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Author loewis
Recipients arigo, christian.heimes, fijall, hynek, loewis, ncoghlan, pitrou
Date 2012-06-15.08:13:49
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> For password hashing, the attacker is unlikely to be able to provide
> the digest directly, but for signature checking it's far more likely
> to be the case.

Can you elaborate? What is the application, where is the digest
checking, and what is the threat?
Date User Action Args
2012-06-15 08:13:50loewissetrecipients: + loewis, arigo, ncoghlan, pitrou, christian.heimes, fijall, hynek
2012-06-15 08:13:49loewislinkissue15061 messages
2012-06-15 08:13:49loewiscreate