK CANCEL TO DISMISS") if count == 9: pass def main(): turtle.setup(width=680, height=680) turtle.screensize(240, 240, "cyan") wn = turtle.Screen() wn.title('tic-tac-toe') setup_board() circle = True ecks = [[False, False, False], [False, False, False], [False, False, False]] oh = [[False, False, False], [False, False, False], [False, False, False]] occupied = [[False, False, False], [False, False, False], [False, False, False]] count = 0 if __name__ == '__main__': main() turtle.TK.mainloop()