from tkinter import * if __name__ == '__main__': # create the tk the_tk = Tk() # create a frame the_frame = Frame(master=the_tk) # configure the frame's row options the_row_index = 0 the_value = 1 ## non-zero value will cause the error below # the_frame.rowconfigure(the_row_index, pad=the_value) ## cause error belowe # the_frame.rowconfigure(the_row_index, minsize=the_value) ## cause error belowe # the_frame.rowconfigure(the_row_index, uniform=the_value) ## only this will not cause error the_frame.rowconfigure(the_row_index, weight=the_value) ## cause error belowe # get the frame's rowconfigure info for row 0 the_rowconfigure_info = the_frame.rowconfigure(the_row_index) ## if |the_value| above is non-zero, cause error |TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable| # print the rowconfigure info print(the_rowconfigure_info) # run event loop the_tk.mainloop()