Preparing files... Binary unit = one byte Text unit = one character (utf8-decoded) ** Binary input ** [ 400KB ] read one unit at a time... 2.49 MB/s [ 400KB ] read 20 units at a time... 45.1 MB/s [ 400KB ] read 4096 units at a time... 647 MB/s [ 20KB ] read whole contents at once... 857 MB/s [ 400KB ] read whole contents at once... 3543 MB/s [ 10MB ] read whole contents at once... 993 MB/s [ 400KB ] seek forward one unit at a time... 0.521 MB/s [ 400KB ] seek forward 1000 units at a time... 505 MB/s [ 400KB ] alternate read & seek one unit... 2.09 MB/s [ 400KB ] alternate read & seek 1000 units... 469 MB/s ** Text input ** [ 400KB ] read one unit at a time... 2.34 MB/s [ 400KB ] read 20 units at a time... 32.6 MB/s [ 400KB ] read one line at a time... 78.1 MB/s [ 400KB ] read 4096 units at a time... 131 MB/s [ 20KB ] read whole contents at once... 127 MB/s [ 400KB ] read whole contents at once... 165 MB/s [ 10MB ] read whole contents at once... 131 MB/s warning: test above used only 85% CPU, result may be flawed! [ 400KB ] seek forward one unit at a time... 0.125 MB/s [ 400KB ] seek forward 1000 units at a time... 118 MB/s ** Binary append ** [ 20KB ] write one unit at a time... 1.01 MB/s [ 400KB ] write 20 units at a time... 19.1 MB/s [ 400KB ] write 4096 units at a time... 2069 MB/s [ 10MB ] write 1e6 units at a time... 2353 MB/s ** Text append ** [ 20KB ] write one unit at a time... 1.63 MB/s [ 400KB ] write 20 units at a time... 22 MB/s [ 400KB ] write 4096 units at a time... 206 MB/s [ 10MB ] write 1e6 units at a time... 207 MB/s ** Binary overwrite ** [ 20KB ] modify one unit at a time... 1.01 MB/s [ 400KB ] modify 20 units at a time... 18.8 MB/s [ 400KB ] modify 4096 units at a time... 521 MB/s [ 400KB ] alternate write & seek one unit... 0.231 MB/s [ 400KB ] alternate write & seek 1000 units... 209 MB/s [ 400KB ] alternate read & write one unit... 1.37 MB/s [ 400KB ] alternate read & write 1000 units... 147 MB/s warning: test above used only 75% CPU, result may be flawed! ** Text overwrite ** [ 20KB ] modify one unit at a time... 0.587 MB/s [ 400KB ] modify 20 units at a time... 9.51 MB/s [ 400KB ] modify 4096 units at a time... 158 MB/s