from multiprocessing import Event, Process, cpu_count from time import clock, sleep from timeit import repeat # Used by example() process target def child(e): print('started') # This builds up sleeping_count & woken_count semaphore values in the # underlying Condition. Obviously in real-world usage wait might be # called many times with a small-ish timeout over the course of a # process' running time and the outer loop might be 'while not # e.is_set()'. This is just to demonstrate what affects both # both Condition.wait() and Event.wait(). while not e.wait(0): pass print('finished') # Illustrates Condition's semaphore counter build-up def example(): try: count = cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: count = 2 event = Event() procs = [Process(target=child, args=(event,)) for _ in range(count)] for proc in procs: proc.start() # Allow for cummulative Event.wait() calls (with timeout) to build up via # child processes. sleep(10) print('stopping') start = clock() # This takes a while to decrement semaphores sleeping_count and woken_count # via loop in Condition.notify_all() which iterates for as many times as # wait() has been called: # event.set() stop = clock() print('notified in %f (clock)' % (stop - start)) for proc in procs: proc.join() # For comparing performance before & after proposed change def timing(): et = repeat(setup='from multiprocessing import Event; e = Event()', stmt=('for _ in range(10000):\n' ' e.wait(0)\n' 'e.set()'), number=1, repeat=3) print('Event timeit average: %.3f' % (sum(et) / len(et))) ct = repeat(setup='from multiprocessing import Condition; c = Condition()', stmt=('with c:\n' ' for _ in range(10000):\n' ' c.wait(0)\n' ' c.notify_all()'), number=1, repeat=3) print('Condition timeit average: %.3f' % (sum(ct) / len(ct))) if __name__ == "__main__": # from multiprocessing import set_start_method # set_start_method('forkserver') example() timing()