Script started on Wed Mar 23 11:56:16 2011 cpython% fghg glog | less cpython% fg./python.exe -m test -j2 -W == CPython 3.3a0 (default:5973743a52a1, Mar 6 2011, 19:52:39) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)] == Darwin-9.8.0-i386-32bit little-endian == /Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/build/test_python_38633 Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, division_warning=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=0, verbose=0, bytes_warning=0, quiet=0) [ 1/352] test_opcodes [ 2/352] test_grammar [ 3/352] test_builtin test test_builtin failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/test/", line 1312, in test_format test_deprecated_format_string(cls(), fmt_str, len(fmt_str) != 0) File "/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/test/", line 1288, in test_deprecated_format_string self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) AssertionError: 0 != 1 [ 4/352] test_exceptions [ 5/352] test_dict [ 6/352] test_types [ 7/352] test_doctest [?1034h [ 8/352] test_unittest test test_unittest failed -- multiple errors occurred; run in verbose mode for details [ 9/352] test_doctest2 [?1034h [ 10/352] test___future__ [ 11/352] test__locale [ 12/352] test_abc [ 13/352] test_abstract_numbers [ 14/352] test___all__ [?1034h [ 15/352] test_aifc [ 16/352] test_array [ 17/352] test_argparse [ 18/352] test_ast [ 19/352] test_asynchat [ 20/352] test_asyncore [ 21/352] test_atexit [ 22/352] test_audioop [ 23/352] test_augassign [ 24/352] test_bigaddrspace [ 25/352] test_base64 [ 26/352] test_bigmem [ 27/352] test_binascii [ 28/352] test_binhex [ 29/352] test_binop [ 30/352] test_bisect [?1034h [ 31/352] test_bool [ 32/352] test_bufio [ 33/352] test_bytes [ 34/352] test_calendar [ 35/352] test_call [ 36/352] test_bz2 [ 37/352] test_cgi [ 38/352] test_charmapcodec [ 39/352] test_class [ 40/352] test_cmath [ 41/352] test_cmd [?1034h [ 42/352] test_capi [ 43/352] test_cmd_line [ 44/352] test_cmd_line_script [ 45/352] test_code [?1034h [ 46/352] test_codeccallbacks [ 47/352] test_codecencodings_hk [ 48/352] test_codecencodings_cn [ 49/352] test_codecencodings_kr [ 50/352] test_codecencodings_tw [ 51/352] test_codecencodings_jp [ 52/352] test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_cn skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled [ 53/352] test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_hk skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled [ 54/352] test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_kr skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled [ 55/352] test_codecmaps_jp test_codecmaps_jp skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled [ 56/352] test_codecmaps_tw test_codecmaps_tw skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled [ 57/352] test_codeop [ 58/352] test_codecs [ 59/352] test_coding [ 60/352] test_colorsys [ 61/352] test_compare [ 62/352] test_collections [?1034h [ 63/352] test_compile [ 64/352] test_complex [ 65/352] test_compileall [ 66/352] test_configparser [ 67/352] test_contains [ 68/352] test_contextlib [ 69/352] test_copy [ 70/352] test_copyreg [ 71/352] test_cprofile [ 72/352] test_crashers [ 73/352] test_crypt [ 74/352] test_csv [ 75/352] test_ctypes [?1034h [ 76/352] test_curses test_curses skipped -- Use of the `curses' resource not enabled [ 77/352] test_datetime [ 78/352] test_dbm [ 79/352] test_dbm_dumb [ 80/352] test_dbm_gnu [ 81/352] test_dbm_ndbm [ 82/352] test_decimal [?1034h [ 83/352] test_decorators [ 84/352] test_defaultdict [ 85/352] test_deque [?1034h [ 86/352] test_descr [ 87/352] test_descrtut [?1034h [ 88/352] test_dictcomps [?1034h [ 89/352] test_dictviews [ 90/352] test_difflib [?1034h [ 91/352] test_dis [ 92/352] test_distutils [?1034h i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1: /tmp/tmpb1dcdg/ No such file or directory i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1: /private/tmp/tmp87d3_f/ No such file or directory test test_distutils failed -- multiple errors occurred; run in verbose mode for details [ 93/352] test_docxmlrpc [ 94/352] test_dummy_thread [ 95/352] test_dummy_threading [ 96/352] test_dynamic [ 97/352] test_email [ 98/352] test_enumerate [ 99/352] test_eof [100/352] test_epoll test_epoll skipped -- test works only on Linux 2.6 [101/352] test_errno [102/352] test_exception_variations [103/352] test_extcall [?1034h [104/352] test_fcntl [105/352] test_file [106/352] test_filecmp [107/352] test_fileinput [108/352] test_fileio [109/352] test_float [110/352] test_flufl [111/352] test_fnmatch [112/352] test_fork1 [113/352] test_format [114/352] test_fractions [115/352] test_frozen [116/352] test_ftplib [117/352] test_funcattrs [118/352] test_functools [119/352] test_future [120/352] test_future3 [121/352] test_future4 [122/352] test_future5 [123/352] test_gc [124/352] test_gdb test_gdb skipped -- gdb versions before 7.0 didn't support python embedding Saw: GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-967) (Tue Jul 14 02:11:58 UTC 2009) Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i386-apple-darwin". [125/352] test_generators [?1034h [126/352] test_genericpath [127/352] test_genexps [?1034h [128/352] test_getargs2 [129/352] test_getopt [?1034h [130/352] test_gettext [131/352] test_concurrent_futures [132/352] test_glob [133/352] test_global [134/352] test_grp [135/352] test_gzip [136/352] test_hash [137/352] test_hashlib [138/352] test_hmac [139/352] test_html [140/352] test_htmlparser [141/352] test_heapq [142/352] test_http_cookiejar [143/352] test_http_cookies [?1034h [144/352] test_httplib [145/352] test_imaplib [146/352] test_imp test test_imp failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/test/", line 216, in test_cache_from_source '/{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)) AssertionError: '/foo.cpython-32.pyc' != '/' - /foo.cpython-32.pyc + / [147/352] test_import [148/352] test_importhooks [149/352] test_httpservers [150/352] test_importlib [151/352] test_index [152/352] test_int [153/352] test_inspect [154/352] test_int_literal [155/352] test_ioctl [156/352] test_isinstance [157/352] test_iter [158/352] test_iterlen [159/352] test_itertools [?1034h [160/352] test_json [?1034h [161/352] test_keywordonlyarg [162/352] test_kqueue [163/352] test_largefile test_largefile skipped -- test requires 2500000000 bytes and a long time to run [164/352] test_lib2to3 [165/352] test_linecache [166/352] test_list [167/352] test_listcomps [?1034h [168/352] test_locale [169/352] test_logging [170/352] test_long [171/352] test_longexp [172/352] test_macpath [173/352] test_io Testing large file ops skipped on darwin. It requires 2147483648 bytes and a long time. Use ' -u largefile test_io' to run it. Testing large file ops skipped on darwin. It requires 2147483648 bytes and a long time. Use ' -u largefile test_io' to run it. [174/352] test_marshal [175/352] test_math [?1034h [176/352] test_memoryio [177/352] test_memoryview [178/352] test_metaclass [?1034h [179/352] test_mimetypes [180/352] test_minidom [181/352] test_mmap [182/352] test_module [183/352] test_modulefinder [184/352] test_mailbox [185/352] test_multibytecodec_support [186/352] test_multibytecodec [187/352] test_mutants [188/352] test_netrc [189/352] test_nis [190/352] test_nntplib [191/352] test_normalization [192/352] test_ntpath [193/352] test_numeric_tower [194/352] test_openpty [195/352] test_operator [196/352] test_optparse [197/352] test_os [198/352] test_ossaudiodev test_ossaudiodev skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled [199/352] test_osx_env [200/352] test_parser Expecting 's_push: parser stack overflow' in next line s_push: parser stack overflow [201/352] test_pdb [?1034h [202/352] test_peepholer test test_peepholer failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/test/", line 295, in test_constant_folding self.assertNotIn('BINARY_', asm, e) AssertionError: 'BINARY_' unexpectedly found in ' 1 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (3) \n 3 LOAD_CONST 3 (-5) \n 6 BINARY_MULTIPLY \n 7 PRINT_EXPR \n 8 LOAD_CONST 2 (None) \n 11 RETURN_VALUE \n' : 3 * -5 [203/352] test_pep247 [204/352] test_pep263 [205/352] test_pep277 [206/352] test_pep292 [207/352] test_pep3120 [208/352] test_pep3131 [209/352] test_multiprocessing [210/352] test_pep352 [211/352] test_pickletools [?1034h [212/352] test_pipes [213/352] test_pkg [214/352] test_pkgimport [215/352] test_pkgutil [216/352] test_platform [217/352] test_plistlib [218/352] test_pickle [?1034h [219/352] test_popen [220/352] test_poplib [221/352] test_posix [222/352] test_posixpath [223/352] test_pow [224/352] test_pprint [225/352] test_print [226/352] test_profile [227/352] test_property [228/352] test_pstats [229/352] test_pty [230/352] test_pulldom [231/352] test_pwd [232/352] test_poll [233/352] test_pyclbr [234/352] test_pyexpat [235/352] test_pydoc Warning -- sys.path was modified by test_pydoc test test_pydoc failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/test/", line 324, in test_badimport self.assertEqual(expected, result) AssertionError: "problem in testmod_xyzzy - ImportError: No module named 'i_am_not_here'" != 'problem in testmod_xyzzy - ImportError: No module named i_am_not_here' - problem in testmod_xyzzy - ImportError: No module named 'i_am_not_here' ? - - + problem in testmod_xyzzy - ImportError: No module named i_am_not_here [236/352] test_quopri [237/352] test_raise [238/352] test_queue [239/352] test_range [240/352] test_re [241/352] test_readline [?1034h [242/352] test_reprlib [243/352] test_resource [244/352] test_richcmp [245/352] test_rlcompleter [?1034h [246/352] test_robotparser [247/352] test_random [248/352] test_sax [249/352] test_sched [250/352] test_scope [251/352] test_runpy [252/352] test_set [253/352] test_setcomps [?1034h [254/352] test_shelve [255/352] test_shlex [256/352] test_shutil [257/352] test_select [258/352] test_site [259/352] test_slice [260/352] test_smtpd [261/352] test_smtplib [262/352] test_smtpnet test_smtpnet skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled [263/352] test_sndhdr [264/352] test_signal [265/352] test_socketserver test_socketserver skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled [266/352] test_sort [267/352] test_sqlite [268/352] test_ssl [269/352] test_startfile test_startfile skipped -- module os has no attribute startfile [270/352] test_strftime [271/352] test_string [272/352] test_stringprep [273/352] test_strlit [274/352] test_strptime [275/352] test_strtod [276/352] test_struct [277/352] test_structmembers [278/352] test_structseq [279/352] test_socket [280/352] test_sunau [281/352] test_sundry [282/352] test_super [283/352] test_symtable [284/352] test_syntax [?1034h [285/352] test_sys [286/352] test_sys_setprofile [287/352] test_sys_settrace [288/352] test_sysconfig [289/352] test_syslog [290/352] test_tarfile [291/352] test_tcl [292/352] test_telnetlib [293/352] test_tempfile [294/352] test_textwrap [295/352] test_thread [296/352] test_threaded_import [297/352] test_threadedtempfile [298/352] test_threading [299/352] test_threading_local [?1034h [300/352] test_threadsignals [301/352] test_time [302/352] test_timeit [303/352] test_timeout test_timeout skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled [304/352] test_tk test_tk skipped -- Use of the `gui' resource not enabled [305/352] test_tokenize [?1034h [306/352] test_trace [307/352] test_traceback [308/352] test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_guionly skipped -- Use of the `gui' resource not enabled [309/352] test_ttk_textonly [310/352] test_tuple [311/352] test_typechecks [312/352] test_ucn [313/352] test_unary [314/352] test_unicode test test_unicode failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/test/", line 620, in test_format self.assertEqual('{0:>15s}'.format(G('data')), ' string is data') File "/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/", line 35, in __exit__ next(self.gen) File "/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/test/", line 637, in _filterwarnings raise AssertionError("unhandled warning %s" % reraise[0]) AssertionError: unhandled warning {message : PendingDeprecationWarning('object.__format__ with a non-empty format string is deprecated',), category : 'PendingDeprecationWarning', filename : '/Users/skip/src/hgpython/cpython/Lib/test/', lineno : 618, line : None} [315/352] test_unicode_file [316/352] test_unicodedata [317/352] test_univnewlines [318/352] test_unpack [?1034h [319/352] test_unpack_ex [?1034h [320/352] test_urllib [321/352] test_urllib2 [?1034h [322/352] test_urllib2_localnet [323/352] test_urllib2net test_urllib2net skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled [324/352] test_urllib_response [325/352] test_urllibnet test_urllibnet skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled [326/352] test_urlparse [327/352] test_userdict [328/352] test_userlist [329/352] test_userstring [330/352] test_uu [331/352] test_uuid [332/352] test_wait3 [333/352] test_wait4 [334/352] test_subprocess . this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ... . this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ... . this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ... . this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ... 2011-03-23 12:00:03.703 defaults[40645:10b] The domain/default pair of (, DialogType) does not exist 2011-03-23 12:00:27.126 defaults[41812:10b] The domain/default pair of (, DialogType) does not exist [335/352] test_wave [336/352] test_weakref [?1034h [337/352] test_warnings [338/352] test_weakset [339/352] test_winreg test_winreg skipped -- No module named winreg [340/352] test_winsound test_winsound skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled [341/352] test_with [342/352] test_xdrlib [343/352] test_wsgiref [344/352] test_xml_etree [?1034h [345/352] test_xml_etree_c [?1034h [346/352] test_xmlrpc_net test_xmlrpc_net skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled [347/352] test_xmlrpc [348/352] test_zipfile64 test_zipfile64 skipped -- test requires loads of disk-space bytes and a long time to run [349/352] test_zipimport [?1034h [350/352] test_zipimport_support [?1034h [351/352] test_zlib [352/352] test_zipfile 323 tests OK. 7 tests failed: test_builtin test_distutils test_imp test_peepholer test_pydoc test_unicode test_unittest 22 tests skipped: test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_jp test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_curses test_epoll test_gdb test_largefile test_ossaudiodev test_smtpnet test_socketserver test_startfile test_timeout test_tk test_ttk_guionly test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winreg test_winsound test_xmlrpc_net test_zipfile64 Those skips are all expected on darwin. cpython% exit Script done on Wed Mar 23 12:05:23 2011