import test.test_support, unittest import sys, codecs, htmlentitydefs, unicodedata class CodecCallbackTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_xmlcharrefreplace(self): """ replace unencodable characters which numeric character entities. For ascii, latin-1 and charmaps this is completely implemented in C and should be reasonably fast. """ s = u"\u30b9\u30d1\u30e2 \xe4nd eggs" self.assertEqual( s.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace"), "スパモ änd eggs" ) self.assertEqual( s.encode("latin-1", "xmlcharrefreplace"), "スパモ \xe4nd eggs" ) def test_xmlcharnamereplace(self): """ This time use a named character entity for unencodable characters, if one is available. """ names = {} for (key, value) in htmlentitydefs.entitydefs.items(): if len(value)==1: names[unicode(value)] = unicode(key) else: names[unichr(int(value[2:-1]))] = unicode(key) def xmlcharnamereplace(exc): if not isinstance(exc, UnicodeEncodeError): raise TypeError("don't know how to handle %r" % exc) l = [] for c in exc.object[exc.start:exc.end]: try: l.append(u"&%s;" % names[c]) except KeyError: l.append(u"&#%d;" % ord(c)) return (u"".join(l), exc.end) codecs.register_error( "test.xmlcharnamereplace", xmlcharnamereplace) sin = u"\xab\u211c\xbb = \u2329\u1234\u20ac\u232a" sout = "«ℜ» = ⟨ሴ€⟩" self.assertEqual(sin.encode("ascii", "test.xmlcharnamereplace"), sout) sout = "\xabℜ\xbb = ⟨ሴ€⟩" self.assertEqual(sin.encode("latin-1", "test.xmlcharnamereplace"), sout) sout = "\xabℜ\xbb = ⟨ሴ\xa4⟩" self.assertEqual(sin.encode("iso-8859-15", "test.xmlcharnamereplace"), sout) def test_uninamereplace(self): """ We're using the names from the unicode database this time, and we're doing "systax highlighting" here, i.e. we include the replaced text in ANSI escape sequences. For this it is useful that the error handler is not called for every single unencodable character, but for a complete sequence of unencodable characters, otherwise we would output many unneccessary escape sequences. """ def uninamereplace(exc): if not isinstance(exc, UnicodeEncodeError): raise TypeError("don't know how to handle %r" % exc) l = [] for c in exc.object[exc.start:exc.end]: l.append(, u"0x%x" % ord(c))) return (u"\033[1m%s\033[0m" % u", ".join(l), exc.end) codecs.register_error( "test.uninamereplace", uninamereplace) sin = u"\xac\u1234\u20ac\u8000" sout = "\033[1mNOT SIGN, ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE SEE, EURO SIGN, 0x8000\033[0m" self.assertEqual(sin.encode("ascii", "test.uninamereplace"), sout) sout = "\xac\033[1mETHIOPIC SYLLABLE SEE, EURO SIGN, 0x8000\033[0m" self.assertEqual(sin.encode("latin-1", "test.uninamereplace"), sout) sout = "\xac\033[1mETHIOPIC SYLLABLE SEE\033[0m\xa4\033[1m0x8000\033[0m" self.assertEqual(sin.encode("iso-8859-15", "test.uninamereplace"), sout) def test_backslashescape(self): """ Does the same as the "unicode-escape" encoding, but with different base encodings. """ sin = u"a\xac\u1234\u20ac\u8000" if sys.maxunicode > 0xffff: sin += unichr(sys.maxunicode) sout = "a\\xac\\u1234\\u20ac\\u8000" if sys.maxunicode > 0xffff: sout += u"\\U%08x" % sys.maxunicode self.assertEqual(sin.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace"), sout) sout = "a\xac\\u1234\\u20ac\\u8000" if sys.maxunicode > 0xffff: sout += u"\\U%08x" % sys.maxunicode self.assertEqual(sin.encode("latin-1", "backslashreplace"), sout) sout = "a\xac\\u1234\xa4\\u8000" if sys.maxunicode > 0xffff: sout += u"\\U%08x" % sys.maxunicode self.assertEqual(sin.encode("iso-8859-15", "backslashreplace"), sout) def test_relaxedutf8(self): """ This is the test for a decoding callback handler, that relaxes the UTF-8 minimal encoding restriction. A null byte that is encoded as "\xc0\x80" will be decoded as a null byte. All other illegal sequences will be handled strictly. """ def relaxedutf8(exc): if not isinstance(exc, UnicodeDecodeError): raise TypeError("don't know how to handle %r" % exc) if exc.object[exc.start:exc.end].startswith("\xc0\x80"): return (u"\x00", exc.start+2) # retry after two bytes else: raise exc codecs.register_error( "test.relaxedutf8", relaxedutf8) sin = "a\x00b\xc0\x80c\xc3\xbc\xc0\x80\xc0\x80" sout = u"a\x00b\x00c\xfc\x00\x00" self.assertEqual(sin.decode("utf-8", "test.relaxedutf8"), sout) sin = "\xc0\x80\xc0\x81" self.assertRaises(UnicodeError, sin.decode, "utf-8", "test.relaxedutf8") def test_charmapencode(self): """ For charmap encodings the replacement string will be mapped through the encoding again. This means, that to be able to use e.g. the "replace" handler, the charmap has to have a mapping for "?". """ charmap = dict([ (ord(c), 2*c.upper()) for c in "abcdefgh"]) sin = u"abc" sout = "AABBCC" self.assertEquals(codecs.charmap_encode(sin, "strict", charmap)[0], sout) sin = u"abcA" self.assertRaises(UnicodeError, codecs.charmap_encode, sin, "strict", charmap) charmap[ord("?")] = "XYZ" sin = u"abcDEF" sout = "AABBCCXYZXYZXYZ" self.assertEquals(codecs.charmap_encode(sin, "replace", charmap)[0], sout) charmap[ord("?")] = u"XYZ" self.assertRaises(TypeError, codecs.charmap_encode, sin, "replace", charmap) charmap[ord("?")] = u"XYZ" self.assertRaises(TypeError, codecs.charmap_encode, sin, "replace", charmap) def test_callbacks(self): def handler1(exc): if not isinstance(exc, UnicodeEncodeError) \ and not isinstance(exc, UnicodeDecodeError): raise TypeError("don't know how to handle %r" % exc) l = [u"<%d>" % ord(exc.object[pos]) for pos in xrange(exc.start, exc.end)] return (u"[%s]" % u"".join(l), exc.end) codecs.register_error("test.handler1", handler1) def handler2(exc): if not isinstance(exc, UnicodeDecodeError): raise TypeError("don't know how to handle %r" % exc) l = [u"<%d>" % ord(exc.object[pos]) for pos in xrange(exc.start, exc.end)] return (u"[%s]" % u"".join(l), exc.end+1) # skip one character codecs.register_error("test.handler2", handler2) s = "\x00\x81\x7f\x80\xff" self.assertEqual( s.decode("ascii", "test.handler1"), u"\x00[<129>]\x7f[<128>][<255>]" ) self.assertEqual( s.decode("ascii", "test.handler2"), u"\x00[<129>][<128>]" ) self.assertEqual( "\\u3042\u3xxx".decode("unicode-escape", "test.handler1"), u"\u3042[<92><117><51><120>]xx" ) self.assertEqual( "\\u3042\u3xx".decode("unicode-escape", "test.handler1"), u"\u3042[<92><117><51><120><120>]" ) self.assertEqual( codecs.charmap_decode("abc", "test.handler1", {ord("a"): u"z"})[0], u"z[<98>][<99>]" ) self.assertEqual( u"g\xfc\xdfrk".encode("ascii", "test.handler1"), u"g[<252><223>]rk" ) self.assertEqual( u"g\xfc\xdf".encode("ascii", "test.handler1"), u"g[<252><223>]" ) def test_longstrings(self): """ test long strings to check for memory overflow problems """ errors = [ "strict", "ignore", "replace", "xmlcharrefreplace", "backslashreplace"] # register the handlers under different names, # to prevent the codec from recognizing the name for err in errors: codecs.register_error("test." + err, codecs.lookup_error(err)) l = 1000 errors += [ "test." + err for err in errors ] for uni in [ s*l for s in (u"x", u"\u3042", u"aä") ]: for enc in ("ascii", "latin-1", "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-15", "utf-8", "utf-7", "utf-16"): for err in errors: try: uni.encode(enc, err) except UnicodeError: pass def check_exceptionobjectargs(self, exctype, args, msg): """ Test UnicodeError subclasses: construction, attribute assignment and __str__ conversion """ # check with one missing argument self.assertRaises(TypeError, exctype, *args[:-1]) # check with one missing argument self.assertRaises(TypeError, exctype, *(args + ["too much"])) # check with one argument of the wrong type wrongargs = [ "spam", u"eggs", 42, 1.0, None ] for i in xrange(len(args)): for wrongarg in wrongargs: if type(wrongarg) is type(args[i]): continue # build argument array callargs = [] for j in xrange(len(args)): if i==j: callargs.append(wrongarg) else: callargs.append(args[i]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, exctype, *callargs) exc = exctype(*args) self.assertEquals(str(exc), msg) def test_unicodeencodeerror(self): self.check_exceptionobjectargs( UnicodeEncodeError, ["ascii", u"g\xfcrk", 1, 2, "ouch"], "'ascii' codec can't encode character '\ufc' in position 1: ouch" ) self.check_exceptionobjectargs( UnicodeEncodeError, ["ascii", u"g\xfcrk", 1, 4, "ouch"], "'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 1-3: ouch" ) self.check_exceptionobjectargs( UnicodeEncodeError, ["ascii", u"\xfcx", 0, 1, "ouch"], "'ascii' codec can't encode character '\ufc' in position 0: ouch" ) def test_unicodedecodeerror(self): self.check_exceptionobjectargs( UnicodeDecodeError, ["ascii", "g\xfcrk", 1, 2, "ouch"], "'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xfc in position 1: ouch" ) self.check_exceptionobjectargs( UnicodeDecodeError, ["ascii", "g\xfcrk", 1, 3, "ouch"], "'ascii' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-2: ouch" ) def test_unicodetranslateerror(self): self.check_exceptionobjectargs( UnicodeTranslateError, [u"g\xfcrk", 1, 2, "ouch"], "can't translate character '\\ufc' in position 1: ouch" ) self.check_exceptionobjectargs( UnicodeTranslateError, [u"g\xfcrk", 1, 3, "ouch"], "can't translate characters in position 1-2: ouch" ) def test_badandgoodstrictexceptions(self): self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.strict_errors, 42 ) self.assertRaises( Exception, codecs.strict_errors, Exception("ouch") ) self.assertRaises( UnicodeEncodeError, codecs.strict_errors, UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch") ) def test_badandgoodignoreexceptions(self): self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.ignore_errors, 42 ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.ignore_errors, UnicodeError("ouch") ) self.assertEquals( codecs.ignore_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.ignore_errors(UnicodeDecodeError("ascii", "\xff", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.ignore_errors(UnicodeTranslateError(u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"", 1) ) def test_badandgoodreplaceexceptions(self): self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.replace_errors, 42 ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.replace_errors, UnicodeError("ouch") ) self.assertEquals( codecs.replace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"?", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.replace_errors(UnicodeDecodeError("ascii", "\xff", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\ufffd", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.replace_errors(UnicodeTranslateError(u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\ufffd", 1) ) def test_badandgoodxmlcharrefreplaceexceptions(self): self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.xmlcharrefreplace_errors, 42 ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.xmlcharrefreplace_errors, UnicodeError("ouch") ) self.assertEquals( codecs.xmlcharrefreplace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"&#%d;" % 0x3042, 1) ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.xmlcharrefreplace_errors, UnicodeError("ouch") ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.xmlcharrefreplace_errors, UnicodeDecodeError("ascii", "\xff", 0, 1, "ouch") ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.xmlcharrefreplace_errors, UnicodeTranslateError(u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch") ) def test_badandgoodbackslashreplaceexceptions(self): self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.backslashreplace_errors, 42 ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.backslashreplace_errors, UnicodeError("ouch") ) self.assertEquals( codecs.backslashreplace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\\u3042", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.backslashreplace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\x00", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\\x00", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.backslashreplace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\xff", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\\xff", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.backslashreplace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\u0100", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\\u0100", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.backslashreplace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\uffff", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\\uffff", 1) ) if sys.maxunicode>0xffff: self.assertEquals( codecs.backslashreplace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\U00010000", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\\U00010000", 1) ) self.assertEquals( codecs.backslashreplace_errors(UnicodeEncodeError("ascii", u"\U0010ffff", 0, 1, "ouch")), (u"\\U0010ffff", 1) ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.backslashreplace_errors, UnicodeError("ouch") ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.backslashreplace_errors, UnicodeDecodeError("ascii", "\xff", 0, 1, "ouch") ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, codecs.backslashreplace_errors, UnicodeTranslateError(u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch") ) def test_badhandlerresults(self): results = ( 42, u"foo", (1,2,3), (u"foo", 1, 3), (u"foo", None), (u"foo",), ("foo", 1, 3), ("foo", None), ("foo",) ) encs = ("ascii", "latin-1", "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-15") for res in results: codecs.register_error("test.badhandler", lambda: res) for enc in encs: self.assertRaises( TypeError, u"\u3042".encode, enc, "test.badhandler" ) for (enc, bytes) in ( ("ascii", "\xff"), ("utf-8", "\xff"), ("utf-7", "+x-") ): self.assertRaises( TypeError, bytes.decode, enc, "test.badhandler" ) def test_main(): test.test_support.run_unittest(CodecCallbackTest) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()