WHAT'S NEW in version 0.95a0 ============================ 1. Turtle features 2. Utilities 3. Example scripts 1. Turtle features: ---------------- - The names of the main classes have been changed to RawTurtle and Turtle, while the aliases RawPen and Pen have been retained. - Some of the methods have been changed, some new ones have been added. The most impüortant among these are: undo() with an undobuffer of configureable size. Mainly for use in interactive mode. (A request of many users of considerable practical importance.) stamp() puts stamps of the turtleshape unto the canvas onlick() has been replaced by onscreenclick() onclick(), onrelease(), ondrag() are new eventbinding methods for the turtles (whereas the other event binding methos act on the screen. turtlesize() has been changed to configur strechx and strechy separately tilt() van be used tu turn the turtleshape without changing it's orientation. The latter two methods make "Turtles" to very versatile geometrical objects. 2. Utilities: ----------- (1) the xturtle module, when imported or executed tries to read an xturtle.cfg file to configur the intial window size and some other settings like mode, language (see below), or undobuffersize. It first tries to locate it in the current working directory, and then in the directory where xturtle itself resides. If no config-file is found, the default configuration will be used. The xturtle package contains a xturtle.cfg_ file, which configures it to behave like turtle.py from the standard distribution. To try it out, rename it to xturtle.cfg and put it in you current working directory. (2) there exists the possibility to create and use help in other languages than English. One has to prepare a file, which contains a dictionary of docstring, which has to be named docsdict_.py. As an example docsdict_german.py is provided with this package. (For now it's only the version for xturtle 0.93) If you want to try it out, set language in your config-file to german: language = german As a result of this, the dictionary will be used to replace the docstrings in English by those in the ahosen language. You can use this feature by calling Python's help, e.g.: >>> help(fd) Help on function fd in module __main__: fd(distance) Bewege die Turtle um distance nach vorne, Alias-Namen: forward | fd Bewegung nach vorne heißt in Richtung der Orientierung der Turtle. --- Argument: ein Zahl Aufruf: forward() --oder: fd() Beispiel: >>> position() (0.00, 0.00) >>> forward(25) >>> position() (25.00,0.00) ... RECOMMENDATION: if you want to use help in your language. put the corresponding dictionary-file in the same directory as xturtle. (Although it's only needed that it is somewhere on the sys.path, because it's a Python file and will be imported) The xturtle.cfg will not be imported but read, so you have to follow the advice given above. A more thorough documentation of this feature, especially about how to prepare the help files for other languages will follow soon. 3. New example scripts ---------------------- They are intended to demonstrate the new features. (Some of the older ones have minor modifications). Among them are: 1. newOldTurtleDemo demonstrates undo 2. clocks|clock a more elaborate version than clock-demo 3. elementary|flower-tiltdemo turtlesize, tilt() and stamp() 4. games|minimal-hanoi turtlesize / very concise, elegant version 5. games|moorhuhn changed the new onclick, OOP-style 6. games|tangram ondrag 7. penrose_tiling|... stamp, (three scripts) 8. wikipedia3 undo