""" Trial of a custom handle_conflict method, that gets around the limitions of 'resolve' when handling parents. 'resolve' is trying to be too smart - it removes conflicting option_strings without removing the action itself. Only if all the strings conflict does it remove the action itself. This is fine if the action was created by this parser. But if the action came from a parent, it ends up modifying the original, breaking the parent parser. This custom handler distinguishes between actions that came from a parent from ones created here (using an attribute set by _add_container_actions). If the action came from a parent, it is simply removed from self (along with all of its option_strings). An complication is an action has only one .container attribute, with points to the last group that was added to. But that might not be the current parser (and group) where the conflict is occuring. Unfortunately argument_groups do not have a record of their parser (a fault which maybe should be corrected). Fortunately, _add_container_actions() knows this, and can add it to a '.containers' attribute. So this handler has a nested function to match groups and return the correct argument group (and a 'multiple' boolean). Need to add some tests or assertions """ import argparse def display(p): # custom display of a parser and its actions print() print(p.prog, id(p)) print(' option_strings:', p._option_string_actions.keys()) print(' groups:',[(g.title, id(g)) for g in p._action_groups]) for a in p._actions: print(' ',(a.dest, a.option_strings, (a.container.title, id(a.container))), id(a)) containers = getattr(a,'containers',None) if containers: print(' containers:',[(g[0].prog, g[1].title, id(g[1])) for g in containers]) def _handle_conflict_parent(self, new_action, conflicting_actions): # remove all conflicting options # removes a conflicting action along with all its option_strings # here new_action is not used, except for diagnostic display # (new_action may not have a .container at this point, since it has not been added to self yet). def find_parser(self, action): # find 'action' container that is in the same parser as 'self' # returns 'multiple' boolean, correct container (group) container = action.container containers = getattr(action, 'containers', None) if containers is None: return False, container print(' containers:',[(id(pg[0]), id(pg[1])) for pg in containers]) found = False for parser, group in containers: if self in parser._action_groups: # shared parser, the correct group if group is not action.container: print(' changing container') container = group found = True break if found: print(' parser:',id(parser), parser.prog) else: raise ValueError('cannot find matching argument_group') return found, container print("conflict call group: {0.title!r}, {1}; action:{2.dest!r}".format(self, id(self), new_action)) for option_string, action in conflicting_actions: multiple, container = find_parser(self, action) if multiple: # this action is found in multiple containers (groups), probably via parent(s) # remove it and its option_strings; do not alter the action (or other parsers) if action in container._actions: container._remove_action(action) for s in action.option_strings: self._option_string_actions.pop(s, None) print(" removed action: '{0.title}({1}):{2.dest}'".format(container, id(container), action)) print(' removed strings:', action.option_strings) else: pass # already removed else: # action is in only one container; it is safe to perform a partial removal # remove just the conflicting option_strings print('using resolve: ', action.dest, new_action.dest) action.option_strings.remove(option_string) self._option_string_actions.pop(option_string, None) if not action.option_strings: # remove the action itself if not strings are left container._remove_action(action) # handlers are methods of the Container class (not of the parser) # adding a custom handler is messier than adding custom types or action argparse._ActionsContainer._handle_conflict_parent = _handle_conflict_parent # change this to record the 'containers' def _add_container_actions(self, container): # collect groups by titles title_group_map = {} for group in self._action_groups: if group.title in title_group_map: msg = _('cannot merge actions - two groups are named %r') raise ValueError(msg % (group.title)) title_group_map[group.title] = group # print(title_group_map) # most likely just the default optionals and positionals # map each action to its group group_map = {} for group in container._action_groups: # if a group with the title exists, use that, otherwise # create a new group matching the container's group if group.title not in title_group_map: title_group_map[group.title] = self.add_argument_group( title=group.title, description=group.description, conflict_handler=group.conflict_handler) # print('created group', group.title) # map the actions to their new group for action in group._group_actions: group_map[action] = title_group_map[group.title] # add container's mutually exclusive groups # NOTE: if add_mutually_exclusive_group ever gains title= and # description= then this code will need to be expanded as above for group in container._mutually_exclusive_groups: mutex_group = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group( required=group.required) # map the actions to their new mutex group for action in group._group_actions: group_map[action] = mutex_group # add all actions to this container or their group for action in container._actions: # add a 'containers' attribute to keep track of all the groups that contain this action # record the parser (here 'container') as well as the argument_group # this is necessary because argument_groups do not have a 'parser' attribute action.containers = getattr(action, 'containers', [(container, action.container)]) group_map.get(action, self)._add_action(action) action.containers.append((self,action.container)) argparse._ActionsContainer._add_container_actions = _add_container_actions parent = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, prog='PARENT', conflict_handler='parent') g = parent.add_argument_group(title='group',description='parent group') g.add_argument('-o','--opt', '--other', default='parent', help='parent opt', dest='parent.opt', metavar='Opt') g.add_argument('-f', '--foo', help='parent help') # g.add_argument('-f', '--foobar') # does a resolve here # parent.add_argument('pos', help='parent help') display(parent) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG') sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd') print('subparser cmd1 inherit from parent:') sp1 = sp.add_parser('cmd1', parents=[parent], conflict_handler='parent') sp1.add_argument('--opt','-o', default='parser', help='sp1 opt') # this --opt overrides the --opt from parent - but they are in diff groups # sp1.add_argument('--foo', help='sp1 help') # sp1.add_argument('pos', help='sp1 help') sp1.add_argument('-o', '--orange') # partial conflict print('add foobr to parent:') g.add_argument('-f', '--foobar') # try changing parent between uses # does a replace here, because --foo now has a 'parent' - though it is self print('subparser cmd2 inherit from parent') sp2 = sp.add_parser('cmd2', parents=[parent]) # try an 'out of order' conflict # ensure it is changing the correct parser sp1.add_argument('--foo', help='sp1 help') display(parent) # action containers will be different display(sp1) display(sp2) display(parser) print() print(parser.parse_args()) """ usage: PROG cmd1 [-h] [--opt OPT] [-o ORANGE] [--foo FOO] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --opt OPT sp1 opt -o ORANGE, --orange ORANGE --foo FOO sp1 help group: parent group ------------------ usage: PROG cmd2 [-h] [-o Opt] [-f FOOBAR] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit group: parent group -o Opt, --opt Opt, --other Opt parent opt -f FOOBAR, --foobar FOOBAR """