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Author gpolo
Recipients gpolo, kbk, nnorwitz, ocean-city
Date 2008-11-21.14:03:07
SpamBayes Score 2.6658892e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> Hirokazu Yamamoto added the comment:
>>You are missing the point on using Tcl_CreateObjCommand, I didn't mean
>>to just go and and do s/Tcl_CreateCommand/Tcl_CreateObjCommand/ because
>>if you are going to convert everything to unicode then there is no
>>point in using Tcl_CreateObjCommand.
> I'm not tcl/tk expert, so probably missng many things. :-(
> Can you explain how to solve this issue by moving to Tcl_CreateObjCommand?

By moving to Tcl_CreateObjCommand we would start using the FromObj
function present in _tkinter.c that is responsible for converting tcl
objects to python objects. Then what remains to be verified is how
compatible this would be with current tkinter code, and checking how
correct FromObj is nowadays.
Date User Action Args
2008-11-21 14:03:09gpolosetrecipients: + gpolo, nnorwitz, kbk, ocean-city
2008-11-21 14:03:07gpololinkissue1028 messages
2008-11-21 14:03:07gpolocreate