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Author Vlado.Boza
Recipients PaulMcMillan, Vlado.Boza, dmalcolm, koniiiik, vstinner
Date 2012-04-19.23:58:15
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
For example take this script (on 32bit):
ha = hash("\x00\xcf\x0b\x96\x19")
hb = hash("\x00\x6d\x29\x45\x18")
if ha == hb:
  print "collision"

And run following:
for i in `seq 0 25`; do echo $i; for j in `seq 0 100`; do ./python -R; done; done;

It gives collison too many times (around 9 out of 2500).
Date User Action Args
2012-04-19 23:58:15Vlado.Bozasetrecipients: + Vlado.Boza, vstinner, dmalcolm, PaulMcMillan, koniiiik
2012-04-19 23:58:15Vlado.Bozasetmessageid: <>
2012-04-19 23:58:15Vlado.Bozalinkissue14621 messages
2012-04-19 23:58:15Vlado.Bozacreate