from __future__ import py3k_syntax """ USAGE: * make sure u have a patched install of python2.6 * make sure u have a vanilla install of python3.0 * make sure u have somewhere that python2.6 can find * @ command line type: python2.6 -c "import py3to2; import example_py3k" the output should look like: created read/write pipes: (4, 5) py3k server starting with pipes in/out/err: 7 5 -2 py3k server: Python 3.0rc1 (r30rc1:66499, Oct 15 2008, 15:43:09) py3k server: [GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-10)] on linux2 py3k server: Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. py3k server: >>> '' testing pep3102 Keyword-Only Arguments testing pep3104 Access to Names in Outer Scopes testing pep3105 Make print a function testing pep3107 Function Annotations testing pep3112 Bytes literals in Python 3000 testing pep3113 Removal of Tuple Parameter Unpacking py3k server: Traceback (most recent call last): py3k server: File "", line 1, in py3k server: File "/tmp/", line 1 py3k server: def foo(a, (b, c)): pass py3k server: ^ py3k server: SyntaxError: invalid syntax testing pep3114 Renaming to .__next__() testing pep3115 Metaclasses in Python 3000 testing pep3127 Integer Literal Support and Syntax testing pep3129 Class Decorators testing pep3132 Extended Iterable Unpacking testing pep3135 New Super testing curry example 0 testing curry example 1 testing curry example 2 testing curry example 3 testing numpy example """ ######## pep3k example if 1: print( "testing pep3102 Keyword-Only Arguments" ) def foo(a, *b, c = 0): return a, b, c assert foo(1, 2, 3, c = 4) == (1, (2, 3), 4) if 1: print( "testing pep3104 Access to Names in Outer Scopes" ) def foo(x): def bar(): nonlocal x; x += 1 bar(); return x assert foo(1) == 2 if 1: print( "testing pep3105 Make print a function" ) from StringIO import StringIO; f = StringIO() print("hello", "world", sep = " ", end = "\n", file = f) assert f.getvalue() == "hello world\n" if 1: print( "testing pep3107 Function Annotations" ) def foo(x:"value", args:tuple, kwds:dict): return x, args, kw assert foo.__annotations__ == {"x":"value", "args":tuple, "kwds":dict} if 0: # fail print( "testing pep3109-3110 Raising/Catching Exceptions in Python 3000" ) def iter(): try: 1/0 except: yield 1; raise i = iter(); next(i) try: next(i) except ZeroDivisionError: pass if 0: # turned off for batch scripting purpose print( "testing pep3111 Simple input built-in in Python 3000" ) print( "press 1 and enter") assert input() == "1" if 1: print( "testing pep3112 Bytes literals in Python 3000" ) assert bytes("hello") == b"hello" == eval(repr(b"hello")) if 1: print( "testing pep3113 Removal of Tuple Parameter Unpacking" ) try: exec("def foo(a, (b, c)): pass") except SyntaxError: pass else: raise Exception if 1: print( "testing pep3114 Renaming to .__next__()" ) assert count().__next__() == next(count()) == 0 if 1: print( "testing pep3115 Metaclasses in Python 3000" ) class member_table(dict): ## The custom dictionary def __init__(self): self.member_names = [] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self: self.member_names.append(key) # if the key is not already defined, add to the list of keys. dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) # Call superclass class OrderedClass(type): # The metaclass @classmethod def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases): return member_table() # The prepare function - No keywords in this case def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict): # The metaclass invocation # Note that we replace the classdict with a regular # dict before passing it to the superclass, so that we # do not continue to record member names after the class # has been created. result = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(classdict)) result.member_names = classdict.member_names; return result class MyClass(metaclass = OrderedClass): def method1(self): pass # method1 goes in array element 0 def method2(self): pass # method2 goes in array element 1 assert MyClass().member_names == ["__module__", "method1", "method2"] if 0: # not implemented - py3to2 restricted to ascii print( "testing pep3120 Using UTF-8 as the default source encoding" ) if 0: # not implemented - c extension issue print( "testing pep3123 Making PyObject_HEAD conform to standard C" ) if 1: print( "testing pep3127 Integer Literal Support and Syntax" ) assert -0b10 == -2 and -0o10 == -8 and -0x10 == -16 and eval(bin(-2)) == -2 and eval(oct(-8)) == -8 and eval(hex(-16)) == -16 if 1: print( "testing pep3129 Class Decorators" ) def foo(cls): = 1; return cls @foo class bar(object): pass assert == 1 if 0: # not implemented - py3to2 restricted to ascii print( "testing pep3131 Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers" ) if 1: print( "testing pep3132 Extended Iterable Unpacking" ) a, *b = 1, 2, 3; assert a == 1 and b == [2, 3] if 1: print( "testing pep3135 New Super" ) class Foo(str): def __new__(cls, s): return super().__new__(cls, s) assert Foo("abc") == "abc" if 0: # not implemented - py3to2 restricted to ascii print( "testing pep3138 String representation in Python 3000" ) ######## curry feature example if 1: print( "testing curry example 0" ) x = set(enumerate(["a", "b", "c"])) y = ["a", "b", "c"] .__curry__.enumerate() .__curry__.set() z = ["a", "b", "c"] ..enumerate() ..set() assert x == y == z == { (0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c") } if 1: print( "testing curry example 1" ) x = min(len("hello world"), 0, 1 + 2) y = "hello world" ..len() ..min(0, 1 + 2) assert x == y == 0 if 1: print( "testing curry example 2" ) def foo(a, b = 0): return a + b def bar(c, d = 1): return c * d x = bar(foo(1, b = 2), **{"d":3}) y = 1 = 2)**{"d":3}) assert x == y == 9 print( "testing curry example 3" ) x = eval(compile("oct(16)", "", "eval", 0), globals(), {}) y = "oct(16)" ..compile("", "eval", 0) ..eval(globals(), {}) assert x == y == "0o20" ######## numpy example # numpy must b installed for the following code to run if 1: print( "testing numpy example" ) try: from numpy import * except ImportError: print( "numpy module not found. skipping example" ) else: def sort_a_by_b(a, b): return zip(a, b) ..tuple() ..array() [array(b).argsort()] a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d"] b = [ 2 , 3 , 1 , 0 ] assert (sort_a_by_b(a, b) == [['d', '0'], ['c', '1'], ['a', '2'], ['b', '3']] ).all()