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Author 0x666
Recipients 0x666
Date 2009-01-19.13:50:50
SpamBayes Score 2.1057976e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I think something wrong with implementation of multiprocessing module.
I`ve run this very simple test on my machine (core 2, vista):
import multiprocessing as mul
from time import time

def f(x):
    return x*x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "-------- testing multiprocessing on ",mul.cpu_count(),"cores
    print ""

    elements = 100000

    pool = mul.Pool(processes=mul.cpu_count())
    t1 = time()
    res_par =, range(elements))
    t2 = time()
    res_seq = map(f, range(elements))
    t3 = time()
    res_app = [pool.apply_async(f,(x,)) for x in range(elements)]
    res_app = [result.get() for result in res_app]
    t4 = time()

    print len(res_seq),"elements","map() time",(t3-t2),"s"
    print len(res_par),"elements"," time",(t2-t1),"s"
    print len(res_app),"elements","pool.apply_async() time", (t4-t3),"s"
    raw_input("press enter to exit...")
-------- testing multiprocessing on  2 cores -----------

100000 elements map() time 0.0269 s
100000 elements time 0.108 s
100000 elements pool.apply_async() time 10.567 s

IMHO, execution on 2 cores should be 1.x - 2 times faster than compared
with non-parallel execution. (at least in simple cases).
If you dont believe in this, check
module (demo example, which fits very well this idea.

So how it can be that parallel method executes in about 5
times SLOWER, than ordinary map() function ?
So please correct multiprocessing package to work in more-less
perfomance predictable way (like parallelpython).
Date User Action Args
2009-01-19 13:50:520x666setrecipients: + 0x666
2009-01-19 13:50:520x666setmessageid: <>
2009-01-19 13:50:510x666linkissue5000 messages
2009-01-19 13:50:500x666create