diff --git a/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst b/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst --- a/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst +++ b/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst @@ -390,24 +390,26 @@ These callbacks may be called on :class: :meth:`pause_writing` and :meth:`resume_writing` calls are paired -- :meth:`pause_writing` is called once when the buffer goes strictly over the high-water mark (even if subsequent writes increases the buffer size even more), and eventually :meth:`resume_writing` is called once when the buffer size reaches the low-water mark. .. note:: + If the buffer size equals the high-water mark, :meth:`pause_writing` is not called -- it must go strictly over. Conversely, :meth:`resume_writing` is called when the buffer size is equal or lower than the low-water mark. These end conditions are important to ensure that things go as expected when either mark is zero. .. note:: + On BSD systems (OS X, FreeBSD, etc.) flow control is not supported for :class:`DatagramProtocol`, because send failures caused by writing too many packets cannot be detected easily. The socket always appears 'ready' and excess packets are dropped; an :class:`OSError` with errno set to :const:`errno.ENOBUFS` may or may not be raised; if it is raised, it will be reported to :meth:`DatagramProtocol.error_received` but otherwise ignored. diff --git a/Doc/library/asyncio-task.rst b/Doc/library/asyncio-task.rst --- a/Doc/library/asyncio-task.rst +++ b/Doc/library/asyncio-task.rst @@ -247,16 +247,17 @@ Example combining a :class:`Future` and loop.close() The coroutine function is responsible of the computation (which takes 1 second) and it stores the result into the future. The :meth:`~BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete` method waits for the completion of the future. .. note:: + The :meth:`~BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete` method uses internally the :meth:`~Future.add_done_callback` method to be notified when the future is done. Example: Future with run_forever() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ diff --git a/Doc/library/email.contentmanager.rst b/Doc/library/email.contentmanager.rst --- a/Doc/library/email.contentmanager.rst +++ b/Doc/library/email.contentmanager.rst @@ -396,17 +396,19 @@ Currently the email package provides onl If the input cannot be encoded in the specified encoding (eg: ``7bit``), raise a :exc:`ValueError`. For :class:`~email.message.Message`, per :rfc:`2046`, raise an error if a *cte* of ``quoted-printable`` or ``base64`` is requested for *subtype* ``rfc822``, and for any *cte* other than ``7bit`` for *subtype* ``external-body``. For ``message/rfc822``, use ``8bit`` if *cte* is not specified. For all other values of *subtype*, use ``7bit``. - .. note:: A *cte* of ``binary`` does not actually work correctly yet. + .. note:: + + A *cte* of ``binary`` does not actually work correctly yet. The ``Message`` object as modified by ``set_content`` is correct, but :class:`~email.generator.BytesGenerator` does not serialize it correctly. If *disposition* is set, use it as the value of the :mailheader:`Content-Disposition` header. If not specified, and *filename* is specified, add the header with the value ``attachment``. If it is not specified and *filename* is also not specified, do not add diff --git a/Doc/library/pathlib.rst b/Doc/library/pathlib.rst --- a/Doc/library/pathlib.rst +++ b/Doc/library/pathlib.rst @@ -27,16 +27,17 @@ Pure paths are useful in some special ca #. If you want to manipulate Windows paths on a Unix machine (or vice versa). You cannot instantiate a :class:`WindowsPath` when running on Unix, but you can instantiate :class:`PureWindowsPath`. #. You want to make sure that your code only manipulates paths without actually accessing the OS. In this case, instantiating one of the pure classes may be useful since those simply don't have any OS-accessing operations. .. note:: + This module has been included in the standard library on a :term:`provisional basis `. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including removal of the package) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. .. seealso:: :pep:`428`: The pathlib module -- object-oriented filesystem paths.