=== modified file 'lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports.py' --- lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports.py 2008-06-10 04:12:51 +0000 +++ lib2to3/fixes/fix_imports.py 2008-07-01 17:48:33 +0000 @@ -10,263 +10,56 @@ # Local imports from .. import fixer_base from ..fixer_util import Name, attr_chain, any, set -import __builtin__ -builtin_names = [name for name in dir(__builtin__) - if name not in ("__name__", "__doc__")] # XXX(alexandre): It would be possible to get the modules exports by fetching # XXX: their __all__ attribute. However, I fear that this would add an additional # XXX: overhead to the fixer. -MAPPING = {"StringIO": ("io", ["StringIO"]), - "cStringIO": ("io", ["StringIO"]), - "__builtin__" : ("builtins", builtin_names), - 'copy_reg': ('copyreg', ['pickle', - 'constructor', - 'add_extension', - 'remove_extension', - 'clear_extension_cache']), - 'Queue': ('queue', ['Empty', 'Full', 'Queue', - 'PriorityQueue', 'LifoQueue']), - 'SocketServer': ('socketserver', - ['TCPServer', 'UDPServer', 'BaseServer', - 'ForkingUDPServer', 'ForkingTCPServer', - 'ThreadingUDPServer', 'ThreadingTCPServer', - 'BaseRequestHandler', 'StreamRequestHandler', - 'DatagramRequestHandler', 'ThreadingMixIn', - 'ForkingMixIn', 'UnixStreamServer', - 'UnixDatagramServer', 'ThreadingUnixStreamServer', - 'ThreadingUnixDatagramServer']), - 'ConfigParser': ('configparser', - ['NoSectionError', 'DuplicateSectionError', - 'NoOptionError', 'InterpolationError', - 'InterpolationDepthError', - 'InterpolationSyntaxError', - 'ParsingError', 'MissingSectionHeaderError', - 'ConfigParser', 'SafeConfigParser', - 'RawConfigParser', 'DEFAULTSECT', - 'MAX_INTERPOLATION_DEPTH']), - 'repr': ('reprlib', ['Repr', 'repr']), - 'FileDialog': ('tkinter.filedialog', - ['FileDialog', 'LoadFileDialog', 'SaveFileDialog']), - 'tkFileDialog': ('tkinter.filedialog', - ['Open', 'SaveAs', 'Directory', 'askopenfilename', - 'asksaveasfilename', 'askopenfilenames', - 'askopenfile', 'askopenfiles', 'asksaveasfile', - 'askdirectory']), - 'SimpleDialog': ('tkinter.simpledialog', ['SimpleDialog']), - 'tkSimpleDialog': ('tkinter.simpledialog', - ['Dialog', 'askinteger', 'askfloat', - 'askstring']), - 'tkColorChooser': ('tkinter.colorchooser', ['Chooser', 'askcolor']), - 'tkCommonDialog': ('tkinter.commondialog', ['Dialog']), - 'Dialog': ('tkinter.dialog', ['Dialog']), - 'Tkdnd': ('tkinter.dnd', ['DndHandler']), - 'tkFont': ('tkinter.font', - ['nametofont', 'Font', 'families', 'names']), - 'tkMessageBox': ('tkinter.messagebox', - ['Message', 'showinfo', 'showwarning', 'showerror', - 'askquestion', 'askokcancel', 'askyesno', - 'askyesnocancel', 'askretrycancel']), - 'ScrolledText': ('tkinter.scrolledtext', ['ScrolledText']), - 'turtle': ('tkinter.turtle', - ['RawPen', 'Pen', 'Turtle', 'degrees', 'radian', 'reset', - 'clear', 'tracer', 'forward', 'backward', 'left', - 'right', 'up', 'down', 'width', 'color', 'write', 'fill', - 'begin_fill', 'end_fill', 'circle', 'goto', 'heading', - 'setheading', 'position', 'window_width', 'setx', 'sety', - 'towards', 'done', 'delay', 'speed', 'setup', 'title']), - 'Tkconstants': ('tkinter.constants', - ['NO', 'FALSE', 'OFF', 'YES', 'TRUE', 'ON', 'N', 'S', - 'W', 'E', 'NW', 'SW', 'SE', 'NE', 'NS', 'EW', - 'NSEW', 'CENTER', 'NONE', 'X', 'Y', 'BOTH', 'LEFT', - 'TOP', 'RIGHT', 'BOTTOM', 'RAISED', 'SUNKEN', - 'FLAT', 'RIDGE', 'GROOVE', 'SOLID', 'HORIZONTAL', - 'VERTICAL', 'NUMERIC', 'CHAR', 'WORD', 'BASELINE', - 'INSIDE', 'OUTSIDE', 'SEL', 'SEL_FIRST', 'SEL_LAST', - 'END', 'INSERT', 'CURRENT', 'ANCHOR', 'ALL', - 'NORMAL', 'DISABLED', 'ACTIVE', 'HIDDEN', 'CASCADE', - 'CHECKBUTTON', 'COMMAND', 'RADIOBUTTON', - 'SEPARATOR', 'SINGLE', 'BROWSE', 'MULTIPLE', - 'EXTENDED', 'DOTBOX', 'UNDERLINE', 'PIESLICE', - 'CHORD', 'ARC', 'FIRST', 'LAST', 'BUTT', - 'PROJECTING', 'ROUND', 'BEVEL', 'MITTER', 'MOVETO', - 'SCROLL', 'UNITS', 'PAGES']), - 'Tix': ('tkinter.tix', - ['tixCommand', 'Tk', 'Form', 'TixWidget', 'TixSubWidget', - 'DisplayStyle', 'Balloon', 'ButtonBox', 'ComboBox', - 'Control', 'DirList', 'DirTree', 'DirSelectBox', - 'ExFileSelectBox', 'DirSelectDialog', 'ExFileSelectDialog', - 'FileSelectBox', 'FileSelectDialog', 'FileEntry', 'HList', - 'InputOnly', 'LabelEntry', 'LabelFrame', 'ListNoteBook', - 'Meter', 'NoteBook', 'OptionMenu', 'PanedWindow', - 'PopupMenu', 'ResizeHandle', 'ScrolledHList', - 'ScrolledListBox', 'ScrolledText', 'ScrolledTList', - 'ScrolledWindow', 'Select', 'Shell', 'DialogShell', - 'StdButtonBox', 'TList', 'Tree', 'CheckList', 'OptionName', - 'FileTypeList', 'Grid', 'ScrolledGrid']), - 'Tkinter': ('tkinter', - ['_flatten', 'TclError', 'TkVersion', 'TclVersion', - 'Variable', 'StringVar', 'IntVar', 'DoubleVar', - 'BooleanVar','mainloop', 'Tk', 'Tcl', 'Toplevel', - 'Button', 'Canvas', 'Checkbutton', 'Entry', 'Frame', - 'Label', 'Listbox', 'Menu', 'Menubutton', - 'Radiobutton', 'Scale', 'Scrollbar', 'Text', - 'OptionMenu', 'Image', 'PhotoImage', 'BitmapImage', - 'image_names', 'image_types', 'Spinbox', 'LabelFrame', - 'PanedWindow', 'Studbutton', 'Tributton']), - 'markupbase': ('_markupbase', ['ParserBase']), - '_winreg': ('winreg', [ - 'CloseKey', 'ConnectRegistry', 'CreateKey', 'DeleteKey', - 'DeleteValue', 'DisableReflectionKey', 'EnableReflectionKey', - 'EnumKey', 'EnumValue', 'ExpandEnvironmentStrings', 'FlushKey', - 'LoadKey', 'OpenKey', 'OpenKeyEx', 'QueryValue', 'QueryValueEx', - 'QueryInfoKey', 'QueryReflectionKey', 'SaveKey', 'SetValue', - 'SetValueEx', 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT', 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER', - 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'HKEY_USERS', 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA', - 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG', 'HKEY_DYN_DATA', 'KEY_QUERY_VALUE', - 'KEY_SET_VALUE', 'KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY', 'KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS', - 'KEY_NOTIFY', 'KEY_CREATE_LINK', 'KEY_READ', 'KEY_WRITE', - 'KEY_EXECUTE', 'KEY_ALL_ACCESS', 'KEY_WOW64_64KEY', - 'KEY_WOW64_32KEY', 'REG_OPTION_RESERVED', - 'REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE', 'REG_OPTION_VOLATILE', - 'REG_OPTION_CREATE_LINK', 'REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE', - 'REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK', 'REG_LEGAL_OPTION', - 'REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY', 'REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY', - 'REG_WHOLE_HIVE_VOLATILE', 'REG_REFRESH_HIVE', - 'REG_NO_LAZY_FLUSH', 'REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME', - 'REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES', 'REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET', - 'REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY', 'REG_LEGAL_CHANGE_FILTER', - 'REG_NONE', 'REG_SZ', 'REG_EXPAND_SZ', 'REG_BINARY', 'REG_DWORD', - 'REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN', 'REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN', 'REG_LINK', - 'REG_MULTI_SZ', 'REG_RESOURCE_LIST', - 'REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR', 'REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST']), - 'thread': ('_thread', - ['LockType', '_local', 'allocate', 'allocate_lock', - 'error', 'exit', 'exit_thread', 'get_ident', - 'interrupt_main', 'stack_size', 'start_new', - 'start_new_thread']), - 'dummy_thread': ('_dummy_thread', - ['LockType', '_local', 'allocate', 'allocate_lock', - 'error', 'exit', 'exit_thread', 'get_ident', - 'interrupt_main', 'stack_size', 'start_new', - 'start_new_thread']), - 'whichdb': ('dbm', ['whichdb']), - 'anydbm': ('dbm', ['error', 'open']), - 'dbhash': ('dbm.bsd', ['error', 'open']), - 'dumbdbm': ('dbm.dumb', ['error', 'open', '_Database']), - 'dbm': ('dbm.ndbm', ['error', 'open', 'library']), - 'gdbm': ('dbm.gnu', ['error', 'open', 'open_flags']), - 'xmlrpclib': ('xmlrpc.client', - ['Error', 'ProtocolError', 'ResponseError', 'Fault', - 'ServerProxy', 'Boolean', 'DateTime', 'Binary', - 'ExpatParser', 'FastMarshaller', 'FastParser', - 'FastUnmarshaller', 'MultiCall', 'MultiCallIterator', - 'SlowParser', 'Marshaller', 'Unmarshaller', 'Server', - 'Transport', 'SafeTransport', 'SgmlopParser', - 'boolean', 'getparser', 'dumps', 'loads', 'escape', - 'PARSE_ERROR', 'SERVER_ERROR', 'WRAPPERS', - 'APPLICATION_ERROR', 'SYSTEM_ERROR', - 'TRANSPORT_ERROR', 'NOT_WELLFORMED_ERROR', - 'UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING', 'INVALID_ENCODING_CHAR', - 'INVALID_XMLRPC', 'METHOD_NOT_FOUND', - 'INVALID_METHOD_PARAMS', 'INTERNAL_ERROR', - 'MININT', 'MAXINT']), - 'DocXMLRPCServer': ('xmlrpc.server', - ['CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler', - 'DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler', - 'DocXMLRPCRequestHandler', 'DocXMLRPCServer', - 'ServerHTMLDoc', 'SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler', - 'SimpleXMLRPCServer', 'XMLRPCDocGenerator', - 'resolve_dotted_attribute']), - 'SimpleXMLRPCServer': ('xmlrpc.server', - ['CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler', - 'Fault', 'SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher', - 'SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler', - 'SimpleXMLRPCServer', 'SocketServer', - 'list_public_methods', - 'remove_duplicates', - 'resolve_dotted_attribute']), - 'httplib': ('http.client', - ['ACCEPTED', 'BAD_GATEWAY', 'BAD_REQUEST', - 'BadStatusLine', 'CONFLICT', 'CONTINUE', 'CREATED', - 'CannotSendHeader', 'CannotSendRequest', - 'EXPECTATION_FAILED', 'FAILED_DEPENDENCY', 'FORBIDDEN', - 'FOUND', 'FakeSocket', 'GATEWAY_TIMEOUT', 'GONE', - 'HTTP', 'HTTPConnection', 'HTTPException', - 'HTTPMessage', 'HTTPResponse', 'HTTPS', - 'HTTPSConnection', 'HTTPS_PORT', 'HTTP_PORT', - 'HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED', 'IM_USED', - 'INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE', 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', - 'ImproperConnectionState', 'IncompleteRead', - 'InvalidURL', 'LENGTH_REQUIRED', 'LOCKED', - 'LineAndFileWrapper', 'MAXAMOUNT', 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED', - 'MOVED_PERMANENTLY', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICES', 'MULTI_STATUS', - 'NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION', 'NOT_ACCEPTABLE', - 'NOT_EXTENDED', 'NOT_FOUND', 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', - 'NOT_MODIFIED', 'NO_CONTENT', 'NotConnected', 'OK', - 'PARTIAL_CONTENT', 'PAYMENT_REQUIRED', - 'PRECONDITION_FAILED', 'PROCESSING', - 'PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED', - 'REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE', - 'REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE', 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT', - 'REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG', 'RESET_CONTENT', - 'ResponseNotReady', 'SEE_OTHER', 'SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE', - 'SSLFile', 'SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS', 'SharedSocket', - 'SharedSocketClient', 'StringIO', 'TEMPORARY_REDIRECT', - 'UNAUTHORIZED', 'UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY', - 'UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE', 'UPGRADE_REQUIRED', - 'USE_PROXY', 'UnimplementedFileMode', 'UnknownProtocol', - 'UnknownTransferEncoding', 'error', 'responses']), - 'Cookie': ('http.cookies', - ['BaseCookie', 'Cookie', 'CookieError', 'Morsel', - 'SerialCookie', 'SimpleCookie', 'SmartCookie']), - 'cookielib': ('http.cookiejar', - ['Absent', 'Cookie', 'CookieJar', 'CookiePolicy', - 'DAYS', 'DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT', 'DefaultCookiePolicy', - 'EPOCH_YEAR', 'ESCAPED_CHAR_RE', 'FileCookieJar', - 'HEADER_ESCAPE_RE', 'HEADER_JOIN_ESCAPE_RE', - 'HEADER_QUOTED_VALUE_RE', 'HEADER_TOKEN_RE', - 'HEADER_VALUE_RE', 'HTTP_PATH_SAFE', 'IPV4_RE', - 'ISO_DATE_RE', 'LOOSE_HTTP_DATE_RE', 'LWPCookieJar', - 'LoadError', 'MISSING_FILENAME_TEXT', 'MONTHS', - 'MONTHS_LOWER', 'MozillaCookieJar', 'STRICT_DATE_RE', - 'TIMEZONE_RE', 'UTC_ZONES', 'WEEKDAY_RE', - 'cut_port_re', 'deepvalues', 'domain_match', - 'eff_request_host', 'escape_path', 'http2time', - 'is_HDN', 'is_third_party', 'iso2time', - 'join_header_words', 'liberal_is_HDN', 'logger', - 'lwp_cookie_str', 'month', 'offset_from_tz_string', - 'parse_ns_headers', 'reach', 'request_host', - 'request_path', 'request_port', 'split_header_words', - 'time', 'time2isoz', 'time2netscape', 'unmatched', - 'uppercase_escaped_char', 'urllib', - 'user_domain_match', 'vals_sorted_by_key']), - 'BaseHTTPServer': ('http.server', - ['BaseHTTPRequestHandler', - 'DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'HTTPServer']), - 'SimpleHTTPServer': ('http.server', ['SimpleHTTPRequestHandler']), - 'CGIHTTPServer': ('http.server', - ['CGIHTTPRequestHandler', 'executable', - 'nobody_uid', 'nobody']), - 'test.test_support': ('test.support', - ["Error", "TestFailed", "TestSkipped", "ResourceDenied", - "import_module", "verbose", "use_resources", - "max_memuse", "record_original_stdout", - "get_original_stdout", "unload", "unlink", "rmtree", - "forget", "is_resource_enabled", "requires", - "find_unused_port", "bind_port", - "fcmp", "is_jython", "TESTFN", "HOST", - "FUZZ", "findfile", "verify", "vereq", "sortdict", - "check_syntax_error", "open_urlresource", "WarningMessage", - "catch_warning", "CleanImport", "EnvironmentVarGuard", - "TransientResource", "captured_output", "captured_stdout", - "TransientResource", "transient_internet", "run_with_locale", - "set_memlimit", "bigmemtest", "bigaddrspacetest", - "BasicTestRunner", "run_unittest", "run_doctest", - "threading_setup", "threading_cleanup", "reap_children"]), - 'commands': ('subprocess', ['getstatusoutput', 'getoutput']), - 'UserString' : ('collections', ['UserString']), - 'UserList' : ('collections', ['UserList']), +MAPPING = {"StringIO": "io", + "cStringIO": "io", + "__builtin__" : "builtins", + 'copy_reg': 'copyreg', + 'Queue': 'queue', + 'SocketServer': 'socketserver', + 'ConfigParser': 'configparser', + 'repr': 'reprlib', + 'FileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog', + 'tkFileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog', + 'SimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog', + 'tkSimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog', + 'tkColorChooser': 'tkinter.colorchooser', + 'tkCommonDialog': 'tkinter.commondialog', + 'Dialog': 'tkinter.dialog', + 'Tkdnd': 'tkinter.dnd', + 'tkFont': 'tkinter.font', + 'tkMessageBox': 'tkinter.messagebox', + 'ScrolledText': 'tkinter.scrolledtext', + 'turtle': 'tkinter.turtle', + 'Tkconstants': 'tkinter.constants', + 'Tix': 'tkinter.tix', + 'Tkinter': 'tkinter', + 'markupbase': '_markupbase', + '_winreg': 'winreg', + 'thread': '_thread', + 'dummy_thread': '_dummy_thread', + 'whichdb': 'dbm', + 'anydbm': 'dbm', + 'dbhash': 'dbm.bsd', + 'dumbdbm': 'dbm.dumb', + 'dbm': 'dbm.ndbm', + 'gdbm': 'dbm.gnu', + 'xmlrpclib': 'xmlrpc.client', + 'DocXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server', + 'SimpleXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server', + 'httplib': 'http.client', + 'Cookie': 'http.cookies', + 'cookielib': 'http.cookiejar', + 'BaseHTTPServer': 'http.server', + 'SimpleHTTPServer': 'http.server', + 'CGIHTTPServer': 'http.server', + 'test.test_support': 'test.support', + 'commands': 'subprocess', + 'UserString' : 'collections', + 'UserList' : 'collections', } @@ -276,30 +69,27 @@ def build_pattern(): bare = set() - for old_module, (new_module, members) in MAPPING.items(): + for old_module, new_module in MAPPING.items(): bare.add(old_module) - bare.update(members) - members = alternates(members) yield """import_name< 'import' (module=%r | dotted_as_names< any* module=%r any* >) > """ % (old_module, old_module) yield """import_from< 'from' module_name=%r 'import' - ( %s | import_as_name< %s 'as' any > | - import_as_names< any* >) > - """ % (old_module, members, members) + ( import_as_name< any 'as' any > | + import_as_names< any* >) > + """ % old_module yield """import_from< 'from' module_name=%r 'import' star='*' > """ % old_module yield """import_name< 'import' dotted_as_name< module_name=%r 'as' any > > """ % old_module - yield """power< module_name=%r trailer< '.' %s > any* > - """ % (old_module, members) + yield """power< module_name=%r + trailer<'.' import_as_names< any > > any* > + """ % old_module yield """bare_name=%s""" % alternates(bare) - class FixImports(fixer_base.BaseFix): PATTERN = "|".join(build_pattern()) - order = "pre" # Pre-order tree traversal # Don't match the node if it's within another match @@ -323,7 +113,7 @@ star = results.get("star") if import_mod or mod_name: - new_name, members = MAPPING[(import_mod or mod_name).value] + new_name = MAPPING[(import_mod or mod_name).value] if import_mod: self.replace[import_mod.value] = new_name === modified file 'lib2to3/pytree.py' --- lib2to3/pytree.py 2008-06-10 04:12:51 +0000 +++ lib2to3/pytree.py 2008-06-27 20:53:18 +0000 @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ def get_lineno(self): """Returns the line number which generated the invocant node.""" node = self - while not isinstance(node, Leaf): + while not type(node) is Leaf: if not node.children: return node = node.children[0] @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ def match(self, node, results=None): """Override match() to insist on a leaf node.""" - if not isinstance(node, Leaf): + if not type(node) is Leaf: return False return BasePattern.match(self, node, results) @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ wildcards = False - def __init__(self, type=None, content=None, name=None): + def __init__(self, new_type=None, content=None, name=None): """Initializer. Takes optional type, content, and name. The type, if given, must be a symbol type (>= 256). If the @@ -513,16 +513,16 @@ If a name is given, the matching node is stored in the results dict under that key. """ - if type is not None: - assert type >= 256, type + if new_type is not None: + assert new_type >= 256, new_type if content is not None: assert not isinstance(content, basestring), repr(content) content = list(content) for i, item in enumerate(content): assert isinstance(item, BasePattern), (i, item) - if isinstance(item, WildcardPattern): + if type(item) is WildcardPattern: self.wildcards = True - self.type = type + self.type = new_type self.content = content self.name = name @@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ return NodePattern(name=self.name) if subpattern is not None and self.name == subpattern.name: return subpattern.optimize() - if (self.min <= 1 and isinstance(subpattern, WildcardPattern) and + if (self.min <= 1 and type(subpattern) is WildcardPattern and subpattern.min <= 1 and self.name == subpattern.name): return WildcardPattern(subpattern.content, self.min*subpattern.min, @@ -652,11 +652,30 @@ if self.name: r[self.name] = nodes[:count] yield count, r + elif self.name == "bare_name": + yield self._bare_name_matches(nodes) else: for count, r in self._recursive_matches(nodes, 0): if self.name: r[self.name] = nodes[:count] yield count, r + + def _bare_name_matches(self, nodes): + """Special optimized matcher for bare_name.""" + count = 0 + r = {} + + done = False + max = len(nodes) + while not done and count < max: + done = True + for leaf in self.content: + if leaf[0].match(nodes[count], r): + count += 1 + done = False + break + r[self.name] = nodes[:count] + return count, r def _recursive_matches(self, nodes, count): """Helper to recursively yield the matches.""" === modified file 'lib2to3/tests/test_pytree.py' --- lib2to3/tests/test_pytree.py 2008-06-10 04:12:51 +0000 +++ lib2to3/tests/test_pytree.py 2008-06-27 17:29:16 +0000 @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ min=1, max=4, name="pw") self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in pw.generate_matches(leaves)], [3, 5, 2, 4, 6]) - pr = pytree.NodePattern(type=1000, content=[pw], name="pr") + pr = pytree.NodePattern(new_type=1000, content=[pw], name="pr") matches = list(pytree.generate_matches([pr], [root])) self.assertEqual(len(matches), 1) c, r = matches[0]