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Author grahamd
Recipients asvetlov, grahamd, mhammond, ncoghlan, pitrou
Date 2012-08-29.04:13:59
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
So you are saying that as user of this I am meant to call it as:

PyGILState_INFO info;

PyGILState_EnsureEx(interp, &info);

What is the potential error code from PyGILState_EnsureEx() considering that right now for PyGILState_Ensure() it is a value passed back into PyGILState_Release().
Date User Action Args
2012-08-29 04:13:59grahamdsetrecipients: + grahamd, mhammond, ncoghlan, pitrou, asvetlov
2012-08-29 04:13:59grahamdsetmessageid: <>
2012-08-29 04:13:59grahamdlinkissue15751 messages
2012-08-29 04:13:59grahamdcreate