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Author demian.brecht
Recipients demian.brecht
Date 2013-02-22.05:56:41
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
When assigning a value to an already instantiated Request object's full_url, unexpected results are found as a consequence in the attributes selector, type and fragment. Selector, type and fragment are only assigned to during instantiation. Unless you know to call Request._parse() after assignment to Request.full_url, the other attributes will not be reassigned new values.

The attached patch changes full_url to be a @property, essentially moving what was going on in the constructor into the property method(s). All tests pass.

I ran into this issue when working on an OAuth 2.0 client library when attempting to mutate an already instantiated Request object, injecting the access_token into the query params.

Sandboxed code to repro the issue below:

In [1]: from urllib.request import Request
In [2]: r = Request('')

# as expected
In [4]: r.__dict__
{'_data': None,
 '_tunnel_host': None,
 'fragment': 'baz',
 'full_url': '',
 'headers': {},
 'host': '',
 'method': None,
 'origin_req_host': '',
 'selector': '/?foo=bar',
 'type': 'https',
 'unredirected_hdrs': {},
 'unverifiable': False}

In [5]: r.full_url = ''

# unexpected results in selector
In [6]: r.__dict__
{'_data': None,
 '_tunnel_host': None,
 'fragment': 'baz',
 'full_url': '',
 'headers': {},
 'host': '',
 'method': None,
 'origin_req_host': '',
 'selector': '/?foo=bar',
 'type': 'https',
 'unredirected_hdrs': {},
 'unverifiable': False}

In [7]: Request('')
Out[7]: <urllib.request.Request at 0x10ef6ce90>

# these results should match that of the full_url setter
In [8]: Request('').__dict__
{'_data': None,
 '_tunnel_host': None,
 'fragment': 'baz',
 'full_url': '',
 'headers': {},
 'host': '',
 'method': None,
 'origin_req_host': '',
 'selector': '/?foo=bar&access_token=token_value',
 'type': 'https',
 'unredirected_hdrs': {},
 'unverifiable': False}
Date User Action Args
2013-02-22 05:56:42demian.brechtsetrecipients: + demian.brecht
2013-02-22 05:56:42demian.brechtsetmessageid: <>
2013-02-22 05:56:42demian.brechtlinkissue17272 messages
2013-02-22 05:56:42demian.brechtcreate