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Author inducer
Recipients inducer
Date 2007-11-03.18:58:57
SpamBayes Score 0.010958483
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
This here basically says it all:

>>> import cmath;[cmath.asinh(i*1e-17).real for i in range(0,20)]
[4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16]

The boost.math toolkit at [2] is an implementation that does better in
the above (real-only) aspect.

Tim Peters remarks in [1] that basically all of cmath is unsound.

I just wanted to make sure that this issue remains on the radar.
Date User Action Args
2007-11-03 18:58:58inducersetspambayes_score: 0.0109585 -> 0.010958483
recipients: + inducer
2007-11-03 18:58:58inducersetspambayes_score: 0.0109585 -> 0.0109585
messageid: <>
2007-11-03 18:58:58inducerlinkissue1381 messages
2007-11-03 18:58:57inducercreate