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Author eric.araujo
Recipients allan, belopolsky, benjamin.peterson, docs@python, eric.araujo, eric.smith, ezio.melotti, georg.brandl, jcea, ncoghlan, ned.deily, orsenthil, python-dev, r.david.murray
Date 2011-11-23.17:04:53
SpamBayes Score 5.2137517e-11
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> Hmm, my initial reaction is that that specific wording is stronger than I had in mind -
> there's nothing really wrong with having a shebang line and execute bit set on a top level
> module and symlinking it from /usr/bin.
Okay.  (On that topic, may interest you.)

> The problem is that we're doing those things for modules that we *don't* install as binaries,
> and that's silly
Yep.  Attached patch removes them for 3.3.

> I'd also mention the justification that this is due to such shebang lines creating a
> maintenance problem for handling parallel installations of different Python versions.
I’d rather just say that it’s unneeded.  With all due respect to the original poster, I don’t think this really caused problems.

I will move my addition to the stdlib-only section.  I’m not sure about OS-neutrality; the executable bit is Unix-specific and I’d rather use that exact term than a vague “flagged as executable”.  I’ll make the part about shebangs neutral however, it won’t be hard.

About this part of your proposal:
> Any installed scripts should use a shebang line of the form::
>        #!/usr/bin/env pythonX.Y
Due to the use of distutils’ build_scripts that hard-codes one path, I’m not sure it’s time yet to make that recommendation.  For packaging, I intend to launch a discussion about that behavior, which is often unhelpful.

I really appreciate your taking time to review, and will submit the next revision of the patch here before going to python-dev.
Date User Action Args
2011-11-23 17:04:58eric.araujosetrecipients: + eric.araujo, georg.brandl, jcea, ncoghlan, belopolsky, orsenthil, eric.smith, benjamin.peterson, ned.deily, ezio.melotti, r.david.murray, docs@python, allan, python-dev
2011-11-23 17:04:57eric.araujosetmessageid: <>
2011-11-23 17:04:56eric.araujolinkissue10318 messages
2011-11-23 17:04:55eric.araujocreate