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Author bfroehle
Recipients Arfrever, Trundle, alex, asvetlov, barry, bfroehle, chris.jerdonek, daniel.urban, david.villa, dmalcolm, eric.smith, ezio.melotti, gregory.p.smith, gvanrossum, jcea, jkloth, larry, mark.dickinson, pitrou, skrah, v+python
Date 2012-12-29.07:56:40
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
First off, thanks for all the work so far. This has proven incredibly useful to me in a personal project.

However, I think there needs to be some additional discussion of how to
handle situations where the arguments passed to PyArg_ParseTuple require
additional cleanup.

As a prototypical example, I'll consider filename arguments.
The Python docs recommend that filename arguments be handled with
`O&` and PyUnicode_FSConverter. How can we handle this in clinic?

1. No special handling in clinic:
  foo -> None

      PyObject *filename
  foo_impl(PyObject *self, PyObject *filename)
  /*[clinic end:...*/
      char *c_filename;
      PyObject *b_filename;
      if (!PyUnicode_FSConverter(filename, &b_filename))
          return NULL;

      c_filename = PyBytes_AsString(b_filename);

      // ...


This offloads all of the processing to the impl function and leaves us
no better off. Unacceptable.

2. Use PyObject* and a converter option:

  foo -> None

      PyBytesObject *filename
  foo_impl(PyObject *self, PyBytesObject *filename)
  /*[clinic end:...]*/
      char *c_filename = PyBytes_AsString(filename);


This is much more convenient, but the `_impl` function now steals the
filename reference, which is unexpected (and confusing).

3. "The dream"

Ideally `foo_impl` would have a signature like:

  static PyObject *
  foo_impl(PyObject *self, char *filename);

And `foo` would be automatically generated as:

  static PyObject *
  foo(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
    PyObject *_ret;
    PyObject *filename;
    static char *_keywords[] = {"filename", NULL};
    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs,
        "O&:foo", _keywords,
        PyUnicode_FSConverter, &filename))
        return NULL;

    _ret = foo_impl(self, PyBytes_AsString(filename));
    return _ret;

It's not clear to me how one would extend the clinic syntax to support
this. In particular, clinic would need to know:
 - The type of the intermediate object (i.e., PyObject * or 
   PyBytesObject *).
 - The converter to use in PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (i.e.,
 - The impl type (i.e, char *)
 - How to convert the intermediate object to the impl type (i.e.,
 - How to cleanup in the end (i.e., Py_DECREF(filename)).

This seems like too much data to encode in the clinic syntax.

4. Extend clinic to add a cleanup flag which would produce code like:


      PyBytesObject *filename

  static PyObject *
  foo(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
    PyObject *_ret;
    PyBytesObject *filename;
    static char *_keywords[] = {"filename", NULL};
    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs,
        "O&:foo", _keywords,
        PyUnicode_FSConverter, &filename))
        return NULL;

    _ret = foo_impl(self, filename);
    return _ret;

  static PyObject *
  foo_impl(PyObject *self, PyBytesObject *filename)
  /*[clinic end:...]*/
     char *c_filename = PyBytes_AsString(filename);
     // ...

This seems like a relatively modest addition, which might also work for
other cleanup functions like PyBuffer_Release.


Additionally, there are a few other bugs I've noticed:
- The s* and z* codes should be of type Py_buffer (and not Py_buffer *)
- Since Py_buffer is a relatively large struct, zlib_decompress_impl
  should probably take a pointer to a Py_buffer.  This, however, would
  likely require extending the clinic syntax.
Date User Action Args
2012-12-29 07:56:41bfroehlesetrecipients: + bfroehle, gvanrossum, barry, gregory.p.smith, jcea, mark.dickinson, pitrou, larry, eric.smith, jkloth, ezio.melotti, Arfrever, v+python, alex, Trundle, asvetlov, skrah, dmalcolm, daniel.urban, chris.jerdonek, david.villa
2012-12-29 07:56:41bfroehlesetmessageid: <>
2012-12-29 07:56:41bfroehlelinkissue16612 messages
2012-12-29 07:56:40bfroehlecreate