import turtle import subprocess import tkinter import sys import time # The following program will play connect four. This # program and a another program communicate through pipes (both input and output) # according to this architecture. When a command is sent it is indicated # with a right arrow indicating something is written to the other program's # standard input. When the other program sends something to this Python Program # it is indicated with a left arrow. That means it is written to the standard # output of the other program. # Python Other # 0 -----------> # New Game is initiated by the Other Code # <----------- 0 # Other Code says OK. # 2 M ---------> # Human Move followed by Move Value M which is 0-8. # # Move Value M will be on separate line. # <----------- 0 # Other Code says OK. # 1 -----------> # Computer Move is indicated to Other Code # <--------- 0 M # Status OK and Move Value M which is 0-8. # 3 -----------> # Game Over? # <--------- Val # Val is 0=Not Over, 1=Computer Won, 2=Human Won, 3=Tie. # This architecture must be adhered to strictly for this program to work. Here # is sample Lisp code that will handle this interaction. However, the other # program may be written in any programming language, including Python. #(defun play () #(let ((gameBoard (make-hash-table :size 10)) #(memo (make-hash-table :size 27 :test #'equalp)) #(lastMove nil)) #(do () (nil nil) #;(printBoard gameBoard) #(let ((msgId (read))) #(cond ((equal msgId 2) ;; Human turn to call human turn function #(setf lastMove (humanTurn gameBoard))) #((equal msgId 0) ;; New Game message #(progn #(setf gameBoard (make-hash-table :size 10)) #(setf memo (make-hash-table :size 27 :test #'equalp)) #(format t "0~%"))) #;; Return a 0 to indicate the computer is ready #((equal msgId 1) ;; Computer Turn message #(setf lastMove (computerTurn gameBoard))) #((equal msgId 3) ;; Get Game Status #(cond ((equal (evalBoard gameBoard lastMove) 1) (format t "1~%")) #;; The Computer Won #((equal (evalBoard gameBoard lastMove) -1) (format t "2~%")) #;; The Human Won #((fullBoard gameBoard) (format t "3~%")) #;; It's a draw #(t (format t "0~%")))) #;; The game is not over yet. #(t (format t "-1~%"))))))) Computer = 1 Human = -1 class Tile(turtle.RawTurtle): def __init__(self,canvas,row,col,app): super().__init__(canvas) self.val = 0 self.row = row self.col = col self.tttApplication = app self.penup() self.goto(col*100+50,row*100+50) def setShape(self,horc,screen): self.val = horc if horc == Computer: self.shape("blackchecker.gif") else: self.shape("redchecker.gif") self.drop(screen) def getOwner(self): return self.val def clicked(self): print(self.row,self.col) def drop(self,screen): self.goto(self.col*100+50,0) screen.tracer(1) self.speed(5) self.goto(self.col*100+50,self.row*100+55) self.goto(self.col*100+50,self.row*100+45) self.goto(self.col*100+50,self.row*100+50) screen.tracer(0) class Connect4Application(tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master) self.pack() self.buildWindow() self.running = False def buildWindow(self): self.master.title("Connect Four") bar = tkinter.Menu(self.master) fileMenu = tkinter.Menu(bar,tearoff=0) fileMenu.add_command(label="Exit",command=self.master.quit) bar.add_cascade(label="File",menu=fileMenu) self.master.config(menu=bar) canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self,width=700,height=600) canvas.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) theTurtle = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas) screen = theTurtle.getscreen() screen.setworldcoordinates(0,600,700,0) screen.register_shape("blackchecker.gif") screen.register_shape("redchecker.gif") screen.tracer(0) screen.bgcolor("yellow") theTurtle.width(5) for k in range(6): theTurtle.penup() theTurtle.goto(k*100+100,0) theTurtle.pendown() theTurtle.goto(k*100+100,600) screen.update() def checkStatus(): toOther.write("3\n") toOther.flush() status = int(fromOther.readline().strip()) if status == 1: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Game Over", "I Won!!!!!") elif status == 2: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Game Over", "You Won!!!!!") elif status == 3: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Game Over", "It's a tie.") #print("Status is ", status) return status def ComputerTurn(): toOther.write("1\n") toOther.flush() status = int(fromOther.readline().strip()) #print("Computer Turn Other Status = ", status) if status == 0: move = int(fromOther.readline()) #print("Move is", move) row = move // 7 col = move % 7 matrix[row][col].setShape(Computer,screen) screen.update() def HumanTurn(x,y): if self.running: return #status = checkStatus() #if status != 0: #return self.running = True col = int(x) // 100 row = 5 while row >= 0 and matrix[row][col].isvisible(): row = row - 1 if row < 0: #Then we clicked in a column that was already full. self.running = True return val = row * 7 + col # Do the Human Turn toOther.write("2\n") toOther.flush() toOther.write(str(val) + "\n") toOther.flush() status = fromOther.readline().strip() #print("Status is ",status) matrix[row][col].setShape(Human,screen) screen.update() # Check the status of the game status = checkStatus() if status == 0: # Do a Computer Turn ComputerTurn() checkStatus() self.running = False matrix = [] for i in range(6): row = [] for j in range(7): t = Tile(canvas,i,j,self) row.append(t) matrix.append(row) screen.update() screen.onclick(HumanTurn) sideBar = tkinter.Frame(self,padx=5,pady=5, relief=tkinter.RAISED,borderwidth="5pt") sideBar.pack(side=tkinter.RIGHT, fill=tkinter.BOTH) def NewGame(): toOther.write("0\n") toOther.flush() status = int(fromOther.readline().strip()) for row in matrix: for token in row: screen.update() kb = tkinter.Button(sideBar,text="Pass",command=ComputerTurn) kb.pack() ng = tkinter.Button(sideBar,text="New Game",command=NewGame) ng.pack() proc = subprocess.Popen(["clisp","c4.fas"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True) fromOther = proc.stdout toOther = proc.stdin # To write to the other program you should use commands like this # toOther.write(val+"\n") # Don't forget to flush the buffer # toOther.flush() # To read from the other program you write # line = fromOther.readline().strip() def main(): root = tkinter.Tk() animApp = Connect4Application(root) animApp.mainloop() print("Program Execution Completed.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()