from __future__ import with_statement import threading import Queue import uuid import os import time import stat import traceback class TimeOutException(Exception): pass class TimeOutFunction(object): def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.t = None def __call__(self, timeout, *args): def do_call(temp): try: temp['value'] = self.func(*args) except Exception, e: temp['exception'] = e retval = {} t = threading.Thread(target=do_call, args=(retval,)) t.daemon = True t.start() t.join(timeout) if 'value' in retval: return retval['value'] if 'exception' in retval: raise retval['exception'] raise TimeOutException('timeout in %s, %s secs'% (self.func.__name__, timeout)) timeout_listdir = TimeOutFunction(os.listdir) timeout_lstat = TimeOutFunction(os.lstat) # Helper class for Locator. # Note that these all live within a lock-protected dictionary within the Locator class. class Info(object): def __init__(self, key, path, isdir, status, depth, parent=None, num_failures=0, num_timeouts=0): self.key = key self.path = path self.isdir = isdir self.depth = depth self.status = status self.error = False self.parent = parent self.num_failures = num_failures self.num_timeouts = num_timeouts self.children = [] self.in_progress = False self.blocked = False = None self.high_priority = False # status values FOUND, STAT, LISTING, METADATA, REMOVED, ERROR, FINISHED = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # priority levels PRI_IMMEDIATE, PRI_DIRECTORY, PRI_STAT, PRI_METADATA = [0, 1, 2, 3] class Locator(object): '''A queue-and-callback driven file finder, using multiple threads to search for files and extract metadata from them. creation: loc = Locator(callback, metadata_function, descend=True, num_threads=8, max_fallbacks=5, listdir_time=4, stat_time=1) callback should be a function with signature: callback(pathname, isdir, key, parent, status, data) pathname - directory or filename of the discovered object isdir - True for directories key - arbitrary key for use in the remove() and prioritize() methods parent - key of the parent of this object, or None status - one of (FOUND, STAT, LISTING, METADATA, FINISHED, ERROR) data - when status is FINISHED, metadata for files or list of files for directories. when status is EXCEPTION, exception information Note that callback() will be called at least three times, once for each status change (unless removed with Locator.remove()). LISTING and METADATA are for directories and files, respectively. ERROR is used to report exceptions (timeouts and failures). NB: callback() will be called from multiple different threads, and should handle (and take advantage of) this in an appropriate manner. metadata_function should take a path and return an arbitrary object. listdir_time, stat_time, and max_fallbacks are use to control retries after filesystem errors and timeouts. Each timeout will double the timeout used next time to the maximum of fallbacks. Timeouts are advisory, and may resolve themselves in the indefinite future. Errors will continue to retry without the fallbacks. usage: key = loc.queue(path) # directory or individual file loc.pause() loc.unpause() loc.remove(key) # remove a directory and all of its children from the search path, parent, status = loc.prioritize(key) TODO: loc.block(key) # prevents (and interrupts) searching key's directory and all of its children loc.unblock(key) # reallows searching a key's directory and children ''' def __init__(self, callback, metadata_function, descend=True, num_threads=20, max_fallbacks=5, listdir_time=4, stat_time=1): self.callback = callback self.metadata_function = metadata_function self.descend = descend self.max_fallbacks = max_fallbacks self.listdir_time = listdir_time self.stat_time = stat_time self.paused = False self.num_active_threads = 0 self.hipri_count = 0 self.lopri_count = 0 self._info = {} # {key : Info} self._info_lock = threading.RLock() self._active_cv = threading.Condition() self._listdir_lock = threading.Lock() # priorities are (priority, depth) to do a breadth-first search self._queue = Queue.PriorityQueue() for tidx in range(num_threads): t = threading.Thread(, name='Searcher %d' % tidx) t.daemon = True t.start() def _make_callback(self, key): with self._info_lock: f_info = self._info[key] self.callback(f_info.path, f_info.isdir, key, f_info.parent, ERROR if f_info.error else f_info.status, def queue(self, path): return self._enqueue(path, PRI_STAT, 0, None) def _enqueue(self, path, priority, depth, parent): key = uuid.uuid4() f_info = Info(key, path, None, FOUND, depth, parent=parent) # self._info must be updated before this path is queued with self._info_lock: if parent: # make sure parent hasn't been removed if (parent not in self._info) or (self._info[parent].status == REMOVED): return self._info[parent].children.append(key) self._info[key] = f_info self._make_callback(key) # move to STAT state f_info.status = STAT self._queue.put((priority, depth, key)) with self._active_cv: self._active_cv.notify() return key def _requeue(self, priority, depth, key): with self._info_lock: f_info = self._info[key] if f_info.parent: if (f_info.parent not in self._info) or (self._info[f_info.parent].status == REMOVED): return self._queue.put((priority, depth, key)) with self._active_cv: self._active_cv.notify() def pause(self): with self._active_cv: self.paused = True def unpause(self): with self._active_cv: self.paused = False self._active_cv.notify_all() def remove(self, key): with self._info_lock: f_info = self._info[key] for child in f_info.children: self.remove(child) if f_info.in_progress: # processing in progress... subthread will remove when it notices f_info.status = REMOVED else: del self._info[key] def prioritize(self, key): with self._info_lock: f_info = self._info[key] f_info.high_priority = True self._requeue(PRI_IMMEDIATE, f_info.depth, key) def loc_info(self, key): with self._info_lock: f_info = self._info[key] return f_info.path, f_info.parent, f_info.status, def search(self): while True: # get a job (hippie!) priority, depth, key = self._queue.get() with self._info_lock: f_info = self._info.get(key, None) # it's possible this key was queued, then removed. if not f_info: continue # Check if another thread is handling this key (keys can be # double-queued when raising priority), or it's already done. if f_info.in_progress or f_info.status == FINISHED: continue # clear any error state f_info.error = False f_info.in_progress = True self._make_callback(key) path = f_info.path status = f_info.status num_timeouts = f_info.num_timeouts if priority == PRI_IMMEDIATE: self.hipri_count += 1 else: self.lopri_count += 1 # do the actual work try: st = time.time() if status == STAT: if num_timeouts < self.max_fallbacks: timeout = self.stat_time * (2 ** num_timeouts) else: # XXX - to prevent starvation of the thread pool, # perhaps we should track the number of threads # potentially hung without a timeout, and spawn a new # one to replace it (up to 2x the base number). timeout = None mode = timeout_lstat(timeout, path).st_mode if f_info.status == REMOVED: # have we been removed? - handle below. print "REMOVE" raise TimeOutException() with self._info_lock: f_info.isdir = stat.S_ISDIR(mode) f_info.num_failures = f_info.num_timeouts = 0 f_info.status = LISTING if f_info.isdir else METADATA # adjust priority for requeue below priority = PRI_DIRECTORY if f_info.isdir else PRI_METADATA elif status == LISTING: # XXX - should we stop timing out when we reach max_fallbacks? timeout = None if num_timeouts < self.max_fallbacks: timeout = self.listdir_time * (2 ** num_timeouts) children = timeout_listdir(timeout, path) if f_info.status == REMOVED: # have we been removed? - handle below. raise TimeOutException() self._check_for_pause() # next step might be lengthy with self._info_lock: for c in children: # what should child priority be? self._enqueue(os.path.join(path, c), PRI_STAT, depth + 1, key) = children f_info.status = FINISHED elif status == METADATA: # XXX - should be timed out as well d = self.metadata_function(path) with self._info_lock: = d f_info.status = FINISHED else: raise ValueError('unknown status %d' % status) except TimeOutException, e: with self._info_lock: f_info.error = True = e f_info.num_timeouts += 1 except Exception, e: with self._info_lock: f_info.error = True = e f_info.num_failures += 1 # XXX - if the exception was in the metadata callback, we should probably get the traceback. self._check_for_pause() with self._info_lock: if f_info.status == REMOVED: # entry was removed during processing del self._info[key] else: if f_info.error or (f_info.status == FINISHED): self._make_callback(key) if f_info.error or (f_info.status != FINISHED): self._requeue(PRI_IMMEDIATE if f_info.high_priority else priority, depth, key) f_info.in_progress = False self._check_for_pause() def _check_for_pause(self): with self._active_cv: while self.paused: self._active_cv.wait() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys counts = {} def cb(path, isdir, key, parent, status, data): if status == ERROR: if isinstance(data, TimeOutException): status = FINISHED + 1 counts[status] = counts.get(status, 0) + 1 def metadata_cb(path): return None loc = Locator(cb, metadata_cb) loc.queue(sys.argv[1]) print '%010s' % 'THREADS', for idx, n in enumerate('FOUND, STAT, LISTING, METADATA, REMOVED, ERROR, FINISHED, TIMEOUT'.split(', ')): print '%010s' % n, print st = time.time() while True: time.sleep(3) print '%010s' % threading.active_count(), for idx, n in enumerate('FOUND, STAT, LISTING, METADATA, REMOVED, ERROR, FINISHED, TIMEOUT'.split(', ')): print '%010s' % counts.get(idx, 0), print time.time() - st, "secs", loc.hipri_count if counts.get(FOUND, 0) == counts.get(FINISHED, -1): break