=========== Vim support =========== If you want to edit Python code in Vim, you should: 1. use the current release of the python.vim syntax file 2. add some settings to your Vim configuration .vimrc file To download the current release of python.vim, which is an enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script that conforms with PEP 8, and is actively maintained by the Vim community. python.vim can be downloaded from the vim.org website: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=790 Place the python.vim script in: ~/.vim/syntax/ on Linux, Mac OS X or Unix systems $HOME/vimfiles/syntax on Windows For more information and bug reporting, see the script's download page and the associated wiki page at: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Script:790 To update your .vimrc configuration file with Python-appropriate settings, use the sample file from Misc/Vim/vimrc. Instructions on how to use the sample vimrc file can be found at the top of the sample vimrc file. Your .vimrc file will be located in: ~/.vimrc on Linux, Mac OS X or Unix systems $HOME/_vimrc on Windows For more information about using Python with Vim, refer to the Vim and Python wiki pages at: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Python http://wiki.python.org/moin/Vim More comprehensive integration of Vim with Python tools and frameworks can be found at: http://sontek.net/turning-vim-into-a-modern-python-ide