
it is really a bug, as I have tried on a machine with Windows 2003 server and 4GBs of ram and it still doesn't run, and it does run on xp with only 1GB of ram.
Does python.exe have then IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE bit set, that could explain the behaviour it its not set.


Andre M. Descombes

On 10/12/07, Martin v. Löwis <> wrote:

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

Please understand that the purpose of this bug tracker is to track bug
reports and patches to Python, not a means of getting help in using
Python. If you think you have found a bug, please submit a bug report
that allows us to reproduce the bug. If you merely need help, please use
some of the Python community channels, such as

As for your question: I'm not aware of an issue with Windows 2003 server
that could explain that behavior. Most likely, you get the MemoryError
because you really ran out of memory. Try increasing the page file, and
put more main memory into the machine.

nosy: +loewis
resolution:  -> invalid

Tracker <>